African countries took a leadership role, with the presidents of Senegal (Senghor), Tunisia (Habib Bourguiba), and Niger (Hamani Diori) drafting the ACCT charter. 2 postes sont pourvoir au sige de l'Organisation Paris : - Attach(e) des affaires juridiques (niveau P2-1/P2); Date limite de candidature : 13 mai 2022 - Spcialiste de Programme renforcement des capacits numriques - Chef(fe) du projet D-CLIC de formation Date limite de candidature : 16 mai . 1. linguistique The International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF) represents 80 member states and governments which use the French language on a daily basis or want to strengthen its presence and which have committed to cooperate with the aim of promoting democracy and humanist values across the globe. The president is the French international civil servant Dominique Hoppe. Prime Minister Chrtien and President Chirac felt compelled to declare at the close of the summit that a human rights observatory would be established to tackle the problem. flag of the francophonie the organisation internationale de la francophonie (oif), generally known as the francophonie (la francophonie), but also called international organisation of la francophonie in english language context, is an international organization representing countries and regions where french is a lingua franca or customary Heads of State and Government decided to focus the operating agencies' activities on the five major cooperation programs of La Francophonie: 1) freedom, democracy and development; 2) culture and communications; 3) knowledge and progress; 4) economics and development; and 5) La Francophonie in the world. In 2018, Louisiana became the first US state to join, as an observer. The countries have a large number of people who are francophones , or where there is a notable affiliation with the French language or culture. The IOF has signed cooperation agreements with a number of international and regional organisations (for example, the UN, the European Union, the African Union). For the geography of francophones, see. Deuxime (IIe) Sommet francophone Qubec (2-4 septembre) 1989. Update now. This is a list of the member states of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. The Summit addressed crisis and consolidation of peace in the Francophone world including questions of security and responding to Daesh [ISIS] and its affiliates in Africa, the promotion of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, the prevention of extremism, and the vocational and technical training, energy, the promotion of linguistic diversity, the situation of children, local development, environment, dialogue between cultures as a factor of sustainable development, road safety and the blue economy. (5) TheParliamentary Assembly of the Francophonieplays advisory role acting in the interests of French-speaking communities to promote democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. Human rights and fundamental freedoms, despite having been declared "categorical imperatives" by Secretary General Boutros-Ghali in 1998, are routinely abused by many members states of the OIF. Bulgaria celebrated the 20th anniversary of its accession to the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in the capital city Sofia. "Prsentation de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie" has been shared to the blog from the French reading practice section of the learning library where . Established in 2008 in The Hague, the Assemble des francophones fonctionnaires des organisations internationales (AFFOI) gathers international civil servants from all international organisations of the worldsuch as United Nations, the European Commission of the African Unionand coming from the member countries of the Francophonie. It is chaired by the Head of state and government of the host country, and this person assumes that responsibility until the next Summit. The Ambassadors of Latvia and IOF countries also cooperate in other international organisations, especially in terms of consulting on issues of special interest for a country. . The endless enlargement of the Organisation accelerated following the arrival at the head of the OIF of former UN Secretary General Boutros-Ghali who declared early in his term in 1998 that French being in his opinion the language of solidarity, tolerance, respect for the individual, cultural diversity, universality and openness, the OIF needed to open itself to non francophones. The Summit, the highest authority in the Francophonie, is held every two years and gathers the Heads of states and governments of all member countries of the International Organisation of the Francophonie around themes of discussion. Forty-one countries and governments were represented. It also provides an important mobility program for the students, the researchers and the professors. Francophonie is an international organization of politics and governments with French as the main language. Established areas of cooperation and the strengthening of solidarity among the countries and governments that participated in the Paris Summit. History: On 20 March 1970, the IOF was established in Niger as an intergovernmental organisation of French-speaking nations called the Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation. The Permanent Council of the Francophonie gathers the Ambassadors of the member countries, chaired by the General Secretary of the Francophonie and under the authority of the Ministerial Conference, its main task is to plan Summits. Updates? Further information about the International Organisation of La This conference ensures that the decisions made during the previous Summits are carried out and to plan the next Summit. Conversation will explore thework offour female philosophers from France, Qubec, and Belgiumand examinethe place of women in thispredominantly male field. Theme of the summit was Dialogue of Cultures. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. L' Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) recrute ! Montreux Declaration on the vision and future of the Francophonie was agreed calling for the organization to take a role in global governance and to support sustainable development, food security and biodiversity and. At the national level, there is the problem of promoting the French language within the context of its co-existence with other partner or international languages in most member countries, especially in Africa. Madagascar's membership was suspended in April 2009 due to an unconstitutional transfer of power on 17 March 2009. It affirmed the role of the French language as a modern tool for progress and intercultural dialogue and sought to convey Francophone solidarity through concrete programs with broad appeal. We look forward to hearing from you. OIF organises political activities and actions of multilateral cooperation that benefit French-speaking populations. The IOF has its permanent representations in international organisations such as the UN in New York and Geneva, the European Union and the African Union. Held as part of the 400th anniversary celebration of the founding of the city of Qubec. The International Organization of the Francophonie relies on five operating agencies to carry out its mandate: lAgence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF); TV5Monde; lAssociation Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF); l'Association des Fonctionnaires Francophones des Organisations Internationales (AFFOI); and lUniversit Senghor dAlexandrie. Two secondary themes, the economy and new technologies, were also discussed. Table-ronde sur la gouvernance internationale du numrique, Horizon 2020 : stratgie de la francophonie numrique agir pour la diversit dans la socit de l information. This organization is often shortened to Francophonie and was founded in 1970 in Niamey, Niger. Following the 3 November 2000 Dclaration de Bamako, the Francophonie has given itself the financial means to attain a number of set objectives in that regard. The International Association of French-speaking Mayors was created in Quebec City in 1979 on the initiative of Jean Pelletier and Jacques Chirac, then the respective mayors of Quebec City and Paris. Choose whether you would like to receive our weekly and/or monthly newsletters. Look through examples of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Summit theme was Women and Youth in La Francophonie: Agents for Peace and Development. These countries belong to an international organisation representing countries and regions where French is the first ("mother") or customary language, where a significant proportion of the population are francophones (French speakers) or where there . Starting as a small group of French-speaking countries, the Francophonie has since evolved into a global organization whose numerous branches cooperate with its member states in the fields of culture, science, economy, justice, and peace. Except where otherwise noted, the content on this website is licensed by, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Subscribe to the Digital Watch newsletters. the organisation internationale de la francophonie ( oif; sometimes shortened to the francophonie, french: la francophonie [la fkfni], [3] [note 1] but also called international organisation of la francophonie in english-language context [4]) is an international organization representing countries and regions where french is a lingua franca CULTURAL SERVICES OF THE FRENCH EMBASSY IN THE UNITED STATES, Introducing the 2021 Albertine Prize Winner. Speech by Foreign Minister at the Foreign Policy Debate in the Latvian Parliament (Saeima). The deplorable track record of many OIF member states regarding human rights came to the fore during the 1999 Francophonie Summit in Moncton (Canada) when Canadian dailies loudly denounced the Organisation's silence regarding widespread human rights abuses by member states ruled by 'tyrants'. The report provides summary information on the authority's objectives and performance, on the use of funding and priorities for the following year. The Secretary General of the Francophonie is elected during the Summit, and serves as the spokesperson and the official representative internationally of the political actions of the Francophonie. By enabling the Heads of state and government to hold a dialogue on all of the international issues of the day, the Summit serves to develop strategies and goals of the Francophonie so as to ensure the organisation's influence on the world scene. The celebration was organized by the French Embassy . Offres d'emploi . The association pursues its actions in the domains of health, culture, youth and education, urban development, training, and municipal infrastructures. Lopold Sdar Senghor of Senegal. To submit updates about your organisation, or to join our team of curators, or to enquire about partnerships, write to us at The objectives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF) are to represent to the French-speaking authorities, the interests of the French-speaking communities, to promote the democracy, the rule of law and the respect of human rights. The area of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie is 28,223,184 square kilometers. La Francophonie's priority areas were confirmed as agriculture, energy, scientific and technological development, language, communication and culture. . The world financial and food crises were discussed and environmental talks were held. The conference was an effort to establish ongoing consultations on major issues of the day. Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), English International Organization of La Francophonie, also called La Francophonie, international organization founded in 1970 as the Agence de Coopration Culturelle et Technique (ACCT; Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation), representing French-speaking countries. Thus, of the seven countries of Sub-Saharan Africa whose economic growth forecasts for 2019 were greater than or equal to 6% . The International Organization of the Francophonie aims at connecting the various peoples using French as a common language through their knowledge. With the aim of reinforcing cooperation, during the31stMinisterialConference of LaFrancophonieinYerevanon 10 October 2015, the IOF and 11 countries including Latvia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the National Francophone Initiative for 2015-2018 within the framework of the French in International Relations Programme. View original page. From 2008 to the end of 2014, the training was financed by the IOF, France, the French-speaking community of Belgium, and Luxembourg within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation for the implementation of the long-term programme of teaching the French language to the public administration of Latvia. La Francophonie was established on March 20, 1970, at the Niamey Conference in Niger, with the creation of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT), which became the International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF) in 2005. Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) The International Organisation of La Francophonie represents one of the biggest linguistic zones in the world. Their job is to facilitate Francophone multilateral cooperation and to ensure that programs and activities of all operating agencies work in harmony. It also recommends new members and observers to the Summit. However, its mission grew broader with time. In celebration of International Francophonie Day, the UN Chamber Music Society will presenta virtualconcert in partnership with thePermanent Mission of France to the United Nations and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). The Agency's headquarters are in Paris and it has three regional branches in Libreville, Gabon; Lom, Togo; and Hanoi, Vietnam. In Moncton, the Heads of State and Government also decided to hold three sectoral conferences in preparation for the following summit: 1) a symposium assessing democratic practices, rights and freedoms in the French-speaking world, to be held in Bamako, Mali; 2) a ministerial conference on culture, in Cotonou, Benin; and 3) the first Women of La Francophonie conference, in Luxembourg. Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest relationships using. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 800 353 pixels. At its origin the OIF was open solely to those countries where French was either the official language or the main minority language. It is also the legal seat of the Secretary General and is used by him as an administrative support. 2023 fully funded masters scholarships for developing countries 2023-2024, bourse d'tude 2023-2024 belgique, fully funded short training opportunities 2023, . The ten-year plan: Every ten years, the Francophone countries agree on priority areas for their mutual cooperation. In addition, they resolved to cooperate with the international community in protecting human rights. Can you name the 51 countries that are members of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie? The convention which created the Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation (Agence de Coopration Culturelle et Technique) was signed on 20 March 1970 by the representatives of the 21 states and governments under the influence of African Heads of State, Lopold Sdar Senghor of Senegal, Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia, Hamani Diori of Niger and Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia. The network of francophone universities has 812members in 104 countries, 60 of which are the OIF members. The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie represents one of the biggest linguistic zones in the world. Organisation internationale de la Francophonie Organisation internationale de la Francophonie . The organization comprises 88 member states and governments; of these, 54 states and governments are full members, 7 are associate members and 27 are observers. Jacques Legendre, the French senate's rapporteur on the Francophonie, expressed his concern that the OIF was becoming "a second-rate duplicate of the General Assembly of the UN". The Francophonie devotes particular attention to young people and women, as well as accessibility of information and communication technologies. It used to be called the Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) or the International Organization of the . Furthermore, it follows the execution by the operators of the Francophonie of action plans elaborated by the Conference of the members using French as a common language It also favours the cooperation and strengthens the solidarity within the French-speaking communities, mainly towards the parliaments of the South. An open letter signed by four former French ministers for international cooperation condemned this move, on one hand because it was taken unilaterally by the French president without consultation with the other member states of the organisation, and on the other because it disregarded President Kagames lamentable track record on human rights. The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) or International Organisation of La Francophonie is an international organization that represents countries and regions where French is the spoken language, where a significant proportion of the population are French speakers, or where there is a widespread presence of the French culture. Established in 1961 in Montreal, the Association of Francophone Universities gathers institutions of higher education and research among the Francophone countries of Africa, the Arab world, Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean. The Francophonie is also an institution, dedicated since 1970 to promoting the French language and political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation among the 88 member countries of the Organisation internationale of la Francophonie (OIF) [International Organisation of La Francophonie]. Description of the authority and information on its regulatory enactments. This programme set up by the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie in 2006 is to allow young French-speaking people to put their skills at the service of a project. Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), English International Organization of La Francophonie, also called La Francophonie, international organization founded in 1970 as the Agence de Coopration Culturelle et Technique (ACCT; Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation), representing French-speaking countries. Organisation internationale de la Francophonie 19-21 avenue Bosquet 75007 Paris (France)Tlphone (33) 1 44 37 33 00Tlcopie (33) 1 45 79 14 98 Coordonnes compltes de la Francophonie Contactez-nous Accueil L'OIF La Secrtaire gnrale Actions Actualits Ressources Presse Agenda Mdiathque Contact Plan du site FAQ Mentions lgales The term francophonie (with a lowercase "f"), or francosphere (often capitalized in English), also refers to the global community of French-speaking peoples, comprising a network of private and public organizations promoting equal ties among countries where French people or France played a significant historical role, culturally, militarily, or politically. The Secretary General is responsible for proposing priority areas for multilateral Francophonie actions. On television and online the audience of TV5Monde has grown rapidly. Yourfeedbackwillhelpusimprovethissite. Together, the members of the IOF represent over one-third of the United Nations member states with a population of over 890 million people, including 220 million French speakers. The OIF maintains permanent representation at the African Union, the European Union, the United Nations Economic Commission in Africa, and the United Nations itself. A ministerial conference on conflict prevention and human security was held concurrently in St. Boniface, Manitoba and adopted the very first ten-year strategic framework for La Francophonie, which henceforth defines its four main missions: 1) promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity; 2) promoting peace, democracy and human rights; 3) supporting education, training, higher education and research; and 4) developing cooperation to ensure sustainable development and solidarity. The Embassy of France in, The French Institute in Latvia LInstitut franais de Lettonie(language studies, information on scholarships and study opportunities in France):, Jules Verne Riga French School Ecole Franaise Jules Verne de Riga(included in the network of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE)):, Non-resident Embassy of Belgium to Latvia (in Stockholm):, The Delegation of Wallonie-Bruxelles to Poland and the Baltic States (based in Warsaw):, Economic and Commercial Representation of Wallonia and the French-speaking community of Brussels in the Baltic States AWEX:, The Embassy of Switzerland in Latvia:, The Embassy of Canada in Latvia: The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie comprises 88 member states and governments. Moreover, it is headquareted in Paris, France and its subsidiary is Institut de la Francophonie for sustainable development.

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