Barring Ararat and duduk, few Armenian cultural elements have been able to break into global vernacular. Nikol Pashinyan, who serves as the CSTO chairman, confirmed that the alliance will send peacekeepers to Kazakhstan for a limited period given the threat to national security and the sovereignty of Kazakhstan, due to the 2022 Kazakh protests. "Varias acampadas reavivan las movilizaciones de indignados en Galicia", 17 May 2011. Most of the Armenian Highlands is in present-day eastern Anatolia, and also includes northwestern Iran, all of Armenia, southern Georgia, and western Azerbaijan. [19]), In January 2016, Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan mentioned that Russia had discussed the possibility of supplying Su-30 fighters to Armenia during a four-day Russian-Armenian intergovernmental commission on bilateral military-technical cooperation. Revolutionary Activities among the Armenians of Russia, 1868-1890 7. [141] When Visiting the Israeli President the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem on May 9, 2016, Reuven Rivlin concluded his speech by saying that "the Armenians were massacred in 1915. As the attempt to enter the square failed, the protesters decided to start a new march from Atocha two hours later. [15] Though it was partially formed out of the former Soviet Army forces stationed in the Armenian SSR (mostly units of the 7th Guards Army of the Transcaucasian Military District), the military of Armenia can be traced back to the founding of the First Republic of Armenia in 1918. Benthall, Jonathan (ed. The agreement envisages the two countries' interaction in exporting military production to third countries, which will help to strengthen the armed forces of the two states, and further cement the already close RussianArmenian military cooperation. In 1991, by the decision of the government, the State Committee of Defense under the Council of Ministers, which facilitated the task of coordinating the defense operations of Armenia, becoming the basis on which the Ministry of Defense was to be established later on. [26] In February a wide-sweeping internet copyright infringement policy known as the Sinde law passed, adding another motivation for the protests. The march from Atocha grew larger as people began passing through Cibeles and up the Gran Va heading toward Puerta del Sol, where officers and police vans prevented the demonstrators from marching up San Jernimo street. [86][88] The majority of those injured suffered bruises and open wounds caused by police officers' truncheons; one protester left with a broken arm. "[48][49][50] It is claimed that the graffiti was done by organizing members of a rally entitled "Demonstrations Condemning the Khojali Genocide and Armenian Terror". The protesters created The Book of the People to collect these experiences and redacted it into an official document to be deposited in the Congress of Deputies' register. "Postcard from Armenia". The bulk of Armenia's aviation-related investment, however, went to greatly strengthening the Armenian Air Defense organization. [133], In late May, a physical altercation between protestors and the police, involving more than 8,000 coal miners, involved demonstrations on a march to the federal capital, Madrid. The Ottoman Turks didn't take control of the highland region until 1514, several decades after Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were given millet status. But, it's the Armenian way.'" Kuty was the largest concentration of Armenians in Poland. Lithuania has been sharing experience and providing consultations to the Armenian Defense Ministry in the field of democratic control of armed forces, military and defense concepts and public relations since 2002. In March 1993, Armenia signed the multilateral Chemical Weapons Convention, which calls for the eventual elimination of chemical weapons. Armenia acceded to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear weapons state in July 1993. The Army is functionally divided into Active and Reserve Forces. In case of low- and medium-intensity military conflict the Active Forces that are part of the Army participate in carrying out the initial tasks for the defense of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country. [55], During the official state funeral of Turkish serviceman Olgun Karakoyunlu, a man exclaimed: "The PKK are all Armenians, but are hiding. The point in favor of Schwartzbard and Tehlirian was that each was a member of an ethnic group that did not possess its own state and legal system, that there was no tribunal in the world to which either group could have brought its victims. [147] Internet activity alone can result in up to five years behind bars. [18] During the trial, Tehlirian's dream was described as follows:[19][20]. [27][28][29] On the other hand, a similar memorial stays in place at the village of Selimiye, where an aircraft had crashed; and the people in the village of 187 expressed their protest about the vandalism claims regarding the memorial in Yalova, adding that they paid from their own funds to keep up the maintenance of the monument in their village against the wearing effect of natural causes. But I am not a murderer. [150] The law also contains a provision validating and formalizing the process of expulsion for Moroccans who jump the border fence into Spain's African outposts of Ceuta and Melilla, which according to the International Federation for Human Rights "restrict[s] the right to seek asylum and violate[s] the principle of non-refoulement and the prohibition of collective expulsions" as well as "[exposing] migrants to a serious risk of torture and ill-treatment by denying them the possibility of filing a claim against law enforcement personnel in case of abuse".[144]. This is the moment when the defendant thought, "I have to do something. Another 450,000 people participated in Barcelona. The Armenian Air Force (Armenian: , romanized:Hayastani Razmaodayin Uzher) is the air arm of the Armed Forces of Armenia formed by independent Armenia in 1992 in the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Social Democratic Party of Georgia (Georgian Mensheviks) attacked the bourgeoisie and imperialism to liberate Georgia from both Russian imperialism and perceived Armenian economic exploitation. Nationally Televised "Comedy Central" Joke about Trump Bombs, Smearing All Armenians", "Action Alert: Stand Up to Trevor Noah and the Daily Show", Armenian school in SF vandalized with threats, hate speech as conflicts with Azerbaijan intensify, Megan Cassidy and Brett Simpson, San Francisco Chronicle, July 25, 2020, SF Armenian school, community center vandalized with hateful graffiti, By Eric Ting, SFGATE, 25.07.2020, Attack on KZV School, Armenian Center to be Investigated as Hate Crime, "St. Peter Armenian Church in San Fernando Valley vandalized", "Armenian clergy subjected to Haredi spitting attacks", "Report: 60 Armenian-Church Students Attempted Lynching of 2 Jews on Eve of Shavuot", "Quote by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres", "The Jews Who Befriended Turkey and Became Genocide Deniers", "Israeli Knesset Committee Recognizes Armenian Genocide", "Why Israel won't follow Biden's lead and recognize Armenian genocide", "In Israel, Azeris attacked peaceful Armenian protesters with batons and stones", "How pro-Israel Jews Became Azerbaijan's Secret Weapon in Washington", "Pakistani President: "Islamabad will support Azerbaijan in Nagorno Karabakh issue", "sa Yusuf Alptekin ve Trkiye'nin Siyasal Hayatna Etkileri", "Anti-Armenian Polemics in a Slavic Canon Law Miscellany (Ms. Slav. [136] In a 2013 interview Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem Nourhan Manougian stated that Armenians in Israel are treated as "third-class citizens". [27][28][29] Since a significant part of the officers of the Armed Forces were fighters of the self-defense volunteer detachments, a center for raising the qualification of officers was established for their qualification and training, which during its activity it provided about 1,500 officer-graduates. On 31 January 2015, the protestors joined, in central Madrid, the Podemos political party, then an insurgent force within the movement. The first event was called under the motto "we are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers" and was focused on opposition to what the demonstrators called "antisocial means in the hands of bankers. These gatherings have been fundamental in shaping the narrative of Spanish politics both in the media and in policy over the last few years. My parents remember thousands of Armenian migrants finding asylum at the Armenian Church. [118] After a five-month investigation the Chancellor's office issued an apology, though no hate charges were filed as incident did not create a "hostile environment". The attempted Tanzimat reforms to modernize the empire were not enough to catch up to western development. [52] The camp can be considered a form of prefigurative politics and can be understood as a small symbolic city within the city. In 2000, the Centre for International Studies and Research reported that at that time the Armenian Army had the strongest combat capability of the three South Caucasus countries' armies (the other two being Georgia and Azerbaijan). First starting on 15 May 2011, many of the subsequent demonstrations Today, the region is divided between Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Although the Russians have supplied newer equipment to Armenia over the years, the numbers have never been sufficient to upgrade all ground force formations and many of the lower readiness units still have older, Soviet-legacy systems that have not been upgraded or in many cases effectively maintained. [77], In June 2013 it was revealed that Russia has deployed in Armenia several Iskander-M ballistic missiles systems, which are stationed at undisclosed locations in the country.[78]. To its southeast is the Iranian plateau, where the elevation drops rapidly by about 600 metres (2,000ft) to 1,500 metres (5,000ft) above sea level. Join Facing History for an interactive virtual workshop to engage in discussions about Red Summer in Chicago [3][5], He was in Valjevo, Serbia, in June 1914. In 2005, the facility also operated a single Yak-18 aerobatic trainer for drop training of paratroopers. [80] Early analysis of the local and regional elections, won by the People's Party, suggested the protest movement could have contributed to losses for the ruling PSOE,[81] and to increased numbers of spoilt or blank votes, which reached record levels. The S-300 was paraded for the first time in the 2011 Parade and the only S-300 missile system (SA10 Grumble) which likes mobility. His mother answered, "You saw Talaat and you did not avenge your mother's, father's, brothers', and sisters' murders? [125], During the Plaza Mayor assembly, protesters decided to hold another assembly at Jacinto Benavente on the next day at 6 p.m. in order to attempt entering the square again. [94], Representatives from 53 assemblies around Spain gathered in a mass assembly in Puerta del Sol. False rumors spread that allegedly up to 5,000 Armenians were being resettled in new housing in Dushanbe experiencing acute housing shortage at that time. [96] In Barcelona, around 50 people protested outside the Catalan Parliament against Felip Puig. 102 which is stationed here". [4][5][6][7] The Turkish government has aggressively denied the Armenian genocide. The pastoral culture of the Kara Koyunlu Turks undermined agricultural practices in Armenia. [154] The project was largely crowdsourced, reaching out to individuals across the internet to add their face and voice to the mass, collapsing digital space to physical space in defiance. [43], Higher military education is provided by the National Defense Research University in Yerevan. lasers) in the vicinity of public transport in a way that 'might cause accidents' (600,000),[150] insulting the state or "participating in the disruption of citizens' security while using hoods, helmets, or any other article of clothing or object that covers the face, rendering identification difficult or impossible" (30,000),[150] and "failure to cooperate with law enforcement during crime investigations or in the prevention of acts that might put citizens' security at risk" (30,000). The ground force is engaged in an effort of reassessment, reorganisation and restructuring, as the future of Armenia's defence needs a revised force structure and unit mix. [78], Around 28,000 people (according to the police) crowded Puerta del Sol and the neighboring streets despite the prohibition. In times of crisis the Army's main tasks relate to participation in operations countering terrorist activities and defense of strategic facilities (such as nuclear power plants and major industrial facilities), assisting the security forces in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illegal armaments traffic and international terrorism. [102] The modern Armenian military entered its first stage at the beginning of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, when Armenian militias were formed to combat Azerbaijani units in Artsakh. [26][27][28], Little information has been made public about the Armenian Air Force's organization. The Ideological Background and Sources of the Armenian National Awakening 3. [30], In January 2011, users on Spanish social media networks and forums created the digital platform Democracia Real YA! [17][18] The number of unemployed people in Spain stood at 4,910,200 at the end of March 2011, up about 214,000 from the previous quarter,[19] while the youth unemployment rate stands at 43.5%, the highest in the European Union. "Armenia may acquire Russia-made Iskander-M missiles, Su-30 fighters", "Armenia to acquire four Su-30SM combat aircraft", " ", "Armenia may purchase additional Su-30SM fighters from Russia, says defense minister", "First batch of Russian-made Su-30SM fighters arrives in Armenia", "Armenia in talks to purchase new batch of SU-30SM fighters", "Armenian PM Denies Contradictions In Comments About Fighter Jets Purchased From Russia", " -30 ", "OPPS! WebThe Armenian national movement (Armenian: - Hay azgayin-azatagrakan sharzhum) included social, cultural, but primarily political and military movements that reached their height during World War I and the following years, initially seeking improved status for Armenians in the Ottoman and Russian Empires but Cornell, Svante E.; McDermott, Roger; OMalley, William; Socor, Vladimir; and Starr; S. Frederick (2004). Draft evaders can not be appointed to public service positions. In case of a high intensity conflict the Land Forces, together with the Air Force, Air Defense and Border Guards, form the defense group of the Armenian Armed Forces aiming at countering aggression and protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country. He crossed the street to view him from the opposite sidewalk, then crossed it once more to walk past him to confirm his identity. [15], According to RTVE, the Spanish public broadcasting company, between 6.5 and 8 million Spaniards participated in these events. Citizens who have completed military service are registered in the reserve and are divided into rank and file, non-commissioned and commissioned staff of the reserve. Este portal es uno de los medios de comunicacin colectiva de los que nos hemos dotado. [27] The law allowed an administrative commission to shut down any website that showed links or allowed irregular downloading of copyrighted content without judicial supervision. During the existence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (191821), the independent Georgian government saw Armenians as a potential "fifth column" for their supposed loyalty to the First Republic of Armenia and subject to manipulation by foreign powers. During the evacuation of the Plaza del Carmen in Granada, three people were arrested. It took the jury slightly over an hour to render a verdict of "not guilty. [10] He then moved to Marseille and then Yugoslavia and eventually married Anahit Tatikian who was also from Erzincan. [30] It was equipped and organized as part of the military reform program of Ter-Grigoriants. Armenia participates in NATO's Partnership for Peace (PiP) program and it is in a NATO organization called Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). [5], Pilots and technical personnel begin their training at the Military Aviation Institute in Yerevan, which was established in 1993. The Armenian portion of the sign was protested by ASIMDER who demanded its removal. [102] The paper also reported that the Abkhazian republic might already be receiving financial assistance from Armenians living in the United States. [24] The couple moved to Belgrade and lived there until 1950, when they moved first to Casablanca, then to Paris, and finally to San Francisco. Diario de Noticias de Navarra", "Los 'indignados' acampan ante los agentes de polica que custodian el 'Parlament', "Catalan politicians take to the skies to avoid protesters", "Una veintena de diputados acorralados se ha tenido que refugiar en una comisara", "15M Barcelona rechaza la violencia y CiU habla de un golpe de estado encubierto", "#Spanishrevolution blockades Parliament in Barcelona, violence tinges the #15M movement #europeanrevolution", "Indignados de Valencia parten en una marcha a pie hasta Madrid que durar 34 das", "El 15-M vuelve al lugar donde empez todo", "Xavier Trias es proclamado alcalde de Barcelona", "Las siete columnas de los indignados, a las puertas de Sol", "Decenas de "indignados" acampan en el Paseo del Prado", "Joseph Stiglitz apoya el movimiento 15-M", "La polica intenta desalojar a los indignados del Paseo del Prado", "MPI: Documentacin entregada al Congreso de los Diputados", "Toma los barrios | Asamblea Popular de Madrid: En la Asamblea Popular de Madrid nos coordinamos ms de 120 asambleas populares madrileas. [38][39][40] It was estimated by Deconomia that about 130,000 people throughout Spain followed the protesters that day. [37], In February 2019, Armenia contracted to purchase 4 Su-30SM fighters for $100 million without missiles package. At 6:30a.m. on 2 August, the national and municipal police evicted the remaining protesters at the information booth, and cleaning crews dismantled PuntoSol[119] and the organic garden. Anon. A number of Armenian officers are trained in Greece every year, and military aid/material assistance has been provided to Armenia. In both cities, thousands remained and participated in the activities and general assembly. That fall, the Turkish nationalist movement invaded Armenia. Whatever you do will be in vain. The army sees the need to maintain much of its traditional mechanised formations, but is looking to lighten and make more mobile and self-sustainable a small number of other formations. WebThe Armenian National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts Presents: A NEW AWAKENING: ARMENIAN ADVOCACY AND ACTIVISM IN ISTANBUL Speaker: SAYAT TEKIR (Spokesperson of the Armenian Nor Zartonk movement of Istanbul) English translation will be provided. During this time, the Tehlirian family moved from Nerkin Bagarij to Erzinjan. [20] In September 2010 the government approved a sweeping overhaul of the labour market designed to reduce unemployment and revive the economy. [20], In 1410 the area was ruled by the Kara Koyunlu, who ruled until 1468. [8] All told, Tehlirian lost 85 family members to the Armenian Genocide. [68] Hours later, the State Prosecution presented its arguments to the court. Armenian writers did much to awaken the national consciousness of the Armenians, who became increasingly impatient with foreign rule. During the economics assembly, 2001 Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz appeared to show his support to the movement. [34], Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Armenia has followed a policy of developing its armed forces into a professional, well trained, and mobile military. "[113], In Anny Bakalian's book Armenian-Americans: From Being to Feeling Armenian, various groups of Armenians were polled for discrimination based on their identity. [145], In early 1990, 39 Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan were settled in Tajikistan. ", "Unemployment in Spain rises sharply to 21.3 percent", "El desempleo juvenil alcanza en Espaa su mayor tasa en 16 aos", "OECD hails Spain's labour market reform", "Spanish Premier Insists Economic Recovery Is Near", "Spain overhauls labour market, as unions plan general strike", "Spain retirement age going to 67 in austerity push", "Hoy huelga en Euskadi, Navarra, Galicia y Catalunya", "Un 79% de los espaoles, en contra del retraso de la jubilacin a los 67 aos", "Congress has given the definitive approval to the Law Sinde", "El movimiento del 15-M, balance y perspectivas tras un mes de actividad", "La Plataforma 15M ocupa una oficina del Banco Santander", "Streets on fire: how a decade of protest shaped the world", "Comunicado de prensa de 'Democracia Real Ya', "Protests over austerity measures injure 36 in Barcelona", "1.000 personas se manifiestan en Compostela reclamando Democracia Real Ya", "5.000 personas toman las calles de Granada para exigir "democracia real, ya", "Democracia Real Ya: Bronca al cruzarse con la procesin de la Virgen del Rosario. To help redress its relative military weaknesses compared to Azerbaijan and Turkey, on 16 March 1995 Armenia signed a treaty with Russia giving the latter a 25-year-long military presence in Armenia. No one in Israel denies that an entire nation was massacred. European Parliament published a resolution on 10 March 2022, condemning the destruction of the Armenian heritage in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). [6] In the fall of that year, Tehlirian made his way to Russia and joined the army to serve in a volunteer unit on the Caucasus Front against the Turks. The Turkish police said the roundup was triggered by orders ahin gave to assassinate 12 Armenian community leaders in Sivas. Wheeled APCs reported included 11 BTR-60s, 21 BTR-70s, 4 BTR-80s, 145 MT-LBs, 5 BMD-1S, and 120 BRDM-2 scout vehicles. No 461 from the Manuscript Collection of the Romanian Academy)", Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians from Bismarck to Hitler, "The Relationship between Perceived Security Threats and Negative Descriptions of Armenians in Turkish Politics (19461960)", nous voulons une Armnie sans Armniens. (9 September 2005). The AK-74 is the standard issue rifle of the Armenian Army with older AKMs in reserve use. [17] Since 2002, Armenia has been a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The general staff is responsible for operational command of the Armenian Military and its two major branches. With their arrival, Armenia became part of "the East" in its entirety for the first time since the territory was partitioned during the ByzantineSasanian wars. [4] (There have also been unsubstantiated rumors of Armenian MiG-23 receipts. San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and San Francisco Mayor London Breed also condemned the hate act. [53] The protests gained the support of some people in the United Kingdom, who announced that they would sit outside of the Spanish embassy from 18 to 22 May. [65], In April 2016, Barbaros Leylani, the head of the Turkish Worker's Union in Sweden, referred to Armenians as "dogs" in a public speech in Stockholm, and added: "Turks awaken! The military alliance of the two nations and, in particular, the presence of Russian troops on Armenian soil has been a key element of Armenia's national security doctrine since Armenia gained independence in 1991. [104] Although lawmakers managed to enter the Catalan Parliament, the scheduled session started with a 15-minute delay. "[1], During his trial, Tehlirian claimed that while he was in Germany, he saw his mother in his dreams who scorned her son for seeing Talaat Pasha and not having taken revenge yet. During the day's rally, protesters sprayed red hand graffiti on buildings and posted bills saying "GUILTY" on bank offices and ministries, referencing the widely held belief that the crisis was caused by banks, the Government, and cuts in social services. [17], The apricot, known by the Romans as the prunus armenicus (the Armenian plum), was brought to Europe from the Armenian plateau. [10] Geologically recent volcanism on the area has resulted in large volcanic formations and a series of massifs and tectonic movement has formed the three largest lakes in the Highlands; Lake Sevan, Lake Van and Lake Urmia. In some usages the term "general officer" refers to a rank above colonel. 56% RISE. [32] The armed forces also has the following personnel .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}. At the beginning of the protest, demonstrators clashed with police, leaving five injured, including two police officers. Operation Kelbajar involved a four-prong attack which was successful in routing Azerbaijan's 2nd Army Corps and securing control of the region. The writing could be seen from roughly a 15-mile (24km) radius. [129] The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) also called for an apology. At a protest against Israel's arms sales to Azerbaijan, counter-protesters smashed a protester's car and blocked the road they were driving along. Frantz, who did not cite any specific factual errors in the article, is accused of having a bias obtained while being stationed in Istanbul, Turkey. "[112], Between the 1920s and the 1960s, some houses in the Rock Creek Hills neighborhood of Kensington, a suburb of Washington, D.C., included anti-Armenian language in racial covenants that were part of property deeds. [120], In April 2007, the Los Angeles Times Managing Editor Douglas Frantz blocked a story on the Armenian genocide written by Mark Arax, allegedly citing the fact Arax was of Armenian descent and therefore had a biased opinion on the subject. Both Ilia Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli, two major literary figures, attacked Armenians for their perceived mercantilism. [91] On 23 July 2006, the fourth shift of Armenian peacekeepers departed for Iraq. Nothing similar to the Holocaust occurred. Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting), Anti-cultural, anti-national, and anti-ethnic terms, International Association of Genocide Scholars, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Armenian Genocide recognition Position of Israel, Knesset Committee on Education, Culture and Sports, Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, List of anti-cultural, anti-national, and anti-ethnic topics, "INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GENOCIDE SCHOLARS", "Turkish citizens mistrust foreigners, opinion poll says", "Minority Rights Group International: Turkey: Armenians", "Grew up Kurdish, forced to be Turkish, now called Armenian", In Turkey, a Clash of Nationalism and History, "Time carries documentary, adopts policy on Armenian Genocide", "Suspect in Journalist Death Makes Threat", "IPI Deplores Callous Murder of Journalist in Istanbul", "Turkish-Armenian editor murdered in Istanbul", "Turkey arrests two ex-generals for alleged coup plot", "January-April 2014 Media Watch on Hate Speech and Discriminatory Language Report", "Turkish municipality destroys monument of Armenian musician, composer", "Monument to Armenian musician Onno Tunc destroyed in Turkey", "Haber - Onno Tun ant'na Selimiye halk el srdrmyor! [99][100], Thousands of indignados from the whole country concentrated at the gates of major city halls during the mayors' swearing-ins after the elections. There were roughly 19,000 conscripts and 23,000 professionals serving in 2017. Armenak Khanperyants Military Aviation University, Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, "June 26 Armenian Air Force Day congratulations", "Air War over Nagorniy-Kharabakh, 19881994",, "Formation and Development of Armenian Armed Forces", Chapter 2: Azerbaijan: The burden of history waiting for change, " "" ", " - ", "Fit for a Fight? [25] In March 2021, Nikol Pashinyan, Prime Minister of Armenia, confirmed that Armenia bought Su-30SM fighters without missiles package from Russia. by Neil Hauer, Bradley Jardine, Eurasianet, Nov 5, 2018, "Diversity In Fresno: How Racial Covenants Once Ruled Prestigious Neighborhoods", "Racist housing covenants haunt property records across the country. Bilgin Koal, the former mayor of Yalova, informed the public that the memorial had been destroyed by time and that it would shortly be replaced with a new one in the memory of Tun. [24], In 2002, a monument was erected in memory of Turkish-Armenian composer Onno Tun in Yalova, Turkey. [95], In 2014, Armenia deployed 33 peacekeepers to Lebanon as part of UNIFIL. [71], On 4 February 2009, an agreement to create the Collective Rapid Reaction Force (KSOR) was reached by five of the seven CSTO members, with plans finalized on 14 June 2009. The eight columns reunited at 9 p.m. in Puerta del Sol under a banner saying "WELCOME DIGNITY," received with cheers and applause. [8] The region was also inhabited during Antiquity by minorities such as Assyrians, Georgians, Greeks, Jews, and Iranians. The armed forces also sport the following volunteer units: During the First Nagorno-Karabakh War in the early 90s, at least 115 Armenian women were known to have taken part in combat operations. Will not passion sway such a type of justice and rather make a travesty of it?" [116][117], On April 24, 1998 during a campus exhibit organized by the Armenian Students' Association at UC Berkeley, Hamid Algar, a Professor of Islamic & Persian Studies, reportedly approached a group of organizers and shouted, "It was not a genocide but I wish it wasyou lying pigs!" The anti-austerity movement in Spain, also referred to as the 15-M Movement (Spanish: Movimiento 15-M),[2] and the Indignados Movement,[3] was a series of protests, demonstrations, and occupations against austerity policies in Spain that began around the local and regional elections of 2011 and 2012. [5] Aircraft additions were few, but by the end of 1994 the Armenian Air Force's inventory had reached an estimated 56 operational Su-25s (one has long been non-operational) and possibly one MiG-25 combat aircraft; two L-39 and ten Yak-52 trainers; six An-2, two An-72, one Tu-134, one Tu-154 transport aircraft; and two Mi-2, seven Mi-8/Mi-17, 15 Mi-24 helicopters.

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