It is software that transformed Google Glass into the world's first wearable AI system for autism. This study collates potential economic effects of mandated disclosure and reporting standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability topics. [70] In August 2013, Google Glass was used at Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University. Alle Informationen und Meinungen sowie angegebenen Prognosen, Einschtzungen und Marktpreise sind nur zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung dieser Publikation aktuell und knnen sich jederzeit ohne Vorankndigung ndern. It is hoped this will allow people with severe physical disabilities to engage with social media. In addition companies can purchase Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) which result from mitigated carbon emissions from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change approved projects for voluntary purposes. How? Google Glass, or simply Glass, is a brand of smart glasses developed and sold by Google.It was developed by X (previously Google X) with the mission of producing an ubiquitous computer. The article describes Esae as the only one wearing Google Glass as he sits in the living room with his mother, father and four older brothers. Israel: UBS es una firma lder en servicios financieros globales que ofrece servicios de gestin patrimonial, gestin de activos y banca de inversin desde su sede en Suiza y sus operaciones en ms de 50 pases de todo el mundo a particulares, empresas e inversores institucionales. : . [50] Shaklee Corporation became the first Climate Neutral certified company in April 2000. You're thinking about the long term and want your fiduciary duties to support your sustainability objectives. [dubious discuss][152] Over 99% of electricity production and almost 80% of total energy production comes from hydropower and geothermal. Sweden if distributed by UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Swedish law. [137][138] In 2004, 46.7% of Costa Rica's primary energy came from renewable sources,[139] while 94% of its electricity was generated from hydroelectric power, wind farms and geothermal energy in 2006. Alcuni investimenti possono non essere immediatamente realizzabili, dal momento che lo specifico mercato pu essere illiquido, e di conseguenza la valutazione dellinvestimento e la determinazione del rischio possono essere difficili da quantificare. [1] The "Find my Face" feature on Google+ functions to create a model of your face, and of people you know, in order to simplify tagging photos. Additional information on the relevant authors of this publication and other CIO publication(s) referenced in this report; and copies of any past reports on this topic; are available upon request from your client advisor. Carbon-neutral status can be achieved in two ways,[5] although a combination of the two is most likely required: Balancing carbon dioxide emissions with carbon offsets the process of reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions or removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make up for emissions elsewhere. Se ruega a los clientes de la sucursal de UBS AG Singapore que se pongan en contacto con dicha sucursal, un asesor financiero especializado en exenciones conforme a la Ley de Asesores Financieros de Singapur (Singapore Financial Advisers Act) (Cap. Alle Transaktionen von US-Personen mit Wertpapieren, die in dieser Publikation erwhnt werden, mssen ber ein in den USA zugelassenes Brokerhaus abgewickelt werden und drfen nicht von einem nicht in den USA ansssigen Tochterunternehmen durchgefhrt werden. 30+ days ago. Sollten Sie diese Unterlagen irrtmlicherweise erhalten haben, vernichten / lschen Sie sie bitte und benachrichtigen Sie UBS unverzglich. "[2], In 2006, the New Oxford American Dictionary made the term carbon-neutral word of the year. ", "Google Glass: Finding True Clinical Value", "Clinical and surgical applications of smart glasses - IOS Press", "Adherence to AHA Guidelines When Adapted for Augmented Reality Glasses for Assisted Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial", "Inside The Operating Room With Google Glass", "First US surgery transmitted live via Google Glass (w/ Video)", "World's first Google glass assisted surgery was successfully performed: video", "Surgery academy: is the surgery class for Google glass? We'll get to know the issues close to your heart, so we can help you find good investments that fit with your values. Several methods have been developed to assess the impact of temperature increase on crop yields ().Process-based crop models characterize crop growth and development in daily time steps and can be used to simulate the temperature response of yield either in areas around the globe defined by grids or at selected field sites or points (1, 7).A third method, UBS Offshore ist eine ausserhalb Chinas gegrndete Rechtseinheit, die nicht in China fr die Durchfhrung von Bank- oder Wertschriftengeschften oder die Beratung zu Wertschriftenanlagen in China zugelassen ist, berwacht oder reguliert wird. Linclusione dei fattori ESG o delle considerazioni alla base degli investimenti sostenibili pu impedire al gestore di partecipare a certe opportunit dinvestimento che altrimenti sarebbero in linea con il suo obiettivo dinvestimento e con altre strategie dinvestimento tradizionali. Jersey: UBS AG, Jersey Branch, est regulada y autorizada por la Comisin de Servicios Financieros de Jersey (Jersey Financial Services Commission) para realizar operaciones bancarias, de fondos e inversiones. [116], In February 2013, a Google+ user noticed legal issues with Glass and posted in the Glass Explorers community about the issues, stating that the device may be illegal to use according to the current legislation in Russia and Ukraine, which prohibits use of spy gadgets that can record video, audio or take photographs in an inconspicuous manner. [184] The UK government estimated that eliminating fossil fuels for home heating and transportation could lead to a tripling of demand for electricity. Several methods have been developed to assess the impact of temperature increase on crop yields ().Process-based crop models characterize crop growth and development in daily time steps and can be used to simulate the temperature response of yield either in areas around the globe defined by grids or at selected field sites or points (1, 7).A third method, UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa una filiale di UBS Europe SE, un istituto di credito costituito ai sensi del diritto tedesco sotto forma di Societas Europaea, debitamente autorizzato e disciplinato dalla BCE. Tous droits rservs. UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. est un Portfolio Manager titulaire dune licence qui opre galement dans le marketing dinvestissement et est plac sous la surveillance de lAutorit isralienne des valeurs mobilires. A agncia do UBS AG em Dubai licenciada no DIFC (Centro Financeiro Internacional de Dubai) pela Autoridade de Servios Financeiros de Dubai como empresa autorizada. To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30 upward (which can be altered for preference) or simply tap the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass." UBS non fornisce consulenza legale o fiscale e non rilascia alcuna dichiarazione circa il trattamento fiscale degli attivi o dei loro rendimenti dinvestimento, n a titolo generale n in riferimento alla situazione e alle esigenze specifiche del cliente. Itlia: Esta publicao no destinada a constituir uma oferta pblica sob a legislao italiana. Mechanical Subject Matter Expert. Well continue to share best practices and engage with regulatory authorities, central banks, policymakers, academia and peers to facilitate the development of robust methodologies to help leverage the potential of the financial services sector potential to drive change. [49][50] Google announced three news programs in May 2014TripIt, FourSquare and OpenTablein order to entice travelers. 4000+ site blocks. The sum of CO2 emissions and reductions are calculated by NIRAS and since 2018, the calculation has labelled Goodvalley Group Corporate Carbon Neutral. A agncia do UBS Europe SE, em Luxemburgo est sujeita superviso conjunta do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), do Banco Central Alemo (Deutsche Bundesbank), da Autoridade Alem Federal de Superviso de Servios Financeiros (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e da autoridade de superviso de Luxemburgo (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), aos quais a presente publicao no foi encaminhada para fins de aprovao. UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa soggetta alla vigilanza congiunta della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE), della banca centrale tedesca (Deutsche Bundesbank), dellAutorit federale tedesca di vigilanza sui servizi finanziari (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e dellautorit di vigilanza spagnola (Banco de Espaa), alle quali la presente pubblicazione non stata sottoposta per lapprovazione. Die Ertrge eines Portfolios, das hauptschlich aus nachhaltigen Anlagen besteht, sind unter Umstnden geringer oder hher als die eines Portfolios, bei dem der Portfoliomanager keine ESG-Faktoren, Ausschlusskriterien oder andere Nachhaltigkeitsthemen bercksichtigt. Details about the extent of regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. : . All rights reserved. Los distintos supuestos pueden derivar en resultados sustancialmente diferentes. UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial soggetta alla vigilanza congiunta della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE), della banca centrale tedesca (Deutsche Bundesbank), dellAutorit federale tedesca di vigilanza sui servizi finanziari (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), nonch dellautorit di vigilanza svedese (Finansinspektionen), alle quali la presente pubblicazione non stata sottoposta per lapprovazione. Di conseguenza, UBS fornisce questi servizi solamente da filiali al di fuori della Grecia. UBS Asesores is a regulated entity and it is subject to the supervision of the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission ("CNBV"), which exclusively regulates UBS Asesores regarding the rendering of portfolio management, as well as on securities investment advisory services, analysis and issuance of individual investment recommendations, so that the CNBV has no surveillance faculties nor may have over any other service provided by UBS Asesores. Le opinioni qui espresse possono discostarsi o essere contrarie alle opinioni espresse da altri dipartimenti o divisioni di UBS a seguito dellutilizzo di presupposti e/o criteri diversi. UBS no ofrece asesoramiento jurdico o fiscal y no realiza declaraciones en relacin con el tratamiento fiscal de los activos o la rentabilidad de la inversin, ya sea con carcter general o en relacin con las circunstancias y necesidades especficas del cliente. A remunerao do(s) analista(s) que prepararam este relatrio determinada exclusivamente pela administrao de pesquisas e a alta direo de qualquer entidade do UBS Group para a qual o(s) analista(s) presta(m) servios. El(los) analista(s) responsable(s) de la elaboracin de este informe puede(n) interactuar con el personal de la mesa de operaciones, de ventas y de otros servicios a fin de recopilar, sintetizar e interpretar la informacin de mercado. Darber hinaus ist sie fr die Erbringung von Investmentdienstleistungen fr Wertschriften und Finanzinstrumente zugelassen. Le strategie pi varie in termini di orientamento geografico e stile dinvestimento possono effettuare analisi ESG e integrarne i risultati in diversi modi. UBS AG, its affiliates or subsidiaries may have debt holdings or positions in the subject Indian company/companies. Beginnings of UBS Community Affairs at Wealth Management US, First Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds2, First bank to obtain ISO 14001 certification for worldwide environmental management system, Introduction of comprehensive climate strategy and start offsetting all CO2 emissions resulting from business air travel. Puedes cambiar tus opciones en cualquier momento desde tus controles de privacidad. This is because the production of goods and services within their territory can be linked either to domestic consumption or exports. UBS (France) S.A. est un prestataire de services dinvestissement dment agr conformment au Code Montaire et Financier, relevant de lautorit de la Banque de France et des autorits financires comme lAutorit de Contrle Prudentiel et de Rsolution. Jersey: UBS AG, Jersey Branch regolamentata e autorizzata dalla Jersey Financial Services Commission al fine di svolgere attivit bancarie, dinvestimento e di gestione di fondi. O UBS Financial Services Inc. no est atuando como consultor municipal para qualquer entidade municipal ou indivduo obrigado dentro do significado manifestado na Seo 15B da Lei de Valores Mobilirios (a "Regra de Consultoria Municipal") e as opinies ou vises aqui contidas no tm a inteno e tampouco constituem aconselhamento dentro do significado da Regra de Consultoria Municipal. This can be achieved by balancing emissions of carbon dioxide with its removal (often through carbon offsetting) or by eliminating emissions from society (the transition to the "post-carbon economy"). Esta publicao destinada apenas a fins informativos e no representa uma oferta de compra ou solicitao de uma oferta. Grce: UBS Switzerland AG et ses filiales (UBS) ne sont pas agres en tant qutablissement bancaire ou financier en vertu du droit grec et ne fournissent pas de services bancaires et financiers en Grce. I risultati passati di un investimento non rappresentano una garanzia dei suoi rendimenti futuri. , , , , , , ( , UBS). Kuna, ID. O UBS Offshore uma entidade incorporada fora da China e no licenciado, supervisionado ou regulamentado na China para realizar negcios bancrios ou envolvendo valores mobilirios. Membre de la Bourse de Londres. emotion decoding, eye contact, language, social engagement, conversation skills, control of behaviors, etc. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced it was becoming climate neutral in 2008 and established a Climate Neutral Network to promote the idea in February 2008. 19) regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, in respect of any matters arising from, or in connection with, the analysis or report. Todas as informaes e opinies expressas neste documento foram obtidas em fontes tidas como confiveis e fidedignas, mas no feita qualquer declarao nem dada qualquer garantia, expressa ou implcita, quanto a elas serem exatas ou completas (salvo pelas informaes relativas ao UBS). It provides an overview of CalPERS health plan types and tells you how and when you can make changes to your plan (including what forms and documentation you will need). UBS Europe SE un istituto di credito costituito ai sensi del diritto tedesco sotto forma di Societas Europaea, debitamente autorizzato dalla BCE. O material pode no ter sido analisado, aprovado, reprovado ou endossado por uma autoridade financeira ou regulatria em sua rea de jurisdio. Should you have received the material erroneously, UBS asks that you kindly destroy/delete it and inform UBS immediately. : . UBS Asesores is a regulated entity and it is subject to the supervision of the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission ("CNBV"), which exclusively regulates UBS Asesores regarding the rendering of portfolio management, as well as on securities investment advisory services, analysis and issuance of individual investment recommendations, so that the CNBV has no surveillance faculties nor may have over any other service provided by UBS Asesores. Per qualsiasi questione derivante da o in connessione con la presente analisi o relazione, la preghiamo di contattare UBS AG, Singapore Branch, un Exempt Financial Adviser ai sensi del Singapore Financial Advisers Act (Cap.110) e banca wholesale autorizzata ai sensi del Singapore Banking Act (Cap. Italia: questa pubblicazione non intende costituire unofferta pubblica ai sensi del diritto italiano. If you resell, loan, transfer, or give your device to any other person without Google's authorization, Google reserves the right to deactivate the device, and neither you nor the unauthorized person using the device will be entitled to any refund, product support, or product warranty." UBS makes no representation or warranty relating to any information herein which is derived from independent sources. . [141], The European Union has become the first area to embrace climate neutrality by 2050 through the European Green Deal, being committed to forming Green Alliances with partner nations and regions across the world. Para obter informaes sobre como o CIO administra conflitos e mantm a independncia de suas vises de investimento e publicaes e sobre as metodologias de pesquisa e classificao, visite o site Informaes adicionais sero disponibilizadas mediante solicitao. Dnemark: Diese Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach dnischem Recht dar. UBS Europe SE es una entidad crediticia constituida conforme a la legislacin alemana como una Societas Europaea, debidamente autorizada por el B. Bahrin: UBS es un banco suizo no autorizado, supervisado o regulado por el Banco Central de Bahrin, y no desarrolla actividades comerciales bancarias ni de inversin en Bahrin. distribuda apenas para fins informativos aos clientes do UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial, sediado em Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, Sweden, registrado junto ao Escritrio de Registro de Empresas Suecas sob o N de registro516406-1011. UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the European Central Bank ("ECB"), and supervised by the ECB, the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) and the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. UBS AG, Jersey Branch, ist eine Niederlassung von UBS AG, eine in der Schweiz gegrndete Aktiengesellschaft, die ihre angemeldeten Geschftssitze in Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Basel und Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8001 Zrich, hat. [108][109][110] Organizations like the FTC Fair Information Practice work to uphold privacy rights through Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPS), which are guidelines representing concepts that concern fair information practice in an electronic marketplace.[111]. UBS AG , (Prudential Regulation Authority) (Financial Conduct Authority), . UAE: UBS is not licensed in the UAE by the Central Bank of UAE or by the Securities & Commodities Authority. It is distributed only for information purposes to clients of UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich, with place of business at Wchtergasse 1, A-1010 Wien. In January 2015, Google ended the beta period of Glass (the "Google Glass Explorer" program). , UBS , . [48] Police in various states have also warned Glass wearers to watch out for muggers and street robbers. Larry Fink: Climate Crisis Will Reshape Finance", "BlackRock accused of 'greenwashing' $85bn coal investments", "BlackRock's Larry Fink Wants Companies To Eliminate Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2050", "Visit the World's Only Carbon-Negative Country", "Heard Of This Small But Hugely Carbon Negative Country? Several other minute improvements include volume controls, improved voice recognition, and several new Google Now cards. UBS Europe SE es una entidd crediticia constituida conforme a la legislacin alemana como una Societas Europaea, debidamente autorizada por el Banco Central Europeo (BCE), y supervisada por el BCE, el Banco Central Alemn (Deutsche Bundesbank), y la Autoridad Federal de Supervisin de Servicios Financieros de Alemania (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) a quienes esta publicacin no ha sido sometida a aprobacin. UBS setzt Informationsbarrieren ein, um den Informationsfluss aus einem oder mehreren Bereichen innerhalb von UBS in andere Bereiche, Einheiten, Divisionen oder verbundene Unternehmen von UBS zu steuern. UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE (), (Deutsche Bundesbank), (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Finanstilsynet), . Todas as transaes feitas por um cidado dos EUA nos ttulos mencionados neste relatrio devem ser realizadas por meio de um corretor registrado nos EUA afiliado ao UBS e no por meio de um afiliado que no seja dos EUA. The Net Zero Challenge Report states that "commitments made by governments so far are far from sufficient. UBS Europe SE ist ein Kreditinstitut, das nach deutschem Recht als Societas Europaea gegrndet und ordnungsgemss von der EZB zugelassen wurde. UBS Investment Bank (including Research) has its own wholly independent research and views which at times may vary from the views of UBS Global Wealth Management. Taiwan: This material is provided by UBS AG, Taipei Branch in accordance with laws of Taiwan, in agreement with or at the request of clients/prospects. Although the term "carbon neutral" is used, a carbon footprint also includes other greenhouse gases, measured in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalence. [24][25] In May 2012, Google demonstrated for the first time how Google Glass could be used to shoot videos. Unless Microsoft is able to satisfy Sonys aggressive demands and appease the CMA, it now looks like the U.K. has the power to doom this deal like it did Metas acquisition of Giphy. Ofrece servicios de corretaje bajo el Nmero de inscripcin SEBI: INZ000259830; servicios de banca comercial bajo el nmero de inscripcin SEBI: INM000010809 y servicios de anlisis de mercado bajo el nmero de inscripcin SEBI: INH000001204. Austria: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Austrian law. Maggiori informazioni saranno rese disponibili su richiesta. [127] The province intended to accelerate the deployment of natural gas vehicles. Toute transaction excute par UBS et tout conseil fourni par UBS ce sujet en vertu du document ne vous aura t fourni qu votre demande spcifique ou excute selon vos instructions spcifiques, le cas chant, et peut tre considr(e) comme tel(le) par UBS et par vous. Le destinataire ne doit pas sadresser aux analystes ou UBS Offshore en vue dun conseil en placement ni utiliser ce document ou les informations figurant dans le prsent rapport pour prendre ses dcisions de placement; UBS dcline toute responsabilit cet gard. "[2], In March 2021, Tzeporah Berman, chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, argued that the Treaty would be a more genuine and realistic way to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement than the "Net zero" approach which, she claimed, is "delusional and based on bad science. , . UBS , , UBS, UBS. Les clients dUBS AG Singapour Branch sont pris de contacter UBS AG Singapore Branch, laquelle est un conseiller financier exempt en vertu du Singapore Financial Act (Cap. Manche Anlagen knnen pltzlichen und erheblichen Wertverlusten unterworfen sein. Les prvisions de placement de lUBS Chief Investment Office (CIO) sont prpares et publies par l'activit Global Wealth Management dUBS Switzerland AG (assujettie la surveillance de la FINMA en Suisse ou ses entreprises associes (UBS). [150] This was approved by the French Senate on 18 July 2019. Thats why we partner with our clients to help them mobilize their capital towards a more sustainable world and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They were and still are driven by a need to protect business as usual, not the climate. [115] In October 2021, Prime Minister Pedro Snchez released Spain 2050 report which sets 50 milestones towards Spain's goal to achieve carbon neutrality. The video stream is passed to remote scribes in HIPAA secure rooms where the doctor-patient interaction is transcribed, ultimately allowing physicians to focus on the patient. Il destinatario non deve utilizzarlo o fare altrimenti affidamento sulle informazioni ivi contenute per assumere decisioni dinvestimento e UBS declina qualsiasi responsabilit al riguardo.

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