The rebellion went exceedingly well as many other resistance cells joined the Black Knights in their attack on the Tokyo Concession, but took a turn for the worse when Lelouch and C.C. Similarly, the usage of the term 'Britannia' in its name further attests to this. Britannian soldiers find their hideout and right before they're all executed, Clovis orders an immediate ceasefire and orders all Britannian troops to withdraw. While Battleships are seen in the Empire in early battles, the Navy doesn't play a very important role in the Military. It is the two decisions it can take when she becomes a great power. It's first mentioned after Nunally is escorted by a small Britannian air force fleet as her escort to Area 11 after she was chosen to be its next viceroy and is most likely based where San Fransisco, San Diego, or any other major real-world coastal city in California. It is ruled by Lelouch Vi Britannia. equipped floating fortress, Damocles. These questions about terms reveal some of the problems involved in the nature and early history of the empire. ; Only Sane Man: Is one of the few members up the Royal Family to realize that taunting the Galra is a bad idea. The Wings Of Talleyrand were the only terrorist group to attack Britannian's main capital only to end up eliminated by the Glinda Knights. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. Advanced forms of communication are present such as modern cellphones, ear pieces, computers, television and the internet among other technological devices. With the departure of Napoleon and his imperial ambitions from history, a new Europe-spanning empire with democratic ideals arose, and would later become the modern Europia United. Furthermore, the escutcheon shape shown has never been used for coats of arms; the closest match would be an "Old French" shape within a heraldic console. Britannian EmpireBritannia Earls- Overlook individual cities. Below them however are the numbers which are foreigners native to Britannian colonies that don't achieve citizenship and are usually called by whatever number the area they live in is called such as calling the Japanese Elevens or the Middle Eastern people Eighteens. When they're not in armour, army officers and soldiers wear blue uniforms. Secondly every town and village off the face of the earth is juat abou the worse thing a country csn do if they want to minimize loses. While not being part of the three superpowers, Japan was able to maintain its independence and economic superiority by manipulating sakuradite supplies to each of the three superpowers to maintain a balance of power; essentially, if any one superpower tried to invade Japan and seize its sakuradite reserves, it would give them such an advantage that the other two powers would have to attack it instantly or risk annihilation. (In actual history, Elizabeth I died childless as the last monarch of the Tudor dynasty.). Path 2: The Holy Britannian Empire Opening Moves The main challenge here is pushing to Great Power while remaining an absolute monarchy. Despite the liberation of Lelouch's reign, the devastation left behind from Lelouch's rule has severely crippled the government and the economy after the destruction of many sakuradite minerals from the battle at Mt. Hence, Japanese become "Elevens" and natives of the Middle East, regardless of their ethnic group, become "Eighteens." and fell to the wrath of the Britannian war-machine. By the time of the mid-20th Century and the outbreak of both two world wars, Britannia had emerged as one of the dominate superpowers in the world rivaled only by the Chinese Federation and the Europia United. With all the executive powers belong to Lord Chancellor who is the head of government. Usually when a Knightmare Frame would be too large to go in a certain location, squads of Britannian Infantry soldiers would be deployed, like hunting down rebels in a Ghetto. They are similar to that of the parliament, but the real power lies with the Emperor. The jets used by Britannia vary but are mainly Avalon-Class Britannian Jets. More sakuradite was produced overall as the Japanese no longer had any say in the matter, such as the exploitation of sakuradite deposits under Mt. With the destruction of the capital city, the Britannian government was in turmoil. With the the Han Dynasty, Europia United, and the Holy Britannian Empire being available to play as from the start. The Holy Britannian Empire was the most powerful nation in the world, eventually having control of a third of the world. Charles zi Britannia | Marianne vi Britannia | V.V. Pages related to The Holy Britannian Empire, Ashford, Central, New London, Exelica, Narita, Venice, Californian Base, Funtom, Damocles, Purrsepolis, Camelot, Jerusalem, York. During the verge of . WHO IS DEADLIEST?! At the meeting in Ashford Academy, Lelouch and Suzaku take the council members hostage after it is revealed that Britannia's large population would give him a majority voting block. As the B.R.I.G.A.F were expanding the territory to the Northern South America through the army and navy to annihilated out the Spanish out of Columbia, the Navy of Britannia also annex the Caribbean nations. On board another boat was Zero and his followers to which he declared them to be members of the Order of the Black Knights, a resistance organization that would fight against injustice and declared their intent to liberate Japan from Britannian rule and marked the official beginning of the Black Rebellion. Due to the presence and dominance that Social Darwinism has on Britannian society, the Britannian people are an uber-capitalistic, comsumer obessed, and competative society with corporations having large amounts of influence over imperial society. Description An in progress mod that aims to convert the plain, boring old vanilla British Empire into the glorious Holy Empire of Britannia! In an effort to combat global warming the nation prides itself in keeping clean. Ryo Sayama | Ayano Kosaka | Yukiya Naruse, Kingdom of Zilkhstan The Chinese Federation began their activities noted by the Britannian Homeland. The Holy Britannian Empire was founded in 1809, as the United Kingdom of Great Britain fell to local republican revolutionaries. left in the middle of the deciding battle to try to rescue Nunnally; with Ohgi injured by Viletta and without the leadership of Zero, the Black Knights were defeated by the superior organization of Britannian forces, and most of them were killed or captured. where they faced similiar discrimination levels in E.U. As a result, much of its culture comes from that of the former imperial homeland in the British Isles. Although it is unclear if the Code Geass creators are aware of it, the Holy Britannian Empire also has many strong parallels with the Domination of the Draka alternate history novels by S. M. Stirling. Nunnally attempts to revive the Special Administrative Zone of Japan, but Lelouch plotted the loophole into the agreement with the Knights of the Round and disguises one million Japanese refugees as Zero to exodus the Black Knights into the Chinese Federation. Conversely, Britannia controls Japan, which's under Eastasian domination in 1984. According to the former, the empire was a universal monarchy, a commonwealth of the whole world, whose sublime unity transcended every minor distinction; and the emperor was entitled to the obedience of Christendom. According to the latter, the emperor had no ambition for universal dominion; his policy was limited in the same way as that of every other ruler, and when he made more far-reaching claims his object was normally to ward off the attacks either of the pope or of the Byzantine emperor. Corporations in Britannia apparently wield large amounts of power and influence. | V.V. Not to be confused with Holy Britannian Empire(Alliance), "Choose your moves wisely, the world is watching our game of chess". The Holy Britannian Empire, commonly referred to simply as Britannia, is a transcontinental global empire, possessing territories on every continent in the world. The nation's economy used to be lead in Steel production but as of the Great Inflation Food, Coal, Iron, and Sakuradite(Uranium) are their major exports .The nation generally sells any spare resources as it maintains a stockpile to feed and control the nation, along with an emergency stockpile. These included the elimination of the aristocratic system, serious penalties for financial conglomerates engaging in or a part of illegal or illicit activities, and the abolition of the Number-Area system. Virginia D.C. (executive and legislative). Not much is revealed about the government structure, but it can be assumed that the monarchy no longer rules the nation and favors a parliamentary system. It is the premier power of the world controlling a third of the world's territory at the start of the series. Information flows fast and freely across Britannia despite the state-sponsored propaganda in news panels and networks. Knights are elite specialized armed forces within Britannia that operate outside standard Britannian Military Hierarchy. The parliament of the United Kingdom that meets in the Palace of Westminster has two houses; an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords. History. German names and titles are also very common.). Alias (In actual history, the French invasion fleet suffered a crippling defeat at Trafalgar to Admiral Nelson and lack of major naval opposition after this assured dominance for the British Empire, leading to it becoming the largest empire in history. After Nunally's ascension to the imperial throne, she also left the aristocracy abolished and also made friends with former colonies and most likely decolonized many nations such as those in Europe and other parts of the world. Similar to that of Mayors. It acted as the eastern front for the Britannian war effort against the E.U. The actual Britannian homeland is unknown but the American colonies the remnants of the British Empire and monarchy had fled to in the 18th Century were established as the Imperial Homeland and presumably other nations like Canada and Mexico could've also been absorbed intothe First Black Rebellion. Lake County is called so because of its lakes. The Holy Empire of The Principality of Britannia is a fledgling, socially progressive nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape, compulsory military service, and irreverence towards religion. It is also important to distinguish between the universalist and localist conceptions of the empire, which have been the source of considerable controversy among historians. Euro Britannia is a sub-empire that is comprised of all conquered European nations from Britannia sometime during the war. where he conquered half of its territory. A final and somewhat exceptional element, if not formally forbidden are the two pennants used as supporters. Not wanting to waste any more time, Zero/Lelouch used his Geass on Jeremiah and had him release Suzaku and hand him over to Zero and the rebels. The Empire in the American version uses [[a.t.b.]] During this time, Britannia had gotten into a diplomatic crisis and tension with the Far-East Island Nation of Japan, one of the few independent nations left in the world, over the vital natural resource of Sakuradite, a rare mineral, over its increased relevance and the reliance that modern military technology had on it. Under the guise as emperor, Lelouch instigated the Zero Requiem by destroying all of the Britannian cultures, abolishing all the oppressive laws and class systems of Britannia, frees every colony (thereby abolishing the concept of "Numbers"), and puts down all resistance to his goals. During the era of Charles zi Britannia, the Empire mostly followed an ideology of Social Darwinism. The Japanese were re-branded as "Elevens" and large Britannian settlements populated the entire country while the war-torn and destroyed pre-war cities were reduced to ghettos where unemployed Elevens were forced into while the rest became Honorary Britannians and fought on behalf of the empire and Britannian citizens came to Area 11 and populated its cities and landscapes. Currently, Britannia is the one of the hyperpower in the world along with the European Union and the Asian Federation of Nations. In reaction to the rebellion, Britannia dispatched the likes of the Glinda Knights and Knights Of The Round to suppress any terrorist activities. Individuals: Schneizel el Britannia | Cornelia li Britannia | Clovis la Britannia | Suzaku Kururugi | Jeremiah Gottwald | Villetta Nu | Rolo Lamperouge | Kanon Maldini | Calares | Alicia Lohmeyer | Bartley Asprius | Gino Weinberg | Nonette Enneagram | Nina Einstein | Shin Hyuga Shaing | Bart L. Darlton | Fayer | Unnamed Britannian Police Commander, Geass Order The Britannian Air Force use VTOL Gunships and Knightmare VTOL as well as large Hover Ships such as Great Britannia and Avalon. Opposing his regime are the Imperial Family who have lost their power after he assumed the throne and stripped them of their nobility, and Knights of the Round, who are loyal to Charles. Tail Code AA E-2C HAWKEYE VAW-125 CAG/SHOWBIRD 2012 600/NA. There are other debatable issues. The Emperor is a bloodline title but any of the Royal Britannian Knights can become Emperor if the Emperor chooses so, thus creating a new bloodline. Police Force: Police organization that have their own Police Knightmares. Holy Britannian Empire First and Last Appearance (s): First The Day a New Demon was Born Last Re; Logo (s) The Britannian Military includes all the Armed Services that are sworn to serve the Holy Empire of Britannia.

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