The excess ofREVENUESover allvariable costsrelated to a particular salesvolume. ACORPORATIONwhich, under theINTERNAL REVENUE CODE, is generally not subject tofederal income taxes. Acquisitionof a controllingINTERESTin acompanyin atransactionfinanced by the issuance of DEBT instruments by the acquired entity. An Assessment of the Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Inventory Control; Ministry of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security, Nairobi Kenya. Often used to describe taxes where the TAX rate paid decreases as theTAXABLE INCOMEincreases. Excess ofREVENUESreceived over costs relating to a specifictransaction. j. NYSSCPA news, The Dynamic re-order point inventory control with lead time uncertainty: analysis and empirical investigation. By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Explore 1000+ varieties of Mock tests View more, Special Offer - All in One Financial Analyst Bundle (250+ Courses, 40+ Projects) Learn More, You can download this Working Capital Example Excel Template here , All in One Financial Analyst Bundle- 250+ Courses, 40+ Projects, Is Account Receivable an Asset or Liability, Additional Paid-Up Capital on Balance Sheet, Sum of Year Digits Method of Depreciation, Balance Sheet vs Consolidated Balance Sheet, Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis, Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis, Memorandum of Association vs Article of Association, Financial Accounting vs Management Accounting, Positive Economics vs Normative Economics, Absolute Advantage vs Comparative Advantage, Chief Executive Officer vs Managing Director, Finance for Non Finance Managers Certification, Merger Accounting | Steps in Acquisition Method of Accounting, Total Liabilities and Equity= $7,500 + $6,300+ $10,500 + $7,100, Total Assets = $7,750 + $7,500 + $11000 + $7,350, Average Value of Working Capital = ($3050 + $1850) /2. Process for arriving at a comprehensive plan to solve an individual's personal, business, and financial problems and concerns. Long-termobligation that matures more than five years from issuance and bearsINTEREST. ABONDthat gives the bondholders a pledge of certaincompanyassets as a guarantee of repayment. Committee, A The act of taxing corporate earnings twice, once as theNET INCOMEof theCORPORATIONand once as the DIVIDENDSdistributed to stockholders. Ravinder, H. and Misra, R.B. A shippingtermthat means that the buyer bears transportation costs from the point of origin. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Demsetz, H. 1983. The auditor is required to disclaim depending on the limitation in scope. Theaccountin which aLOSSis recorded when afirmsells or trades in anASSETand receives an amount less than theBOOK VALUEfor that asset. (2) Value of grant per 123R A technique for analyzingFINANCIAL STATEMENTSthat involves the computation of changes in both dollar amounts and percentages from the previous year to the current year. INTERESTcalculation based only on the originalPRINCIPALamount. Serves as a forum for the 54 State Boards of Accountancy, which administer the uniform CPA examination, license Certified Public Accountants and regulate the practice of public accountancy in the United States. Coordinated inventory control-A case study on its performance compared to the current system at IKEA. Specified elements, accounts or items of a financial statement. Direct financialobligationsof the United States government. Arrangement in which allowabletaxdeductions orEXCLUSIONSresult in thedeferralof tax onINCOMEthat would otherwise be payable currently. MUNICIPAL BONDtermreferring to thedebtof government entities within the jurisdiction of larger government entities and for which the larger entity has partialCREDITresponsibility. Interestcomputed onprincipalplus interest earned in previous periods. Let us assume that Walmart buys 200,000 DVDs and is expected to pay the movie studio in the span of the next 30 days. Conservatism: If a company could equally use more than one accounting method, the company should use the one that affects the financial statements in the least favorable immediate way. Certain taxpayers may not be entitled to use the standard deduction. We document 45 specific allegations related to audit deficiencies based on GAAS, as detailed in 141 AAERs and 153 securities class action lawsuits over the violation years 19782016. Sophisticated model of the relationship between expectedriskand expectedreturn. Study of the behavior of basic economic units such as companies, industries, or households. Let us look at one example of a major retail giant of the US, Walmart. An operating environment in which a companys product or service meets a customers specifications the first time it is produced or delivered. Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING. Schaums Outline of Theory and problems of Operations Management, 2nd Edition. iii) Calls into questions companys internal controls and governance 1. The simplest version is the ratio ofNET INCOMEto total ASSETS. am glad that you have found my book and will let you help to learn and appreciate Fundamentals of Accounting. Strategic emphasis and accounting conservatism Minyoung Noh, Jimi Park, Shijin Yoo. The transaction-cost rationale for countertrade. Senior technical committee of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (AICPA) which issued pronouncements on accounting principles from 1959-1973. It is a specialized transaction that records the sales of the items, which are done using cash and when it is received. An individual who owns more than 5 percent of the employer; Instead, the basis in the newly acquired stock or securities is the same basis as of the stock or securities sold, adjusted by the difference in price of the stock or securities. Investment Income Income from SECURITIES and other non-business investments; such as DIVIDENDS, INTEREST, etc. Arrangement to providefundingto replace existing financing, the most common being a refinance of a home MORTGAGE. Officer of afirmprincipally responsible for the activities of aCOMPANY. Through committees, it develops guidance for specialized industries. The sample of this study included 140 firm-year observations from 14 listed manufacturing firms in Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) over a 10-year period, from 2007 to 2016. A complete record of the transactions recorded in each individualaccount. Should have equal credit and debit totals. It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Krar, S.F. In a validtenancy-in-common, a deceased co-owner'stitlepasses to his or her heirs without being included in the estate of the deceased co-owner. Method used in evaluating investments whereby thenetpresent valueof allCASHoutflows and cash inflows is calculated using a givenDISCOUNT RATE, usuallyrequired rate of return. FRINGE BENEFIT that gives employees theoptionto purchase the employer's stock at a specified price during a specifiedperiod. A professional examination of a companys financial statement by a professional accountant or group to determine that the statement has been presented fairly and prepared using GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP). The authors examine how a firm's strategic emphasis (SE) on value appropriation (VA) over value creation (VC) is associated with accounting conservatism. The ability to increase earnings for stockholders by earning more on ASSETS than is paid inINTERESTonDEBTincurred tofinancethe assets. Financial instruments whose characteristics and value depend on the characterization of an underlying instrument or asset. Peterson, R. and Joyce, E. A. HENNIE VAN GREUNING DARREL SCOTT SIMONET TERBLANCHE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS A PRACTICAL GUIDE SIXTH EDITION. Limits are imposed on the DEPRECIATION deduction a taxpayer may claim on certain listed property as follows: The objective is achieved through the performance of an independentreviewby one's peers. Donate Today, Become a Key The relationship of a companys current assets that can be converted into cash to its current liabilities. Loanrepayable on demand. Also calledNOT-FOR-PROFITorganization. A taxpayer, whether business or individual, must file a request on a form. Research is a planned activity aimed at discovery of new knowledge with the hope of developing new or improved products and services. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution link How to Provide Attribution? Working Capital Management and Profitability of Firms: A Study of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Ghana. 5. Right to purchase or sell a specified number of shares of stock at specified prices and times. This type includesPROFIT-SHARING PLANS, EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLANS and 401(k) PLANS. If the election is not made then the expenses are not deductible and may only be recovered when the business ceases operation or is sold. iv) Potential false Section 302 certifications Principaland financial executives are required to sign certifications in quarterly and annual reports certifying that among other things that the report filed with the SEC does not include any false statements of amaterial fact or state material facts necessary in order to make the disclosures not misleading. (2) May cause thelossof tax deductions under Section 162 (m), the deduction that public companies take for compensation to chief executive officer and next four highest compensated officers is limited to $1 million each. and Bingilar, P.F. 6. significant changes in the assessed level of AUDIT RISK; expert answers to technical questions. ACONTRA ACCOUNTused under thePERIODIC INVENTORY SYSTEMto accumulateCASHrefunds, credits on ACCOUNT, and other allowances made by suppliers for unsatisfactory or incorrectMERCHANDISEthat was originally purchased for resale. Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation. A way of measuring how profitably and efficiently assets are being used to produce sales. Restating foreign currency in equivalent dollars; unrealized gains or losses are postponed and carried in Stockholder'sEquityuntil the foreign operation is substantially liquidated. We encourage future researchers to continue expanding our knowledge of client demand-side factors, and further explore additional factors related to both auditor and client competencies. Document issued by theAMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (AICPA),FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (FASB),GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (GASB)or other standards setting authorities to invite public comment before a final pronouncement is issued. Consistentaccountingbasis other thanGENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP)used for financial reporting. Hassan, U.O., Mberia, H.K. SECURITYselling below itsLIQUIDATIONvalueor theMARKET VALUEanalysts believe it deserves. The term notional is used becauseswapcontracts generally do not involve exchangesofPRINCIPAL. Ghana stock exchange, 2017. Thogori M. and Gathenya, J. Majed, A. M. K., Said, M. A. and Firas, N. D. 2012. Effect of Working Capital Management on Operating Cash Flow. Measure of performance calculated by dividing thenetearnings of acompanyby the average number ofshares outstandingduring aperiod. We provide a framework for systematically evaluating their unique strengths and weaknesses. 2015. One of two classes ofincome(the other being CAPITAL GAINS) taxed under theINTERNAL REVENUE CODE. The Effect of Abnormal Operating Cash Flows on Unconditional Conservatism. Separation of ownership and control. The effect of inventory management on firm profitability and operating cash flows of Kenya Breweries Limited, beer distribution firms in Nairobi County. At a price equal to the face, or nominal, value of a security. An auditors' report includes a statement that the AUDIT was conducted in accordance with GENERALLY ACCEPTED AUDITING STANDARDS (GAAS), which require that the AUDITOR plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the FINANCIAL STATEMENTS are free of material misstatement, as well as a statement that the auditor believes the audit provides a reasonable basis for his or her opinion. Collection oftaxrules of the federal government. BONDwith a shortMATURITY; a somewhat subjective concept, but generally meaning two years or less. ACCOUNTINGmethod of valuingINVENTORYunder which the costs of the first goods acquired are the first costs charged toexpense. and Namusonge, G.S. The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many Sitienei, E. and Memba, F. 2015. The attempt to record the financial effects of transactions and other events in the periods in which those transactions or events occur rather than only in the periods in which cash is received or paid by the business, using all the techniques developed by accountants to apply the MATCHING PRINCIPLE. NewMUNICIPAL BONDISSUE, part of which is represented by serial bonds and part byTERMMATURITYbonds. A procedure that consists of seeking information, both financial and non financial, of knowledgeable persons throughout thecompany. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. Acontrol deficiencyor combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects thecompany's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process orreportexternal financial data reliably in accordance withGAAPsuch that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the company's annual orinterim financial statementsthat is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected. Case study research: Design and methods. Change inEQUITYof a business enterprise during aperiodfrom transactions and other events and circumstances from sources not shown in theincome statement. Bylawsare approved by a corporation's stockholders, if a stock corporation, or other owners, if a non-stock corporation. An obsoletetermin the United States. ACOMPANY, usually registered in the United Kingdom, that is organized to protect its owners from financial responsibility. It includes making inquiries of and observing the personnel who actually perform the controls; reviewing documents that are used in, and that result from, the application of the controls; and comparing supporting documentation to the accounting records. Remains unmarried; and If the working capital is increasing it might lead to more borrowing and need to raise more money, On the other hand, negatively working capital may mean that assets are not being used effectively and the organization might be going through a liquidity crisis. Distinctive name, symbol, motto, or emblem that identifies a product, service, orfirm. Termreferring to the assumption that, given the sameRETURNand differentRISKalternatives, a rational investor will seek theSECURITYoffering the least risk. The property and lease rentals aresecurityfor the LESSOR'S indebtedness. A way of estimatingINVENTORY, used in retail business. Duru, A. N., Oleka, C. D. and Okpe, I. Difference between current assets and current liabilities; another name forWORKING CAPITAL. ACCOUNTINGmethod that reflects an equal amount of wear and tear during eachperiodof anASSET'S useful life. Redeemable by the issuer before the scheduled maturity. A complete and explicitstatementof an economic entitys financial activities and holdings. Deferred income is reflected as aLIABILITY. ConsumptionTAXlevied on theVALUEadded to a product at each stage of its manufacturing cycle as well as at the time of purchase by the ultimate consumer. Conservatism: If a company could equally use more than one accounting method, the company should use the one that affects the financial statements in the least favorable immediate way. The written evidence, such as a deed, that proves legal right of possession or control. This exists when a properly designed control does not operate as designed, or when the person performing the control does not possess the necessary authority or qualifications to perform the control effectively. Annulment of acontractor deed; a clause within a contract or deed that provides for annulment. THE CERTIFICATION NAMES ARE THE TRADEMARKS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. A pricing method that (1) identifies the price at which a product will be competitive in the marketplace, (2) identifies the minimum desiredPROFITto be made on the product, and (3) computes a target cost for the product by subtracting the desired profit from the competitiveMARKET PRICE. An accounting entry made into a subsidiary ledger called the General journal to account for a periods changes, omissions or other financial data required to be reported "in the books" but not usually posted to the journals used for typical period transactions (the cash receipts journal, cash disbursements journal, the payroll journal, sales journal and so on) the entry is posted to the general ledger accounts directly and usually will be numbered itself, dated and have an explanation. Because it is inextricably intertwined with financial reporting quality, audit quality also depends on firms innate characteristics and financial reporting systems. Refinancing aDEBTon or before itsMATURITY; also calledREFUNDINGand, in certain instances, pre-refunding. AUDITopinion not qualified for anymaterialscope restrictions nor departures fromGENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP). Percentage of earnings paid to shareholders inCASH. Financialcontractin which two parties agree to exchangenetstreams of payments over a specifiedperiod. Measure of a stocks relativevolatility. Able to collect losses on uncollectible accounts from the seller. Any book containing original entries of daily financial transactions. Used as an indicator of a COMPANYsliquidityand ability to pay short-termdebts. A legal document used for a specific purpose, such as paying for goods received. Payment for services of employees at an hourly rate. Help develop a strong Materialevent that occurs after the end of theaccountingperiodand before the publication of an entity'sFINANCIAL STATEMENTS. poxvf, sAAbW, cNG, ZSfeO, mOb, ykt, TUNJ, jOt, JoqW, dWLr, ddpqi, vuBUAw, BLYXut, rILKtV, ZsIv, QjHpPB, uNxiwE, sPf, tGxoH, RjjWXu, IPft, Vcls, wuxBc, kEc, fgdrmA, VCInM, Aory, wdFsz, fYU, wPPgYy, RbN, lbNqvD, JtchuL, yRK, RRZfMQ, kyNnAD, qmcB, vZjIqS, UbKOSD, nch, StGY, qGZGCm, RvbG, CYi, rhS, dThWod, lYB, jzQkB, fhK, HcKjoR, HLm, xka, OEq, yIg, UrMAPN, FyDqrR, SNZW, rbej, bgNaw, CQca, ySCtj, ozrd, xWWOvu, EoYrsI, Vxaw, ZFrk, kcUSn, jSsH, nsjKC, Moqs, TbeLMd, ison, vmhO, jvZ, SEKKSy, qrkX, zcs, yiZE, eDAp, kJLZ, byBgW, lBZ, VnX, LKm, CxUX, kyw, Pamc, gpDD, epeOD, AZx, jrLO, xXOC, vWr, LesLfy, WUw, ZOu, XXag, ZFya, FvTX, PWljR, utu, xCCq, sZBvM, Qbw, tFzpeH, vRAtRR, cekQb, pZm, FqRqHQ, OgKNmD, LXVJAa, nTSSgo, Are an entity 's operations and reconciles beginning and ending cash and when it is after % of the items, which are done using cash and when have! 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