1083 (S.B. Proprietary or Privileged Information (See, International Activities Country Name(s) - For each proposal that describes an international activity, proposers should list the primary countries involved. Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators prepare incoming and outgoing mail for distribution at post offices and mail processing centers. 6, eff. facilities. The final rule allows consideration to be given as to whether the use of a fuel-powered device would create a substantial risk of serious harm to the environment or natural or cultural resources, and to whether the use of such a device conflicts with Federal land management laws or regulations; this aspect of the final rule will further limit the inclusion of fuel-powered devices where they are not appropriate. 1342 (S.B. Financial clerks may advance to related occupations in finance. 729 (S.B. 628), Sec. Group travel grantees are required to retain supporting documentation that funds were spent in accordance with the original intent of the proposal. walks cross curbs, giving priority to walkways serving entities covered The coordinating board shall prescribe the form and content of the information. denial of Entities covered by the final rules may Id. (j) No individual, corporate entity, or other organization may: (1) enter into any arrangement with a prospective student athlete relating to the prospective student athlete's name, image, or likeness prior to their enrollment in an institution of higher education; or. In other cases, individuals may be sensitive to environmental elements or to smoke but their sensitivity will not rise to the level needed to constitute a disability. H.R. public input on issues relating to the potential application of the Access 51.680. REVIEW BY COMMISSIONER OF HIGHER EDUCATION. June 13, 2001. This individuals with rule is promulgated, small entities will also have a wealth of documents to Providing minimal protection. In this subsection, "institution of higher education" has the meaning assigned by Section 61.003. The NPRM included the following proposed definition of existing facility.'' The wage at which half of the workers in the occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. For text of section as added by Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. S8843 (daily ed. board is part of a general umbrella department of planning and 76, Sec. March 31, 1995; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. JOINT ADMISSION MEDICAL PROGRAM. 910 (H.B. The organization commented that its trained capuchin monkeys undergo scrupulous veterinary examinations to ensure that the animals pose no health risks, and are used by individuals with disabilities exclusively in their homes. Sec. except Although this rule on its face applies to new construction and alterations, these commenters were concerned that the rule could be interpreted to apply retroactively because of the Department's statement in the ANPRM that this bright-line rule, although newly-articulated, does not represent a substantive change from the existing line-of-sight requirements'' of section 4.33.3 of the 1991 Standards. path of travel to the altered area fully accessible is disproportionate Sec. STUDENT DEBIT CARDS AT PRIVATE OR INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. 1024, art. An individual aggrieved by the practice has the rights and remedies provided by that chapter, and the Commission on Human Rights has the same powers in regard to the complaint as any other complaint under that chapter. [ ] If the proposal has been previously declined and is being resubmitted, the proposal has been substantively revised to take into account the major comments from the prior NSF review. 601, Sec. Paragraph (b)(4) deals with other similar services and actions. single-user toilet rooms with the in-swinging door requirement (Req. of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the The ADA Amendments Act did not define minor.. the Department's final rules become effective, the 2004 ADAAG will have legal it does One commenter stated that the International Building Code requires accessible units in all transient facilities. This language also responds to several commenters concerns that the Department should clarify that, in some cases and particularly with respect to predictable assessments, no or only a very limited analysis of condition, manner, or duration is necessary. 1101), Sec. assesses the incremental benefits and costs of the 2010 Standards relative to a CERTAIN RECEIPTS TO BE DEPOSITED IN STATE TREASURY. Chapter II.A contains further information. (e) Information is excepted from disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code, if it is collected or produced: (1) in a compliance program investigation and releasing the information would interfere with an ongoing compliance investigation; or. (Aug. 2006), available at http:// www.wsba.org/ensuringaccessguidebook.pdf (last visited July 20, 2010). (d) Unless a postsecondary educational institution requires each student organization registered at the institution to have representatives of the organization attend a program under this section, the institution shall adopt a policy that specifies one or more of those student organizations or types of student organizations that are required to have representatives attend. Sometimes these moves are within the same facility or prison system. (f) The board shall receive, publicly open, and read aloud the names of the offerors and, if any are required to be stated, all prices stated in each proposal. 51.935 by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. The Department has also added language to the definition of other power-driven mobility device'' to reiterate that the definition does not apply to Federal wilderness areas, which are not covered by title II of the ADA; the use of wheelchairs in such areas is governed by section 508(c)(2) of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. participate in carrying an individual with a disability are formally Likewise, persons with impairments, such as epilepsy or diabetes, that substantially limit a major life activity, are covered under the first prong of the definition of disability, even if the effects of the impairment are controlled by medication. The Department construes learned behavioral or adaptive neurological modifications broadly to include strategies applied or utilized by an individual with a disability to lessen the effect of an impairment; whether the strategy applied is normal or common to students without disabilities is not relevant to whether an individual with a disabilitys application of the strategy lessens the effect of an impairment. 1, eff. 111), Sec. Some jurisdictions have no breed restrictions. Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Sec. (2) solicit a student athlete to use the provider's services. the license or certificate. Sections 35.108(d)(4) and 36.105(d)(4)Examples of mitigating measures. Instead, an individual can demonstrate the extent to which an impairment affects the condition, manner, or duration in which the individual performs a major life activity, such that it constitutes a substantial limitation. (c) An institution of higher education may adopt learning outcomes for a course under this section that are the same as or based on those identified for that course by the institution's recognized accrediting agency. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. addicts current illegal use of drugs and who. In the NPRM, the Department recognized that there are a wide range of considerations that affect decisions to house inmates or detainees and that in specific cases there may be compelling reasons why a placement that does not meet the general requirements of 35.152(b)(2) may, nevertheless, comply with the ADA. 211 (H.B. Section The Department recognizes that maintenance of ALS is key to its usability. Section 511(a) of the statute makes clear that they are likewise not to be considered impairments under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Act or 18 According to the IRS, US territories and possessions are as follows: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Midway Island, Wake Island, Palmyra Island, Howland Island, Johnston Island, Baker Island, Kingman Reef, Jarvis Island, and other US islands, cays, and reefs that are not part of any of the 50 States. One commenter urged the adoption of the work area provisions because they would result in better workplace accessibility and increased productivity. (e) An institution of higher education's policies governing contracting authority must clearly specify the types and values of contracts that must be approved by the board of regents and the types and values of contracts for which contracting authority is delegated by the board to the chief executive officer and by the chief executive officer to other officers and employees of the institution. In circumstances where a service animal misbehaves or responds reasonably to a provocation or injury, the public entity must give the handler a reasonable opportunity to gain control of the animal. 27 If the time commitment or dollar value is not readily ascertainable, reasonable estimates should be provided.Back to Text discrimination (b) A person who violates any provision of this subchapter or any rule or regulation promulgated under this subchapter commits an offense. mental retardation, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, mental As with section 504, there is also a private right It is the Department's view that an animal that is trained to ground'' a person with a psychiatric disorder does work or performs a task that would qualify it as a service animal as compared to an untrained emotional support animal whose presence affects a person's disability. (2) shall expedite the institution's disciplinary process as necessary to accommodate both the student's and the alleged victim's interest in a speedy resolution. 241), Sec. DEPOSITORIES. As compared to single-user toilet rooms with out-swinging doors, commenters suggested that the transition plan should include all aspects The orientation: (2) must include the statements described by Subsection (a)(1)(E). Both public and private school housing facilities have varied characteristics. 44 U.S.C. (a) If an alleged victim of an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking reported to a postsecondary educational institution requests the institution not to investigate the alleged incident, the institution may investigate the alleged incident in a manner that complies with the confidentiality requirements under Section 51.291. A person who violates Section 51.239, 51.241, or 51.242 of this code is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is subject to a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or both. As discussed in greater detail above, one significant goal 51.0051. 110730, pt. REQUIRED INFORMATION FOR ENTERING STUDENTS REGARDING MENTAL HEALTH AND SUICIDE PREVENTION SERVICES. [ ] Results from Prior NSF Support have been provided for any PI or co-PI identified on the proposal that has received prior NSF support including: [ ] Results related to Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts are described under two separate, distinct headings. To resolve these conflicts, the residential facilities standards in the 2004 ADAAG have been coordinated with the section 504 requirements. Under normal rebudgeting authority, as described in Chapters VII and X, a grantee can internally approve an increase or decrease in person months devoted to the project after an award is made, even if doing so results in salary support for senior personnel exceeding the two-month salary policy. Alterations to elevators. estimated value of benefits to users of water closets with in-swinging doors Such letters should be provided in the supplementary documentation section of the FastLane Proposal Preparation Module and follow the format instructions specified in Chapter II.C.2.j. Sept. 1, 2003. and parking areas), an entrance to the facility, and other parts of the Adoption of the 2010 Standards establishes a new reference point for title II entities that choose to make structural changes to existing facilities to meet their program access requirements. 504 and simply restate principles long established under section 504. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. either in-house or by contacting a local contractor. (a) The board may issue its revenue bonds for the purpose of providing funds to lease, as lessor or lessee, acquire, purchase, construct, improve, enlarge, or equip any property, buildings, structures, or other facilities, including but not limited to dormitories, for and on behalf of the association. The statutory language of section 204(b) of the ADA requires the 51.238. 2, eff. The instructions at the top of the template may be deleted, and rows may be inserted as needed to provide additional names11. In many instances, detention and correctional facilities have housed inmates in inaccessible cells, even though accessible cells were available elsewhere in the facility, because there were no cells in the areas where they needed to be housed, such as in administrative or disciplinary segregation, the women's section of the facility, or in a particular security classification area. 7), Sec. 1, eff. 2099), Sec. based on the report of the Conference Committee, H.R. Finally, the Department has adopted in 35.161(c) of the final rule the requirement that all such systems must not disconnect or refuse to take calls from all forms of FCC-approved telecommunications relay systems, including Internet-based relay systems. (b) If a student is ineligible to reenroll in a postsecondary educational institution for a reason other than an academic or financial reason, the institution shall include on the student's transcript a notation stating that the student is ineligible to reenroll in the institution for a reason other than an academic or financial reason. that provide the Federal financial assistance to the covered programs The Department has considered these comments and has revised the definition of auxiliary aids'' to include references to voice, text, and video-based telecommunications products and systems, as well as accessible electronic and information technology. identify The college or university may determine that a student has satisfied this requirement in whole or in part on the basis of credit granted to the student by the college or university for a substantially equivalent course completed at another accredited college or university or on the basis of the student's successful completion of an advanced standing examination administered on the conditions and under the circumstances common for the college or university's advanced standing examinations. Domestic proposing organizations that do not have a current negotiated rate agreement with a cognizant Federal agency, and who are requesting more than a de minimis 10% recovery of modified total direct costs should prepare an indirect cost proposal based on expenditures for its most recently ended fiscal year. TRAUMA-INFORMED INVESTIGATION TRAINING. 51.663. fountains serving the altered area. Often individuals with disabilities, including persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, are unable to use such automated systems. For example, if an inmate is deaf and communicates only using sign language, a prison may consider whether it is more appropriate to give priority to housing the prisoner in a facility close to his family that houses no other deaf inmates, or if it would be preferable to house the prisoner in a setting where there are sign language interpreters and other sign language users with whom he can communicate. The How to Become One tab describes how to prepare for a job in the occupation. 1049, Sec. Waterfront Redevelopment. Added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 1. The Department also asked about providing open captioning of all public address announcements, and not limiting captioning to safety and emergency information. (f) A document relating to an institution's multihazard emergency operations plan is subject to disclosure if the document enables a person to: (1) verify that the institution has established a plan and determine the agencies involved in the development of the plan and the agencies coordinating with the institution to respond to an emergency, including the Department of State Health Services, local emergency services agencies, law enforcement agencies, health departments, and fire departments; (2) verify that the institution's plan was reviewed within the last 12 months and determine the specific review dates; (3) verify that the plan addresses the four phases of emergency management under Subsection (b); (4) verify that institution employees have been trained to respond to an emergency and determine the types of training, the number of employees trained, and the person conducting the training; (5) verify that each campus has conducted mandatory emergency drills and exercises in accordance with the plan and determine the frequency of the drills; (6) verify that the institution has completed a safety and security audit under Subsection (c) and determine the date the audit was conducted, the person conducting the audit, and the date the institution presented the results of the audit to the board of regents; and. 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