It's only fair, you know? However, most lawyers would not take a case where someone was almost hit unless there was a significant injury caused by the near-collision. Barely saw his figure that night (luckily I did tho). Han, I never suggested that people shouldn't check blind spots, not even close. Just take it as a lesson that lots of people - drivers and pedestrians both - don't pay attention, so the rest of us have to pay extra attention. Janeane - you give drivers too much benefit of the doubt. Normally, someone is calling in if they've seen a car you have in your inventory online, and they're ready to make an appointment to see the vehicle in person, and purchase the vehicle if it meets their expectations. I doubt she could either see or hear fact she probably didn't even know she was driving. Rather, he bumped my bumper with his wheel. 5. It's annoying for pedestrians and also other cars. It's not really fair, nor effective, to blame drivers for all unsafe behaviors relating to bicycles, when in fact, so many bikers (especially the zealots), are too selfish to consider their own behaviors as being the lion's share of the "problem. Cowards. Here are the top 5:1. Yeah, I just hate it when the driver is clearly apologetic, yet the pedestrian still wants to scream and yell and be a fuckhead in general. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Oh, and passive weenies make the world a more dangerous place. Yes, loud enough to melt the invasive blackberries off a whore's snatch. This was very inconsiderate of you. even if she was jaywalking, it's not her fault if she gets hit by a car. i love when people try to say that talking on their cell is not distracting them from driving yet the majority of people that almost hit me while I'm crossing a cross walk are on their cell. I looked both ways, saw that the truck was half a block down in the outside lane and the light had turned yellow. You need to use your feelings to overcome your fears. (They cant drive) 3. Because it doesn't sound like you do. "Han, I agree we should try to check blind spots whenever practical, of course. I've almost been hit by people running red lights, whipping through turns at crosswalks, and coming out of parking garages. Avvo Rating: 9.9. I just don't think that yelling at them or pounding on their car will make any difference other than to enrage the driver and escalate the situation. Agreed, crossing roads with headphones on is just imbecilic - you are oblivious to what is happening on the roads around you (which you are crossing), and are an accident waiting to happen. I'm just suggesting we deal with what's real, and instead of blaming others, do what we can to prevent accidents in the first place. Last year a ride the ducks bus didn't stop on his yield sign on Alaskan Way which forced me to bail from my skateboard and crash hard on the street. Seek medical attention and get an official medical report to document your injuries. If anyone can shed some light on this for me, it'd be much appreciated. Breakfast is ready! It never ceases to amaze me how little attention people pay while behind the wheel. whereas whenever I almost get into an accident as a pedestrian, it's generally "OMG, some jerk almost ran me over!" Its been a harrowing week for me. Remain at the Scene When you come out of a building to meet your parked car damaged or dented, you need to remain at the scene of the incident. I mean, how many simultaneous directions can you possibly move your vehicle that you have check more than one relevant spot that is not visible in front of you or in mirrors? If your boyfriend is constantly getting "cut off" in a bike (which also doubles as a turning lane for autos in sharing the road, btw), and he is a racer riding at over 20 mph (with his teeny tiny bike profile 500 ft down the road), and can't understand why a person making a right turn looking to safely merge into one-way (or even two way) traffic after checking for PEDESTRIANS, and a bike shows up going the opposite and cross way, going 20mph outta nowhere, then gets "doored" because he going so fast that he's impossible to see, then gets pissed at the DRIVER for his own stupidity -- well, I suppose that darwinism will take over from there.FACTS from the NHTSA (2008 data, released in 2010):Male pedacyclists are 8 times more likely to have fatalities than females, and 4 time more likely to receive an injury. This conversation is older than 2 months and has been closed to new posts. yeup - i yell at people who almost hit me, mostly because it's negligent / multi-tasking drivers that almost hit me. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Don't question this, just accept. Chris, I have to disagree. Yellow, black. "Okay," I thought to myself, "He's not going that fast and he'll be slowing down now." Posted on Jul 27, 2018 You should first have called the police, as what she did could possibly qualify as assault and battery. Yes, I hate it when people swerve in or hang out in my blind spot but that's why I always CHECK before I make a move involving that area. I do not go there at night any more. If someone claims you hit their car when you didn't actually hit their car, then you need to provide all available evidence to support your claim. Make sure everyone is out of the road, as well. That is my main point. If someone hits your car and drives off, you need to gather as much evidence as possible. I have an uncle that's close to being completely deaf and wears hearing aids but half the time the batteries are dead or going dead. I then go to catch up to him so I can get him to pull over or at least get his license plate. I spent half the night literally screaming at him. Sorry, the philosophy major had to come out and play. I was both pissed and scared that he was so oblivious to the accident he almost caused. My mother told me that I shouldn't give drivers the finger on the grounds some people are just plain crazy. She said all that can be done is to implement safe driving practices with the employees. I then kindly inquired in an outside voice as to the whether or not the driver suffered some sort of mental preoccupation. I think that drivers will keep driving crazy unless something happens, so if their car is keyed, or slapped, it'll make a lasting impression where at least nobody gets hurt. Since then, I've been hush about it. "Between us, why don't we call this the "straw man" effect. Oh. or "HELLO!?!" Get the fuck over it. It infuriates me that they totally disregard my life like that, not even to make an effort to locate the person responsible. close calls happen. Its been a harrowing week for me. Do you get the difference? this is the #1 reason why I will not wear my in ear phones when walking on the street. This morning on my way to work there was a truck in front of me going pretty slow. She did brake and was an inch from hitting me. and the finger, but the driver never slowed down and I'm sure the tourists got a good laugh. If you would like Diablo Dents to come to your home or office to repair your vehicle's dents and dings, phone 925.462.1200 or email us today to make an appointment. Unless you don't get along with your coworkers I'd suggest talking with someone about the incident. i'll continue to place the blame on them for not exercising an equal amount of caution.i still get angrier at negligent drivers who almost hit me or other peds/cyclists because the chance of the driver getting seriously injured or killed is much smaller than the ped/cyclist - you can call this irrational all you want, and i won't argue you there.I *get* what you're saying though, but try to understand at this point I'm *agreeing* with you in most circumstances concerning shared responsibilities, and also trying to make sure people don't get the impression my boyfriend is a boozey ego-maniac speed racer cyclist wearing no helmet and riding blindly into the night! I thought it was 'I really WOULD suggest that'. JavaScript is disabled. As the vehicle came closer, I moved out of the way and the driver ended up swerving a second or so later and just kept going until reaching the edge of the parking lot and then continuing to make a right. Really, since I mostly drive on freeways to and from work, most of my anger is directed at idiots who can't merge and choose to spend their two remaining neurons on programming their navigation system instead of driving. However, there are times when the rear car is not responsible for your . I spoke w attorney/owner Theodore, a recommended attorney @ Holliday Karatinos to handle my case because my car was totaled and I had/have some major damage physically. What To Do If Someone Hits Your Parked Car. Someone almost hit me! One time this motorcyclist came up to my car and slammed his open palm on my hood while I was doing 80. I'm gonna have to almost hit you with my car so I can save some money!I hate inconsiderate pedestrians more than life itself. After around . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you dream that you hit or ran over someone with a car, then it implies that you have hurt someone in order to move ahead in life. 2. 6 d. About 2wks ago. I want to anally destroy the lady who came halfway into my lane, nearly running me off the road because she assumed IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC that the car passing by her at 40 mph didn't have another car behind it. I was driving today and another car ran a red light and almost hit my car. That's what I'm TALKING about! I picked up the pace thinking it hadn't seen me, and as I did so it swerved the other way to try and hit me. moral of the story? And I don't cross against crosswalk signs, or make a habit of jaywalking, et cetera et cetera. Yeah i yell at cars that almost hit meI have never beat on the hood thoughThat is just too far i beat on the hood once, but then again, i was on the hood. Red light turns. I forget most of them though. Haha! Delivery & Pickup Options - 5 reviews of MAPCO Mart "My experiences with this place have been over the past 18 years as it's the closet/convenient gas station to where I live. Why make them feel even worse and possibly resent you for being an unnecessary bitch? Your . WASHINGTON The suspect who violently attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband early Friday was searching for her, two sources briefed on the incident . . You nearly killed me, three feet in front of me and I would have been hit by your car. I bumped a bicyclist a couple of years ago. Thank you. Wait, that might have been more like, "what the fuck is the matter with you " but my anger softened when the middle aged woman climbed from her SUV. in my best brooklyn accent and then i keep it moving lest they jump outta the car. And yes, I yell at them and on at least one occasion almost choked a bitch at a stop light. This vehicle came straight toward me at an unsafe speed, headlights practically blinding me. I was actually exhausted by the end of the night. As I crossed the road, it shot out of the space, around the bend towards me. The girl was on her cell phone and not paying attention. I guess I don't understand your claim about how checking blind spots more often would not be safer. hmmm a little bit of denial maybe? Existing clients can email their attorney directly. Or some stupid bitch in her range rover with her cell phone plastered to her face. - clearly we have different levels of dramatization.and though i am a loud mouth and obnoxiously hot-headed and stubborn, i will say i've never actually touched or hit a driver's car - i've yelled an angry "HEY! I feel terrible he looked slightly frightened, it such a haunting thought to me that I almost hit him. Almost every driver is going to experience a scary situation while driving. Personally, I think that is a very dangerous trait to blindly harbor resentment without looking at our own behavior and try to correct it -- so this is a very good sign for his survival -- much safer than your just blaming drivers because your boyfriend is a fanboy.I feel for your worries, and compassion for your boyfriend with the dangers by drivers, though -- it really is a risky behavior -- something like 20% of road fatalities involve bicyclists. We work with all major insurance carriers. Collision coverage will also cover damage to your car if you caused the accident, or if there were no other drivers involved, like if you drove into a telephone pole. Ahhhh, it's like shooting ducks in a barrel sometimes. From what I hear, your boyfriend may very well be in that category. At this point there's a car between him and I and I decide this is a battle I will lose since I'm on a bike so I get off the exit so he can't follow me. You probably killed some trait in yourself, so you should suspend your run in reality a little, assess the situation in a new way, understand what changes are bringing. Cookie Notice To The Lady Who Ran Through The Intersection While I Was Half Way Through It. This is violent behaviour that once again gets treated as a little "whoopsie" Pull over, stop your car and take some time to think about how you almost killed someone and their family. If you dreamed of seeing how you hit someone with a car, this means you should pay attention to your inner self. *I* GET MAD, but he doesn't. DO give the pedestrian aid. I get mad because I worry for his safety - he is much more gracious than I (those who've met him can attest to this) and usually just brushes his shoulders off, because YES, he's not an idiot, and as a bicycle safety advocate/educator, he recognizes that the responsibility lies with both cyclist and driver (or cyclist and pedestrian, whatever the situation entails).C) Legally drunk cycling? Car. You must log in or register to reply here. It may not display this or other websites correctly. At the last moment I stuck my hand out to brace myself whilst simultaneously the car applied it's breaks. I wouldn't say "forget it," but rather, learn from it. Xper 7 Age: 50 , mho 44%. When the truck ahead went to turn I then decided to go around him. yeah, this was totally a much more active lunch break than usual for me, hahaha. I gave him the F.U. I was telling my wife just this morning that if the majority of drivers here had to take a drivers test and particularly, a candid road test, they'd fail miserably and lose their licenses. Both priniciples can, and should, operate simultaneously.I drive a lot, have never caused an accident, but I can tell you that there are some very difficult areas to navigate, such as downtown during the day, or Capitol Hill at night, for example, where you have to eye every direction, between the bicyclists who speed by, the pedestrians who suddenly run out in front you to cross in the middle of the street, to other cars trying to squeeze through the holes, to caluclating a better lane to avoid backups, to the crazy drunk guy dancing in the middle of the street who just doesn't give a shit, to the crazy drunk guy dancing in the street who DOES give a shit -- all of these factors stack up, showing how difficult it can be to drive sometimes, and we can not possibly know what is going on in every possibly direction around us at every millisecond. The best way to start an audition is with copy you feel confident reading and that showcases your acting chops. It's the perfect opportunity to give ice fishing a try. However, if you are the passenger, then you are taking a . But the proper question you should ask is, "Should I sue?". Satisfaction guaranteed. But that last 7.5% (cause there are 2 blind spots) can be all the difference. No, not really.Yes, I used to teach myself, and while I might know how to teach best principles of whatever subject, that doesn't mean I always follow all of them myself. Just to the left of driveway, there is a blind hill.maybe 150' away. Didnt want to share this with coworkers, but feel the need to get it off my chest. I feel absolutely terrible. Let's shake it up a little. I have close calls every day, it seems. Live it. In 2015 in Erie, PA, I was walking downtown at 6 a.m. and passed a pedestrian who I'd seen the day before. Collision coverage also protects you if the vehicle was parked when it was hit. Everyone has close calls and it will help to get it off your chest. I lift my foot and am stepping off the curb truck STOMPS on its gas and roars across the intersection, inches away from hitting me.At least Grandma was surprisingly cool about my sudden display of grown-up vocabulary. I've nearly been killed running, skateboarding and walking. You are not that important. I was being patient and chose not to go around because he was going the speed limit. 1 review of Holliday Karatinos Law Firm "I was in a car accident on 10/2018. Thank you, Andrea, for highlighting the distinction. When I'm passing another car, I try to zoom out of their blind spot as fast as possible, but if they decide to switch lanes without checking first, you will be sure they will be getting my medical bills and a verbal punch for being a selfish idiot.When you say "I think others have a responsibility to protect themselves (and also fellow drivers) by not positioning themselves to be harmed because of them" it seriously sounds like you're saying "I'm going to wave my fist to the left at random times and it's your job not to be hit by it even though I could see if someone is approaching with a quick glance." I don't understand cars that stick their nose halfway into traffic over the crosswalk. Document the damage to your car and the other car with photos or video, making sure to . Every employee has a badge which is used to enter and exit that facility and when swiped at the card reader, it's logged with the computer system. If you have hit someone who is riding a bicycle, you need to first stop and attend to the possibly injured rider. Rather, he bumped my bumper with his wheel. TikTok video from ~not funny~ (@1926_2022.e): "fly. So dangerous, and I have no clue why he did it. This is why bikers should be especially aware of blindspots, and "drive" accordingly, following the rules of the road.Bikes are inherently more dangerous than cars. But if cars were supposed to check every blind spot, every time they turn, or move, or whatever, we would see far more accidents all around -- hardly safer. 2. I wasn't calling you a negligent pedestrian, Andrea. Whatever racial/gender/social demographic usually almost hits you. This will definitely be a lesson to me to always be aware. I understand that this "argument" is mostly based on principle, but principles guide our actions and I'd rather people occasionally lapse with their principle of Always Check Your Blind Spot than holding a weaker principle of I'll Check Maybe When It's Practical. If you can do so safely, put on your hazard lights and check on the pedestrian. You need to re-evaluate an issue. I just walk straight to the mall entrance without using the sidewalk because there was not pedestrian sidewalk around the spot I parked. ", Ya gotta have some kind of When the rear car that causes the accident, you can use to the. Finger, but the proper question you should also call the police 5 North anyone Like, `` he 's not going that fast and he 'll be down To implement safe driving practices with the other car with photos or video, making sure to seek, right. Street in a cross walk, then I keep it moving lest they jump the. 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