Captain Mar Tuuk | The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magiks. With their order ruined, Asajj Ventress was left alone and a defeated Talzin was forced to dissolve her physical form and sought refuge in the spirit world, these two being the sole surviving Nightsisters. Ratter | After Darth Maul, her lost son, escaped captivity on Stygeon Prime, Talzin sensed the endgame of her feud with Sidious and his minions were approaching. Dooku's advanced skills in the Force, however, make him a formidable opponent. Dar | Leader A stranger crash landed on Dathomir and Merrin confronted him who turned out to be a Jedi survivor of Order 66 named Taron Malicos. She foresaw that he would find his brother and she must make the necessary preparations for their arrival. Leaders Jango Fett | Dryden Vos The Nightsisters are a coven of witches that lived on the mysterious world of Dathomir. Governor Tiber Saxon | Fennec Shand | Victory, she promised, was at hand. Use a Facebook account to add a comment, subject to Facebook's, Emily Shkoukani is a jr. creative executive at Lucasfilm who helps to maintain the lore and continuity of the, The Darker Side: An Exploration of the Occult in. Fanry | Star Wars' Nightsister Magick Works Away From Dathomir. Commander Darts D'nar | Grand Admiral Rae Sloane | The spirit agreed provided he bested Kanan in combat. Affiliates Viceroy Gar Saxon When running out of plasma arrows, the string could be used as a bludgeon, to blind or burn the enemy. The Ninth Sister | Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters welcomed her back with opened arms. Ventress agreed, and left for her mission. The Nightsisters lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark arcane energies. [17] At the time of the Clone Wars, Talzin began to sell her sisters' services as mercenaries to the galaxy's wealthy citizens. Pan Eyta | It was later used by Talzin to help Opress locate Darth Maul. Registered: Sep 30, 2012. Drawing strength from their connection to the planet-or more accurately, the altar they had built in one of its caves-the Nightsisters ruled over Dathomir and over a clan of Zabrak males known as the Nightbrothers. The Jedi later traveled to Dathomir after Savage killed two Jedi, discovering he was a Nightbrother of the planet, sending Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to investigate. The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri. The Dark Side Coven was a dark side organization that was dedicated to gaining control of the Nightsisters and eventually taking control of all of Dathomir.They were created after Shanti Rimia stumbled across of cache of artifacts from the Sith's time on that world. A couple years before the Clone Wars, Talzin came to tell the witch of no clan Falta to give up her daughter, Yenna. Darth Sidious | Operatives and Other Officials Vedain | ford ranger 4x4 for sale by owner near louisiana. During the duel, Grievous delivered a kick to Ventress, but the Nightsister furiously attacked the cyborg general and manged to sever one of his robotic limbs defeating him but the general ordered his droids to attack forcing her to direct her attention to deflecting enemy fire. Grand Admiral Thrawn | TX-21 | Scorch | Ventress joined Vos in hopes of destroying Dooku, but grew to love him as he helped her feel love and compassion again. by Stripes. . But ghosts and zombies are Not the "cornerstone" of the dark side. [5], As young initiates, Nightsister witches undergo training as children to master their power over magick. Count Dooku [6], When the Fromprath[11] came to Dathomir, they exploited the natural resources of the planet. First, young women would have to bring a strong-willed creature to a lake using the Dark Side and drown it. Sebulba | At some point, a female Inquisitor found Jerserra, a member of the Nardithi Nightsisters, and took her as an apprentice. Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | [21] The Nightsisters became embroiled in Arzo Suun's attempt to steal from a Nightbrother village. Savage saw the carnage of the battle and the dead Nightsisters laying around the derelict fortress until Mother Talzin appeared to him from wisps of green mist. The Dathomir witch confronted Darth Sidious exchanging blasts of Force and Magick lightning against the Sith Lord who had betrayed her. She was a Dathomirian Nightsister who lived on her homeworld of Dathomir before and during the Imperial Era. Lieutanent Sun Fac | Summary: Troubled by Asajj Ventress' growing prowess with the dark side of the Force, Darth Sidious commands Count Dooku to eliminate her. Purge Troopers | 5692358: 2591 - Chromium 2 402 50 Member Outlaw and the Vaders MK II. Leaders Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. Grievous agreed and produced four arms, with a lightsaber in each hand, and the two began the duel, surrounded by an army of droids, witches and zombies. His clue to finding her being that the witches' magic manifested itself as green mist. Colonel Kaplan | Their opposition to the measure, however, soon makes them targets for intimidation and attacks by hired guns. The strong presence of the Dark Side on Dathomir facilitated the use the magick on the red planet, but as little more than a specific branch of the Force, it can be used throughout the galaxy. Dathomir was also . Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Mother Pran | Mok Shaiz | But first, she thinks you needs to eliminate your "predecessor" as her slave, who she says has been plotting against her. Ezra found Kanan kneeling on top of the altar, which was bathed in a green light and covered with spirits and Ezra spoke to the spirit inside his Master. TJ-912 | She was a formidable dark side user and capable of resurrection through her twisting of life-forces. Merrin was just a child when General Grievous massacred the Nightsisters of Dathomir, but still . Sly Moore | The Sixth Brother | Asajj Ventress | The Nightsisters were a group of witches strong in the dark side of The Force who lived on the planet Dathomir.. History. Dark Side Historian. Grecker | Leaders Officials and Operatives But our loyalty is reserved for only each other.Mother Talzin turning down Count Dooku's offer to join the Separatists. In Legends, Darth Maul was a Zabrak, taken from his homeworld of Iridonia by Darth Sidious when he was a child. Maul abandoned the fight, but Bridger continued fighting. A tribe of Dark Side Force wielding Dathomir Witches. It aired on January 7, 2011. However, years later, Jerserra betrayed her master, covered up her death, and took her double-bladed spinning lightsaber. Upon awakening, she swore an oath of vengeance against her former master. The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magicks.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Lawthe governing holy text of the Dathomiri. Talzin recommended that Ventress cast off her ambitions of the Sith and fully reintegrate herself with the Nightsisters. When a Nightsister passed, her clan took great care of the body, wrapping it in cloth soaked in the planets magickal waters and reciting a spell of protection for their fallen sister. Kylo Ren General Armitage Hux | . Deva Lompop | The Second Sister | These Dark side users were able to perform their arcane magicks by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of their planet. They were first introduced in a novel many years before Disney's acquisition of the franchise. General Brendol Hux | Tactical Droids The life and times of George Balanchine. They are known for keeping male slaves. Darth Plagueis | DJ | I don't see how it is different from force, it is a bit more powerful than normal jedi, but why is it banned and a taboo? Black Krrsantan | Talzin later contacted the Count and told him how she heard he had lost his former apprentice and reminded him that Ventress was once one of her people. Asajj Ventress | Ren | When played, you will always gain 1 Ambition initially. See new episodes on television every Friday on the Cartoon Network. All but a few were slain, but their legacy carried on in those that remained. She is always near, always part of the clan. Members These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the notion of "good" and "evil", and instead chose to call upon the twin energies of the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God in order to utilize their Magicks and communicate with the spirit realm. Maul's forces captured Dooku and Grievous, to Talzin's satisfaction now Sidious would come, and her revenge would be at hand. But the Nightsisters would not go down without a fight. Skywalker_Vader1, these two characters are part of the Star Wars CANON. The trial tested their will and control of the dark side of the Force. While Asajj Ventress' path led her to becoming a bounty hunter, Mother Talzin sought far greater powers than she'd ever possess. When one dies, so I was told, we perform a ritual to honor her. R3-S6 | Captain Lorth Needa | However, she failed when Jedi Master Mace Windu and Representative Jar Jar Binks foiled her plans and she disappeared. [26] Meanwhile, Ventress joined Quinlan Vos in one final assassination attempt against Dooku, but was killed by the Count while protecting Vos, her newfound lover. A Nightsister there made potions and elixirs. Because of George Lucas oversimplified vision of Star Wars and the Force. The spirit taunted him that he will not defeat them as it flew away. [10], Although Grievous's attack was regarded as the end of the Nightsisters,[27][28] there existed clans of Force users on Dathomir by the time of the Imperial Era who continued to use the name, such as the sect known as the Nardithi Nightsisters. The Nightsister told Bridger that Maul promised flesh and blood to rebuild the Nightsister clan. They viewed everything such as animals, weapons like the energy bows, and even the Nightbrothers as tools to ensure their clan's ultimate survival and would bend or discard such tools without remorse, pity, and regret. Sometimes called the Witches of Dathomir, the Nightsisters were the dominant race on their red planet. The matriarch then handed them each a lightsaber as if Dooku was to engage them, he must believe that they were Jedi and left for Serenno. Commander Fox | Ventress visits the far side of Dathomir and the males of the planet seeking the most brutal and powerful warrior among them. Soldiers The attempt failed and the living sphere shattered releasing the Living Force and an explosion occurred killing the cultists and Talzin vanished. When Grievous and the Separatist Droid Army departed from Dathomir, they left behind the remains of their droid forces, with the wreckage of Separatist troops and vehicles scattered amidst the corpses of the Nightsisters. Captain Bragg | Ideally, the best choices are Phoenix or zMaul/First Order, while saving the other team ideas for offense. Making their canon debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series (after being originally featured in Legends The Courtship of Princess Leia, by Dave Wolverton, in 1994), the Nightsisters were eccentric witches residing on the distant, rocky world of Dathomir. Bossk | Saw Gerrera | [10], The Nightsisters were created by Dave Wolverton, and first appeared in his Star Wars Legends 1994 novel The Courtship of Princess Leia. [5], Some Nightsisters believed in the Winged Goddess, a deity of life, fertility, and divination, while some others believed in the Fanged God, a deity of death and the hunt. The Nightsisters opposed this technological invasion, forming a symbiotic alliance with the rancors, in order to drive out the colonizers. [2] They were also known to domesticate benign rancors. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Maul had returned to Dathomir and took up residence in the abandoned Nightsister lair. Generations of genetic drift and exposure to the planet's power from the dark side of the Force . Blackguards | Pyke Syndicate | Magistrate Passel Argente | The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magics.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri.These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . Barb Mentir, Garnac's Hunting Guild Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Marchion Ro | [10], Years before they were wiped out, the Nightsisters practiced their magick inside the Witches Horn, a cliff high above the cave of the chirodactyl Gorgara. While Daka concentrated on her resurrection spell, Talzin prepared her own spell using a lock of Dookus hair she had kept in a silver orb, that two Sisters brought to her. In order to join the Nightsisters, there is a rigorous ritual. AD-W4 | EV-A4-D | How the Nightsisters Mastered the Dark Side unlike the Sith. The Nightsister conjured a protective bubble shielding herself and son from Sidious and now Dooku's lightning attack. I wish to fight by your side. Whereas the Nightsisters wielded magick, the Nightbrothers were warriors. Sabata Krill | Commander Fox | Senator Nix Card | Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Jedi Academy Training Manual Affiliations: The Witches of Dathomir Witches of Dathomir who veer too closely to The Dark Side are dealt with in a very simple way: they are exiled. Skad They were then placed in a burial pod that would be hung from a Grave Thorn, a warped and twisted, barbed tree native to the planet. Inquisitorius TX-20 | You would only have to pledge your clan's allegiance to the Separatists' cause. Mods | It stands to reason that . Ezra offered himself to trade his body in return for the Nightsister spirits releasing Kanan's body. Leaders Naare | Lord Nyax | However, the iron will of new Clan Mother Talzin kept the clans together,[15] unifying them[16] into a single clan. Darth Phobos | Nan | This is Thesecret1070. Robonino | My understanding is that the Nightsisters are dark side wielders and maintain a balance unlike the Sith who are completely consumed by the dark side. [14], The Nightsisters mummified their dead before placing them in pods of animal skin decorated with tassels, which were hung on structures made of branches, bones, animal skins and shells. Talzin went so far as to raise the dead, awakening deceased Nightsisters from their long slumber to aid the living in their attempt to avoid extinction. Old Daka | Chairman San Hill | Lourna Dee | [14], In 50 BBY,[20] the clan was forced to give up the young Asajj Ventress to the Siniteen criminal Hal'Sted as insurance for protection. A grieving Quinlan laid her to rest in the waters on her homeworld of Dathomir alongside her sisters. One program was held in hopes of providing the Muncie area with some of its scary history. Tatootine Aqualish Family | As a result, Maul learned that Kenobi was hiding on a planet with twin suns. They also worshipped two of the Mortis gods, Morai the Daughter who wielded . Prince Xizor | The way that The Presence achieved this pseudo afterlife was through the dark magic of the Nightsisters, witches who used the powers of the Dark Side. The most powerful witches could even raise the dead. I'm finished waiting. The Witches also used a magical potion called the Water of Life, or the waters of life, and it was an employment of spirit ichor that was used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir in their spells. It is a reasonable deduction that the sheer amount of magick needed to reconstruct Maul left him with a unique and powerful connection to the dark side. Neimoidians | Drengir | Sy Snootles | Captain Faro Argyus | The channeling of spirit ichor often came in the form of green smoke or mist. These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . After spending some time in hiding, Ventress returned to Dathomir seeking sanctuary. Their magic was called Spirit ichor and was the base for all magic employed by the Nightsisters of Dathomir during the Clone Wars. Ponda Baba | IG-88 | 3. Nightsister Zombies | The Nightsisters of Dathomir were both a clan and an ancient order of Dathomirian Force-wielding witches and mistresses of the dark side of the Force. Rako Hardeen | The Nightisisters also used a type of hypnotic spell called Mesmerism and it was a Nightsister technique, provided by spirit ichor. The undead sisters mindlessly ripped through the Separatists' ranks, smashing through everything in their path. Whispers can be heard emanating from the spirit ichor anytime the substance is manipulated. Ventress was hit in the shoulder, and Grievous prepared to cut her down, but was overrun by Nightsister zombies saving Ventress but after having seen so many comrades fall that day, she retreated from the battleground and into the jungle mist, abandoning her coven. The creatures of the planet are similarly threatening, most notably the rancors, for which Dathomir is known, and the chirodactyl, a giant, carnivorous, bat-like creature. The task would be proved with a limb from the creature. A special group of Nightsisters, known as the Hunters, used energy weapons to track down and eliminate enemies on orders of Mother Talzin. Another powerful Nightsister, Axkva Min, is also situated in the Stronghold (in the caves beneath the area, entrance is outside the gate) under very heavy guard, and slaying her gains . Nightsisters is an Ally in Asajj Ventress' Villain deck. attempt to steal from a Nightbrother village, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Databank A-Z: Jar Jar BinksB'omarr Order, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills. Talzin helped him to his feet and told him she would help him obtain the power he needed. After a long brutal test and wiping out the selection of men, Ventress chose the Zabrak Nightbrother called Savage Opress and brought him back to the Nightsister fortress. Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. She was alone, afraid as her sisters were gone. Near the end of the war, she encountered Quinlan Vos a maverick Jedi tasked with assassinating Count Dooku. Now the Nightsisters aren't Sith, but this may be a common belief of dark side users who are more inclined towards a selfish outlook. According to Mother Talzin, it came from channeling the Winged Goddess and was manifested as green smoke. When Count Dooku calls upon the Nightsisters seeking a replacement for Ventress, she and her kin seize the opportunity to exact revenge. Grand Admiral Balanhai Savit | During the lockdown of the Anoat sector[8] between 4 and 5 ABY,[31] she taught the ways of the Force to a smuggler from Burnin Konn who ultimately emerged as the leader of the Uprising. The . Following the ritual, the cave descended into darkness when the altar suddenly glowed green and the spirits of two fallen Nightsisters emerged swarming around them demanding that Maul and Ezra pay the price for using their magicks through flesh and blood. Darth Vader "Nightsisters" is the twelfth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' third season. Prince Tal Merrik | Commander Crosshair | It was used primarily for healing purposes but could also be used to render someone near-invisible. General Grievous | Affiliates The Dark Side of the Moon. They fought in gladiatorial-style trials before one, Savage Opress, edged out the competition. [25] Maul and Talzin conspired to eliminate Darth Sidious and Dooku, but Talzin was killed in the eventual confrontation. Much of the music was characterized by lyrical verses and dark reverberations that imbued the music with a sense of mystery. Regeneration: +1. The first Nightsister seen in the Star Wars universe appeared in the movie Star Wars: Ewoks: The Battle For Endor. Stormtroopers | Closed | The Dathomir Witches held a celebration for Ventress' return when the droid forces descended upon the initiation festivity in full force, vulture droids and hyena bombers strafed the temple killing Karis and the Nightsisters prepared for battle. Spirit ichor could be manipulated in a large variety of ways by a shaman. Sith Troopers | Doctor Cylo | !. Wooof, Nihil They landed at the Nightsister village only for them to be disarmed by the witches and were brought inside the fortress to speak with Mother Talzin. Training female adepts as well as male warriors in its dark ways, Dathomir Witches used their sorcery to imbue their creations with enormous power. It granted them the ability to transform a living creature from one form to another, teleport across great distances, create bladed weapons similar to a lightsaber, blast magick at their enemies, and turn themselves invisible. Minister Rish Loo | The Nightsisters did not celebrate death, but did not fear it and saw it as a part of life, with the divide being a veil that they would all eventually pass through. But our loyalty is reserved for only each other.Count Dooku and Mother Talzin, Several studies indicated that the Nightsisters were a peaceful tribe who lived in harmony with their planet, however this was not true. Emperor Sheev Palpatine Tasu Leech | [24] She orchestrated the kidnapping of Bardottan Queen Julia to make her more powerful than the Jedi and the Sith. Nightsisters. Another powerful Nightsister, Axkva Min, is also situated in the Stronghold (in the caves beneath the area, entrance is outside the gate) under very heavy guard, and slaying her gains . Nightsisters used Dark Side powers to resurrect dead Sisters and also sent spirits to help in a battle agains General Grievous and his droids. Daimyo Boba Fett | Since they were most powerful on their home planet, they rarely ventured off-world during the height of the Galactic Republic. Interesting that Obi-Wan chose to blame the Nightsisters. Bounty Hunters At some point prior to the Clone Wars, the clan was forced to give up the young Nightsister Asajj Ventress to the Siniteen criminal Hal'Sted as payment for protection of the coven. Officials and Military Officers The Nightsister told Ezra that Maul promised them flesh and blood to rebuild the Great Clan of the Nightsisters. The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the . Merrin survived a great massacre. Keeper Agruss | Bala-Tik | Summery: Adds a new companion and playable race, the Nightsisters, to Starwind, a total conversion for TES3 based on the classic game Knights of the Old Republic. Email: TheLoreMasterYT@gmail.comAll music used in this video can be found here: of the Intro: Music by Machinimasound: Website - https://machinimasound.comLicensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 Unported License Exar Kun |

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