), How to 10x Your Attractiveness to Women, With A Simple Concept That NO OTHER DATING COACH Seems to Talk About, Learn EXACTLY How to Turn Any Girl On, WITHOUT Becoming A Try-Hard Douchebag, Asshole, or Using Cheesy Pickup Lines, PLUS 4 Free Bonuses, Including Jons Tinder Cheat Sheet Which Shows You EXACTLY How I Banged Over 100 Girls on Tinder. Simultaneously, working with The Cross can be super practical and can have immediate impact in your life! And she's always been here on our planet. Jon Darrall-Rew, Leadership Expert, Shamballa School Governance, UK. If youre trying to improve your dating life, this is the first product you should start with. I too had the same fears and doubts. She birthed the"Womb Wisdom Journey"for those in female bodies to connect to the full potential of their feminine through the gifts of theirwomb cycle. Finally, the blue hues add depth with the Stone and Indigo colors. The healthy expression is the Presence of Consciousness. My feminine wishes to be surrounded by men fully owning their masculine power, whatever that may look like and however that may shine. All sessions will be recorded and available for four weeks. By using genetic manipulation, one can interfere with the natural evolutionary course of conscious beings. The Dark Feminine's negative aspects tend to be closely related to psychological issues such as hysteria, alcohol and drug abuse, and depression. Dark masculine is the one who has the balls to protect and create safety. The Way is simply to be. This is Majid from Chicago Illinois. This is accompanied by an inner movement of Consciousness rising from the need to know itself. Actually true MGTOW is a VERY potent force in the world. All Rights Reserved. Yet, until we awaken to our Dark power we are destined to live in chains of conditioning. To receive updates, inspirations and special offers, Shadow Work and Soul & Body Union for Women - COMING SOON, Shadow Work and Soul & Body Union for Men - COMING SOON, Initiation Into The Masculine for Men - FULL, Initiation Into The Masculine for Women - FULL, Initiation Into The Feminine for Women - FULL, Initiation Into The Feminine for Men - OPEN, http://www.facebook.com/rememberyourself.live, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiuMZ3AeWruJCm2Q8fQUk7Q, Video Equinox Meditation: The Sacred Union at The Center, Cultivating the Dark Masculine and Animal Power in Me, Discovering Shadows in My Light Masculine, On Men & Women, the Masculine & the Feminine, Drinking Your Cup of Karma Around the Masculine, I know who I am and I know what I want. This is the core of masculine energy right here. The overview below gives you a deeper insight in the qualities of The Dark & The Light; THE DARK => MATTER Light and Dark Feminine: A Quick Contrast by Renee Wade 102 75 144 Like many women, youre probably wondering about what light and dark feminine energy is. Sofia Sundari is a bestselling author, transformational leader and founder of the Sundari Mystery Immersions and the Priestess School. In order to get the most out of the journey, you are strongly advised to make no other plans from when we start to when we finish each weekend, other than attending to necessary family commitments. When you begin to embody masculine energy, your life will naturally come together. Feminine energy is receptive, empathetic, and supportive. You lost me when you said Ryan Goslings eyes were all fucked up. Thats what you came to this world for after all! This is one of the most common questions I get asked! However it is only when the masculine is not connected to the heart that dominance becomes invasive, pushy and controlling. Dominance that is rooted in the heart becomes a gift and a way to penetrate with love. Dark masculine is the one who has the balls to protect and create safety. Dark masculine wont hesitate to confront anyone or anything that is threatening vulnerability. Dark masculine penetrates through bullshit and calls out lack of integrity. Dark masculine is connected to and at ease with his inner animal. Dark masculine knows how to ravish his partner in bed and hold space for nothing but total surrender. Dark masculine is assertive, sharp and clear.He is not revengeful. We have a perfect example for you. Conserving energy and evading Russian airstrikes prompt Ukraine to turn off the power, but life continues in the dark. However, a society that is fully geared towards the feminine, sees everything that makes a man as dark or evil. They are each essential and fundamental for the [] Need to find identity and awaken to self knowledge. This article was very wise and you hit the nail on the head all the way through. Breath and prana are part of this layer. That is why you see so many men acting like women and women acting like men. We are too much in the dark, our light and dark aspects are imbalanced. I enjoyed the article and agree regarding MAGTOW. Yang is the light sideit is assertive, active, and analytical. Do you know what type of advice youll find out there on the internet? The Initiation into the Masculine Intensive will have 3 Modules. Answer (1 of 9): and you are the sunthat he/she saw for the very first time within themselves. Why? I am still on this road and this is one of the reasons why I want to assistin this longer version of the intensive, to go deeper. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow expression as well. The dark and the light have once again become equals and the sun will start to fade. recognize how the Dark and the Light Masculine manifests uniquely through you; explore the shadow - overdeveloped or stunted - and the healthy side of your Dark and the Light Masculine; find acceptance for how different masculine energies manifest through you and other brothers; apply the gifts of the Dark and Light Masculine to the realms of Power, Sex and Money; access the Power, Love, and Life at the core of THE Dark and Light Masculine archetypes, Nisarga Eryk Dobosz, Founder of Integral Body Institute, Poland. Be the manifestation of yang, in your life. These two paradoxical forces, or energies, as I will refer to them, can also be used to understand the concepts of femininity and masculinity on a spiritual, energetic level. Identification with the dark side of the power has nothing to do with the original darkness of space. Same sex relationships are even more keenly aware of masculine and feminine traits. . We are not here to please each other in the desperate hope to be loved, to be accepted, to be good enough, to be important. Contrary to popular belief, and contrary to what the media brainwashes women with, men do not want overly-masculine women that cant play a supportive role in a relationship. - Bruce Lyon. Masculine creative energy holds energetics such as, stable, structure, focused and commanding. A man whos masculine. Drop the masks you wear based on patterns of pleasing, rebelling, or trying to live up to expectations of what a man should be. It wants masculine form to give it order and structure. Ill help you achieve it. It is important to note that Yin and Yang are opposites, and that opposites attractat least in this case. However, there are other types of energy that exist outside of the visible spectrum on both ends. The more we clean out the distortions we carry, and let go of our resistances, the more we can open up to THE Archetypal energy in its pure form to run through us. Because it is literally double the amount of transmissions then the current in person version (27hrs in person and 55hrs on line), and because of the time you have in between to go deeper and apply the practices with the support of the team and each other. If you want to understand feminine energy, think of a flower. Such oriented consciousness treats living beings as material resources that, thanks to technology, can be controlled and modified to perform appropriate tasks. I wish I can talk to you. Reconnect with the magic of your sacred cycle 2. Whatever your authentic masculine may look like, let it shine! Yang: Masculine Energy. To clarify, I am not confirming nor denying the existence of a non-physical world. I am going to support you to let your most authentic and present masculine qualities shine, the Dark and the Light. The Light Masculine is more common and far more accepted and accessible in todays society than his Dark Brother. Takih has beenleading international groups of all genders in almost 25 countries over the last decade, in the Americas, Europe and Asia. AND I have an integrated, strong and healthy dark and light masculine. This is also not to say that women are sometimes assertive, direct, or logical; certainly they are at times. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus. A Type A personality. It's receptive and beautiful, and others come to it. Women know when their man isnt 100% sure of himself, and they will not align with him until they have complete trust in his unwavering certitude. Each one is aportal of Life Forceenergy expressing itself through this divine and primordial archetypal energy. Fitness. On the tantric path, we have the opportunity to delve into the experience of darkness during longer solitary retrites in absolute darkness. The healthy, activated and integrated masculine is a gift to humanity. It gives the opportunity to experience the whole spectrum of existence, from dark, deformed forms, which are creating suffering, to mature and developed states of consciousness. Yang, or masculine energy, serves as a lighthouse, so to speak, that constantly grounds the tumultuous waves of emotion which feminine energy revels in. There is nothing to judge. A "Dark King" represents a man who is master of his energetic and emotional domain. Thank you for hearing the call within Brothers!. Date: 02/27/2020 - 04:00 pm - 02/27/2020 - 05:00 pm. The masculine energy is stable and more predictable. Where there is light, there is shadow and where there is shadow, there must be light. Masculine energy is a little bit hard to understand, but it can be equated to "yang" in Chinese philosophy. When you begin to embody masculine energy, your health, finances, emotions, and sex life will all improve. In an ideal relationship, something very beautiful happens: awoman aligns her feminine energy with a mans masculine energy, and they become one. At the root chakra, Black Onyx brings balance to our own personal power and self-confidence. Time gone by environmental and social culture was NEVER taught to repress gender as it came natural. However, masculinity goes much deeper than mans physical function. The overdeveloped version results in being excessively mindy/ mental, disconnected from the body, sexuality and/ or emotions, unable to manifest or materialize your intentions, passive, rigid and controlling. The original darkness of the feminine and the luminous consciousness. Small peer groups, of 3-4 people, will be encouraged to meet on line a minimum of once per week. An artificial life that does not have real consciousness.Nanotechnology which is currently implemented in Western societies can gradually lead to the formation of a cyborg society, animated by a central computer. Masculine energy brings structure to the world in the form of routines, discipline, processes, procedures and even rules. Inhale and exhale. Through the polarization and union of the dark infinite Space and luminous Consciousness, the universe is born. The cradle of life.Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. Darkness is also understood as the lack of light of awareness, equivalent to ignorance. Sun and moon. Ive seen that a lot while emotional men who are calm, receptive, and intuitive are usually not masculine and are more likely to be gay. This is what feminine energy does. We are a sick society, broken and divided. Man is more than just his physical purpose; he is also his spiritual purpose. Alright, this is it Jonno more. This is why men and women complete each other in a spiritual sense. Be with mother nature 5. She and Timo are currently anchoring a Temple and School in Finland to house this body of work. Light and dark. She is based in Finland. However, his predominant energy, will be that of Yang. Would love your thoughts, please comment. The light feminine (11:59) The healthy dark feminine (13:00) The wounded dark feminine (16:00) The difference between them (17:02) The light masculine (18:25) The dark masculine (18:48) The wounded dark masculine (19:27) The healthy dark masculine (21:45) The healthy feminine (22:45) The vertical/cosmic level of masculine & feminine (24:09) The . You will find yourself pursuing the job that you really want, the relationships that you really want, and the goals that you really want to achieve. Dark feminine energy is a potent, animating force. In fact, heres some of what youll get with the 7 Strategies program: So, if you want to start getting laid with hotter girls WITHOUT becoming a douchebag, consider checking out the 7 Strategies programtoday. They balance out one another. The Way simply means to be, or to practice your dharma, or your role to play in this giant cosmic theater show. From addressing personal wounds and challenging situations, to going through Soul awakening and moving through Soul initiations, to opening up to Life,this is the map! Dark and light exist in both masculinity and femininity. Embody your masculine energy. The one who takes without consent (in all forms). Depth and time are key! Dark masculine penetrates through bullshit and calls out lack of integrity. There is a well known shadow side to this energy and most people associate dominance with that. The stunted version is not being able to stay present in the experience of strong emotional, sexual, primal energy, needing to escape or getting lost in it. Thank you for giving me the proper words to properly clarify what Ive been considering. They are competitive and can have trouble communicating emotions - yet they want to feel appreciated in relationships. This is not a mental or conceptual journey, it is embodied! 1. What started off as a fun hobby, grew into a full-scale 6-figure business thats changing the lives of men worldwide. If you are concerned that going through this Initiation on line is not as powerful as doing it in person, I can tell you this much. Yes Im in a woman's body. And along with her partner Timo, theycreated the 4-part "Intimacy Journey"- Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Soul Intimacy - to support Couples on their path as Consorts. Theyre certainly unique, but not attractive. 2. Masculine energy is the unrelenting drive to take care of business, no matter the cost. When a man completely embodies his Yang, or his masculinity, women are very attracted to this on a deep level. Archetypes are universal images that according to psychologist Carl Jung, form [] "This is the map of re-membering', to put ourselves back into wholeness." How to tap into your dark feminine energy in 14 healthy ways 1. Think of masculine energy like it's a charging bull. My kitchen feels too dark/masculine and I want to lighten it up. Is it dictated by circumstances? And you can always return to the sessions to go deeper in between modules.FB Community: The 4 week period in between each module will give you the opportunity, via the FB group, to ask questions, go deeper on your own or with a small practice group, share with the community, apply lessons learned to your daily life, review practices, and integrate this Module before moving onto the next one. He/She showed you your shadow.. You showed him/her - his/her light Now, that's quite an awakening:).. This is not a training, this is intended to give you a deep and transformational personal journey. Wholeness is defined as "the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity" or "the state of being unbroken or undamaged". Im tired of seeing so many offerings, by men and women alike, aimed to fix you by targeting your wounds and your ego with the promise to make you a better lover or teaching you tricks and techniques on how to please a woman. Light feminine energy is very vulnerable, expressive, and communicative. Why? Masculine energy influences its environment, not the other way around. And humanity needs it too! Women. They reflect this mechanism of the myths of patriarchal civilization, where gods and titans kill fathers in a competition for power and devour their own children.The consciousness of the murky demiurge is looking for ways to accumulate as much energy as possible to dominate the space around him. Generic, bullshit advice, I recall walking around Washington, D.C. one afternoon, telling myself that I was going to do some day game. This inherent potential is actualized when made conscious, and subsequently harnessed and allowed to manifest through you. However, due to attachment to a separated identity and its power concentrated in dark matter, already at the early stage of descension, some parts of collective consciousnesstry to change this cycle and create different kind of evolution. Those traits are not attractive to the opposite gender and result in women getting raped and abused and men getting abandoned by women for more masculine men who see these women marrying feminine men as easy targets for stealing. Two years ago I received the guidance to drop everything I was working on, and transmit ONLY this. Holding yourself back, playing it small, doesnt serve anyone, not you, not your loved ones, not other men or women, not humanity. The goal of this article is to explain masculinity and in a deeper way. At the same time, prohibitions are introduced, restricting rights, and religious ideologies suppress natural needs and instincts. Youll see that Masculinity (or Femininity, for that matter) is NOT about sex. Feminine and masculine energy is no different (and another example of duality). Does it ask what it wants? This is one of the most common questions I get asked! Maybe new cabinet pulls. Were you joking? Top 5 Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises For Cannonball Delts! Every human being has certain feminine characteristics and certain masculine characteristics, I understand this. The philosophers' stone is actualized when the opposites, be they good and evil, male and female, or light and dark, become united in what is the final stage of the opus: the "coniunctio." . Have you ever met a woman who just oozed sex appeal? There would be no direction or growth. From these come the quadrants: Dark & Light Masculine, and Dark & Light Feminine. We can discover aspects that compete and control. Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. Working with our personal, immature male aspect is crucial for the future of life on this planet. This darkness is seen as an abyss of our unconscious, an inner space with which we don't have conscious contact. Feminine energy, which is the receptive, nurturing, and passive force in the Universe (and in the hearts of women), is basically Yin. The Key to unlocking the healthy Dark Masculine energy is Penetrative Presence. You shouldn't view them as light dark , when people use psychedelics the males meet female guides and entities and vice versa (so i have read) . This raises the determination needed to free ourselves from the conditions that we have created over millions of years. The dark nature of the color palette gives the color palette a masculine energy. This is why masculine men typically gravitate towards women . She helps people all over the world return to their original erotic innocence, power and love. She developedThe Cross, for those in female and male bodies, to heal, empower and integrate their masculine and feminine, body and soul, and activate the ecstatic current of Life Force. Im not trying to make men into caricatures that never feel or use their right-brain. Yin and Yang are often used to describe these false dichotomies, such as good/evil or light/dark. Advanced technologies are aimed to imprison other conscious entities in an artificially created virtual reality.A theatrical reality is created, in which immature masculinity acts from behind the curtain throughthestructures of secret organizations. Not anymore than my pussy is. By the time you are done, you will have a distinct feeling or "energy read" for the Dark Masculine resonance as a whole, i.e. You will be provided with Spotify-based playlists to support you with the different energies we will be working with throughout the 3 month journey. After process of spirit descension, evolution starts from unconscious stage, when beings following instincts, fighting for survival, not recognizing their true nature, explore the external matrix and collecting experience. It's unrestrained, boundless, wild, and sometimes chaotic. Archetypes serve as a bridge to our wholeness. Have a dark moon ritual 10. There is a Dark and Light Feminine, and there is also Dark and Light Masculine. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Totally ignores the existence of same sex relationships. The world needs the real you! Yes, its different on line than in person. If you want to know how to make her chase you, this is the key. Taoism is a very interesting philosophy, in that it does not claim tohave a way such as Christianity, Buddhism, or Hinduism does, but rather that itis the Way. In a previous article on The Way of Men, I presented a very practical, straight forward explanation of what it means to be a man. This is where the concept of Yin and Yang comes from. One of the big gifts of the course wasconnecting tothe brotherhoodwithin, and with other men who I consider my brothers now. His masculinity complements her femininity, and her feminine energy complements his masculine energy. The Cross has been transmitted by Bruce Lyon who developed it over 40 years, and is THE most integrated, holistic, fast and deep path we know to Soul Awakening and anchoring. Balancing our masculine and feminine aspects can be challenging, but finding the balance of creativity and productivity is essential for well-being. The blood in the form of liquid (being the denser/feminine) is the carrier of (the lighter) oxygen (the masculine). Long story short, your program completely transformed my life. To embody Yin means to be receptive. Look at Daniel Craig, Ryan Gosling, and Benedict Cumberbatchthey arent particularlyphysicallyattractive, are they? Women are clearly experts at reading IOIs and interpreting the emotional side of reality, and can often tell more about a man than he knows about himself, just from a quick glance. Finding your life's purpose is not easy, but it's something you can learn to do over time by taking action and developing decisiveness in all areas of your life. Indeed, the Dark power can be dangerous if we dont have the heart and the consciousness to use it in its Highest way. Look at them, theyre all crooked and shit. Integrate and transform your s. Unfortunately, most men dont ever fully embody their Yang. And its. The main traits and characteristics of feminine energy are: A woman who has fully embraced her feminine energy will display all these qualities. There is a light side and a dark side to the feminine, and dark feminine energy is, you guessed it, the dark side. Your cock is not a circus monkey. Feminine energy, due to its chaotic, ever-changing, emotional nature, is drawn to logical, firm, and steady masculine energy. However, everything that exists in the universe has its deep justification. Now, women come up to ME and start talking to ME! Follow the path of the dark Goddess 4. For light masculine she describes holding . Spirits that reside in the upper realms of light, are ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Archangels, and many other light beings. The dark masculine is a space that can truly hold the deepest parts of our shadow that we fear, or don't want to look at. According to tantric wisdom, only existing reality is the Luminosity pervading infinite Space. Dark masculine wont hesitate to confront anyone or anything that is threatening vulnerability. . The Tao Te Ching, which is one of my favorite books on spirituality, discusses this in depth.

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