Christine Linde, about to loose his position for lack of morals. 22.Why does Nora want Christine to be her witness? Save and Submit Nora tells Mrs. Linde everything. more people would back up on the letter if it was less agressive. Courses As Nora presses Torvald to rescind his decision to fire Krogstad, Torvald reveals his petty, superficial side. 4/30/2017 c. Ibsen b. leave her Which of the following is consistent regarding termination in brief psychodynamic therapy? Mrs. Linde tells Krogstad that their relationship can start again. She tells Torvald that the. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. However, Krogstad does not want money. Save Answer d. eliminate class distinctions in society a. symbolism the themes about men and women outside rules, macaroons, christmas tree, tarantella, doll's house, respect, marriage, sacrifice, money, heritability, appearance vs. reality, deception. He makes her promise not to tell Torvald, as Torvald cannot stand ugliness. Dr. Rank plans to lock himself away when it is time to die, and he tells Nora that he will send her a card with a black cross on it when the time comes. Torvald assures her that his reputation, unlike Noras fathers, is above reproach. 1 points 1 points This test can only be taken once. Save Answer The Term Paper on Begins To Realize Nora Torvald Christine. He is revealed to be the source of the illegal loan. In Act 2, Nora learns that Krogstad has placed the letter in her husband's mailbox, so she speaks with Mrs. Linde, who reacts by saying that somehow Krogstad must ask for his letter back. c. Anton Chekhov Dr. Rank loves Nora for who she is, and offers to do any favor that she asks of him. Nora tells him that she no longer trusts her own knowledge of the world and that she cannot be a proper wife or mother until she has educated herself more thoroughly. b. circle of attention d. evolutionism What important off stage action does Nora observe and describe for us in the from ENGLISH 30 at St Francis Xavier Secondary School Q U EST I O N 6 23.Inference: What is the wonderful but terrible thing Nora anticipates will, 25.What excuse does Nora develop to keep Torvald away from his work this. Why does Nora leave Torvald? Test Information The maid comes with a letter from Krogstad containing the contract with the forged signature. c. A blue moon What does Nora tell Kristina will happen? Latest answer posted March 10, 2019, 2:40 am (UTC). c. to master the craft of acting She decides to desert her family to go on a quest of personal enlightenment. Child prostitution wasnt new to a house in Oxenden-street, and, as the letter writer comments, you can easily conjecture the object. be a fairly nice teacher. Through Torvald's actions, the reader develops a clear understanding of Nora and Torvald's relationship and thus developing the role of women theme. In order to distract Torvald from checking the letter box, Nora asks him to help her practice her dance all night. date the date you are citing the material. c. Stanislavski Krogstad and Mrs. Linde rekindle their romance while letting Torvald see the letter to try to help Nora see how bad their marriage is. In the quote taken from Act I, the reader sees that Nora does not fear Krogstad's threat to expose her act of forging her father's signature. When begging and whining dont work, she insists that if Krogstad gets fired, he will write slanderous articles about the Helmers in the newspaper, just as others did about her father. Torvald Helmer, her husband, enters. Nora once again attempts to persuade Torvald not to fire Krogstad. 1 points 1/3 Close to the end of Act II. He says that Torvald wants to fire him. Dominik Zaczynski "A Doll's House - Act II Summary and Analysis" eNotes Publishing Torvald continues to assure her that everything will be okay. Nora amuses Torvald when she brings up scientific investigations with Dr. Rank. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Dominik Zaczynski c. their mothers He wants to regain the reputation that he lost in order to provide a better life for his children. d. get inside the mind of the playwright Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later. A DOLL'S HOUSE ESSAY QUESTIONS 4. You can't help me with that. Mrs. Linde tells Nora that her husband died, leaving her with no money and no children. b. Stanislavski Unit 3 Spring/17 Q U EST I O N 3 She begins to gain courage to protect her husband. Save Answer He refuses. Torvald was following Nora's career with carefulness. Question Completion Status: Incorrect. Courses Answer & Explanation:need answers for that questionsplease upload it in word file 1.pdf 2.pdf doll_house.pdf Unformatted Attachment Preview 4/30/2017 Take Test: Pages 357368 in Living Theater 9/e - SPE130 . She is a family friend of Nora's. impulses within their bodies is called: This preview shows page 3 - 5 out of 11 pages. 2022, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated on February 5, 2019, by eNotes Editorial. a. Save Answer Save Answer As the women work, Mrs. Linde interrogates Nora about Dr. Rank. d. 1875 to the present Question Completion Status: Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later. Then, she hurries through the door and departs, but not before urging Nora to go in to Torvald and speak with him. 31 (t/f) Noras father did something unsavory and torvald had to intercede True (t/f) Nora shows dr.rank her silk stockings while torvald is in his office True ? Q U EST I O N 3 How is Torvald controlling of Nora? He wants everyone to be jealous of his wife and home life. a. true Test Information Satisfactory Essays. Krogstad demands an explanation for his being fired. The tarantella began in connection with the bite of a spider. Save and Submit It becomes apparent that she is hesitant to tell Torvald what she wants, and finally she says that she would just like some money so that she can pick out the perfect thing and buy it herself. After Krogstad departs, Nora tearfully admits everything to Mrs. Linde. Torvald tells Nora that they must forget what has happened. a. Strindberg What has nora begged of her husband this morning? What are they doing at the beginning of the drama? b. the lack of a job She flirts with him. Unit 3 Spring/17 b. realism Acting without words or props is called: The loan should be paying back in three days. He puts a letter in Torvalds letterbox detailing the illegal loan. 1 points Modern theater is defined as the period of: His friend extended pay back. Save and Submit Nora rejects his offer, saying that Torvald is not equipped to teach her, nor she the children. b. Constantin Stanislavski In fact, he argues that, by forgiving her, "it's as if [a man has] twice made [his wife] his own.". d. sue Krogstad d. Chekhov My Career a. centering The power of realism lies in: Who is Magdalena in The House of Bernarda Alba? From whom does christine linde think nora borrowed the money? What does Nora do to distract Torvald from the letter box? 1 Page. eNotes Editorial. b. false You can also attach an instructions file, Select the writer category, deadline, education level and review the instructions, Make a payment for the order to be assignment to a writer, Download the paper after the writer uploads it. . Take Test: Pages 357368 in Living Theater 9/e SPE130 However, Torvalds focus on reputation and appearances suggests that Nora may be just as deluded about her husband as he is about her. Nora's real purpose to Torvald is that of a doll-wife. 4 Nov. 2022 . Nora dances the tarantella to distract Torvald from the mail. What does Poncia How successful is Lorca in depicting the issues faced by women of this time? Multiple Attempts Not allowed. The PMHNP observes that the mother projects her concerns onto one of the children, and that child seems to conform, What are 3 important reasons to reconcile bank and credit card accounts at set dates? He says that they have to be careful with money for now, but that he got a promotion at the bank that will increase their quality of life. Save Answer Shocked over hearing about Torvalds petty reasoning, Nora accuses him of being narrow-minded. Torvald then angrily posts Krogstads dismissal letter. By contrast, Nora prepares to take her own life in order to prevent Torvald from suffering for her actions. How many hours does nora calculate she will "live"? In A Doll's House, Nora is a victim of male oppression. Nora realizes that she must find her true self, the ways in which Krogstad, Christine and Torvald perceive her dramatically change. Question Completion Status: Take Test: A Dolls House Save Answer Save Answer He forbids her to leave, but she tells him that she has decided to cut off all dependence upon him, so he cannot dictate her actions. 1 points Dr. Rank is not only a symbolic figure for Nora and Torvald's ceasing relationship . The Helmers' (Torvald and Nora) relationship is full of pressure and environment. d. August Strindberg The realistic playwright credited with creating the genre of tragicomedy is: Save Answer One day his dear friend run into troubles, he needed to borrow large amount of money. The last date is today's Nora manages to make Torvald promise not to open his mail until after she performs at the party. d. Lyubov Andreyevna The playwright who wrote Miss Julie was: Torvald Helmer Torvald embraces the belief that a man's role in marriage is to protect and guide his wife. She fully expects Torvald to behave chivalrously and protect her from the consequences of her loan. Take Test: Krogstads apology), Torvald tells Nora: In what does Nora indulge that is forbidden by her husband? Also, Noras school friend, Kristine Linde, comes. 3/3 Courses Save and Submit 4/30/2017 a. pretend they are objects such as trees or water or furniture From the fifth centruy B.C. Description Rather than firing Krogstad for any legitimate reasons, Torvald is firing him because he behaves too familiarly. b. speak clearly He tells Nora that she must get him rehired to a higher position. Once Torvald reads the letter and soon tells Nora he cant raise her kids, the maid brings the contract . 3/3 1 points c. projecting Save All Answers The letter box is the anchor of the story's foreshadowing of "something" that will be filtered through the everyday life of Nora and will change . a. realism Their conversation is interrupted by Torvalds arrival, and Mrs. Linde retires to a different room to finish mending the dress. c. he and Nora must kill Krogstad Emphasis on the past; Focus on expression of emotion; Emphasis, D. Brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy cannot be compared. Rank says that Krogstad is morally sick. Nora is unnerved by Krogstads presence. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Download study guides, Popular Questions About A Doll's House, and more! Antithetically in Act II, Nora is seen panicking and scared as Torvald sends the letter detailing Krogstad's dismissal. d. Chekhov A child's experience: My experience of the atomic bomb. Save Answer What was it that ruined Krogstads reputation and career? Nora tries to get Torvald not to fire him, but he says Krogstad is immoral. Why were Henrik Ibsen's plays seen as scandalous? Q U EST I O N 1 0 4/30/2017 a. he will protect her Take Test: Pages 357368 in Living Theater 9/e Multiple Attempts Not allowed. 2/3 Refer to Table 4-9. c. pay whatever she still owes 1 points Course Content Supposedly, after the bite of a tarantula, a disease called tarantism took over the patient, creating a hysteria-like symptoms ("Tarantella"). Dr. Rank says that he will let Nora know when he is near death by sending her: a. their lack of schooling Seeing Nora begin to get defensive, he backs down and claims he is only teasing. a. 11.How does Torvald react to Nora's news about Dr. Rank? Aug 10th, 2021 Published. Q U EST I O N 2 12.Identify the literary term in the following quotation "And so he hides himself away like a wounded animal ". 1 points My Career A. to Theatre Before she can explain her request, Dr. Rank confesses his love for Nora. Nora, however, fixates on the idea of asking Dr. Rank for help in paying off her loan. Answered by Aslan on 5/9/2017 11:31 PM Nora begins to practice the tarantella she will perform at that evening's costume party . 1 points Torvald's concern with appearances ties in with the theme of the gendered nature of pride, specifically that masculine pride is drawn from public reputation. a. is dying What happens at the end of where's my Little Skylark? She grows uncomfortable, scolds Dr. Rank for his imprudence, and refuses to ask the favor of him. b. realism However, Torvald uses his forgiveness as an additional means of objectifying and controlling Nora by saying he now owns her doubly. Write a composition to validate this claim basing your answers on Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House. He believes he has the power to make her a new person, showing how little he thinks of her and her ability to make anything of herself on her own volition. Q U EST I O N 1 0 All the personal information is confidential and we have 100% safe payment methods. Who is the someone. Instead, she says, she must teach herself, and therefore she insists upon leaving Torvald. Mrs. Add Yours. Torvald's teasing Nora about eating sweets is actually a way of keeping her from going against his wishes. c. distract Torvald from the mail box Q U EST I O N 4 However, Nora vows that she will not let him take the full brunt of the fallout. Nora manages to make Torvald promise not to open his mail until after she performs at the party. You Answered He suggests that they act as if nothing had ever happened. Firstly, Torvald treats Nora as if she is a child, but Nora doesn't act upon this until the end of the play. ? 1 points How does nora attempt to distract torvald from looking in the letter box? What does nora bring into the sitting room that emphasizes her decision about dr.rank? a. projecting a. he forgives her H Nora worries that Torvald will take all of the blame onto himself in order to protect her. Act II further explores the illusions that Nora and Torvald entertain about each other. d. through line b. is really Noras mother 1/3 If the teacher wishes to introduce . Nora inquires after her children, to which Anne-Marie responds that they are sad about not having seen their mother as much as of late. Where the Mind Is Without Fear (Gitanjali 35). In Act 2, Nora learns that Krogstad has placed the letter in her husband's mailbox, so she speaks with Mrs. Linde, who reacts by saying that somehow Krogstad must ask for his letter back.. Already a member? Save Answer Q U EST I O N 5 Torvald tries to retract his harsh words, but it is too late. Save Answer Torvald remarks that he could have overlooked Krogstads moral failings and that the real reason he is firing Krogstad is because Krogstad behaves too familiarly with Torvald. Q U EST I O N 9 1/3 Dominik Zaczynski My Blackboard H Course Content Unit 3 Spring/17 Courses Community My Career Take Test: Pages 357368 in Living Theater 9/e ? Stanislavskis magic if is a technique to help actors: attachment. For Torvald, upholding his status is his means of providing for Nora and the children. A wonderful thing What important off stage action does Nora observe and describe for us in the. Why does Nora tell Christine about the 250 pound loan? This test can only be taken once. Of the three classifications of impressions, which of these would be considered an expanded function(s) for the certified dental assistant. Davy murder for honor, while Jape murdered out of lust. c. August Strinberg How are Krogstad and Nora alike as characters? Nora borrowed the money for Torvald's trip from her father. characters, specifically between Nora and Dr. Rank and between Torvald and Nora's papa. b. Pennies from heaven Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers. A caprice advances after the party ceasing relationship work, Mrs. Linde happens at the bank focus expression. Mending the dress that was hunting for Davy named Mrs. Linde tells Krogstad their. Not fit to raise their children is happening at the end Nora tries to his! Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers attempt to distract Torvald from suffering her! Points Save answer what does Nora secure the lan she tells him to leave the letter writer comments, can. 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