and it NEEDS to have a manual override to open or close. So I have a collected summary of thoughts, Ideas and observations that I hope will be helpful.I am playing in the experimental branch only.1) Shredder vanished from game with latest experimental update.2) The water level gauge does not actually reflect the current water level. Added LuaHeatEnergySourcePrototype::heat_buffer_prototype read. It's realy fun to play, looks realy good and requires a minimum of harddrive space - i love that!It would be awesome to have an (maby even optional) auto-priorisation feature. Our Minecraft server hosting maintains that the modpack is up to date so you never have to worry. , This is to fix internal problems related to modded loaders with custom sizes and side loading of it. to show where things line up. Added "add" and "remove" modes to the Infinity pipe and Heat interface. One thing that would make it much better in my own opinion is to have the range be just distance to the main house not via road, but via air. flags, pumps, breeding pods, power wheels, wood production buildings, etc.) (. Not necessary (maybe limit to a new faction), but cool. (, Fixed locomotive placement would snap to wrong train stop when there are multiple stops available. (, Fixed electric network GUI production bar related to tertiary energy sources. It would be neat for maximizing space. Maybe use metal?-More uses for metal. I'd love to see some hotkey shortcuts for building roads and some of the more essential buildings like houses, storages. Same logic with other techs of similar interface. (, Fixed idle machines without idle sound counting towards the max_sounds_per_type limit. All food (raw and cooked) should be listed together instead of just the cooked stuff (with a clear separation as to whether it is indeed raw or cooked). (, Fixed that undoing deconstruction of building with modules created extra module request. Hi,i would like to see, that the "Migrate" dialog would get some small adaptation. (, Fixed that rotating belt direction when dragging allowed "stash" the rotate and continue in the original direction. But it needs a lot balancing. Cheers, Not sure if is mention but how about a way in the create your map when i place the water soursce down i can set how strong it can be. -Above suggestion can be expanded later into Trains or sort if desired for late endgame. (, Fixed ghost entities of other forces being considered valid drop targets. The only issue is small lack of later game content. Mayor Toothy Beaver, we don't accept bug reports in comments. Removed LuaBootstrap::is_game_in_debug_mode read. Though I am spoiled by Factorio and ONI with regards to automation, would really love at least some rudimentary sensor - action system.And production limits. Fixed a crash when trying to undo actions done on a surface that was deleted in the meantime. The * Ask: A way to restrict production of resources district wide Justification: Right now you can limit via storage only, and only on an individual storage basis. Fixed that built electric pole from map view was also opened with the same click with alternative key binding. That said it's not long until I slowly run out of things to do. Ghost build can be used to fast replace non-ghost entities, which results in an upgrade order with (optionally) a direction change order. Added support to save/load LuaProfilers. The only feature I would suggest is some way to save the energy you produce during the evening while your Timberborn are sleeping.I can not wait to see what you add next. Fixed that player building reach limit was applied also for ghost building. I'm pretty much gonna re-suggest a lot of what's already here-Borderless Window mode, please.-Let me please set production limits, either in the building directly, or with another specialized building.-Let me get resources back from deconstructing a built structure, at least half. So if you want to find a certain type of building to turn on/off, you don't have to play "Where's Waldo" in order to find it, you can just click on it and boom, takes you right to it. ; On the Setup page, click on the dropdown menu and select the Reset/Delete Server Files (Also tick "Delete All Server Files") option as the Template. Please make some evil ducks (University of Oregon mascot) that must be defeated.Tutorial could be more detailed. Fixed tips & tricks notice not being cleared when the tip was finished by playing tutorial before marking as read. When installed, then press the Browse Modpacks tab. i was thinking maby a small difficulty with a maintinance building. I would like to be able to set certain buildings to Auto pause when dry season starts or ends. (, Fixed locomotives on curved rails would not snap to train stops. Some suggestions for that-Random world generation (really hope the final game has this)-Natural low spots below water level that you can open/fill up to make large swaths green-would be so satisfying -And more terraforming options-Aqueducts/irrigation for inland settlements-Underwater/floating structures!!! also i dont really understand why you have to press ENTER to confirm the number this could be changed easily.thanks for this great game i fell in love with it since i saw a Lets Play on Youtube and directly bought it. a month ago. Fixed invalid "Can't reach" message when using ghost cursor to build rails in the latency state. Like using their teeth to chop down trees or their tails to hammer around while building, something towards that direction. Please keep in mind when you add future buildings! (, Fixed a crash when using repeat_count with frame_sequence in animation definition. Be the first to answer Jun 12, 2014 Heating & Cooling. I hate districts. Modded tips and tricks information is remembered when the associated mods are temporarily removed/disabled. I would love some easier way to deal with paths, my main issue is I go to place a stair on a path and then I need to go delete the path first then select the stair and it's just annoying every time. Right now you have to pause every building that you have until the beaver chooses the right one- Allow the camera to view things horizontally. Extending the tutorial to cover how dams work/how and where to use them would have saved me about 80 logs in my first game! (, Fixed a crash when building underground belt or pipe ghosts over belts/pipes of other forces. Added LuaEntityPrototype::torso_bob_speed read. I did not find the option, it should be like this. You can deselect trees intended for aesthetics so it would save my forgetful self a lot of headaches!A checklist when getting started would be nice: forger, lumberjack, water, storage, science, farmer and so on. Cheat Mode allows free and instant crafting of any item. Get to the point that youre over cobble? Added LuaStyle::extra_margin_when_activated and extra_padding_when_activated write, which also accept arrays of values. (Maybe it's already possible? Integrated SDL_Mixer for audio mixing, which is now the default mixer. (, Fixed inactive mining drill playing its working sound for a moment when panning over it. Allow Foresters to cut and maintain the area they grow in. I would like to be able to set a priority of which building stay maned when a mass of the population dies off. Trees Growth: It's also very slow. I can't check other building with only the stat of the disctrict.For path, it would be good to construct over a path (for district gate, stairs and so on) so that it replace the path.Having a daily panel that share you some information:- One panel for basic stuff: water, food- One panel for constructionand so on.Having possibility to dedicate a task to some transporter, (or the building to prioritize a task) Especially when it is dry, I want to focus on water the day before or something like that.It would be good to not having the possibility to create building when other technologies is needed(creating flour but you need gear for the building for instance, and I have not the technology to create gear yet). Alternately, when placing a building on a levee / platform, maybe the building could automatically delete any pathways under its footprint? Also a way to manage the hiring & firing all in one place (like the district center) so you can quickly get people to a specific job before and after drought. It should just have a reload save button, an exit to desktop button, and an exit to main menu button. or create a way to store energy. (. Saying a beaver is 75 when a) it is not 75 years or b) 75 days for old age is kinda odd.District borders: Yes, you can make them grow with the paths and the districts - iyou do it with buildings - why not make it a toggle for players? - Add Luxury houses and more tiers of buildings connected to health, "class" etc- Mudslides, dynamic water pressure, wear DLC:KING BEAVER (Politics, dictatorship, revolutions mm)The squirrels invade (War)I have more if you email me ;). Also, thunderstorms (beavers can't enter water during thunderstorms)* It's nice to have a three-turn grace period before the "normal" draughts strike - but once you've got your ducks in a row, they are not a problem any more. I think it would be cool if one type needed to have a lot of their buildings built in water (housing, research, ect). as ive seen once or twice, elevators. Added LuaControl::crafting_queue_progress write. E.g. Can I have a key that takes me to unexploded dynamite like the clicky thing that takes me to the next unpowered building.6. What to do with carrier infinity HP/AC fault code 81. (. (. Great Game, can't wait to see where it goes, thank you. Tekkit 2. You need a clear feature to prioritize different jobs. It just doesn't look nice, and limits options for building.My suggestions are:Make the pathing invisible, so it looks nice still.Or have the roofs of solid buildings not require paths to be built on them to connect another building to the path system (assuming it's accessible via bridge, ramp, etc. ; Open 7 Days to Die Server Settings. (the most important for me)A panel where you can manage how many goods I would like to move from district to district on a given day. QoL- Have an Indication of Maximum Storage Capacity in Warehouses vs Current Storage. I suggest making a button on the bottom bar, similar to the tree cutting button, where if you select either "pause" or "play" then you could drag to highlight all the buildings (ex. the drouht was way to long in my opinion also the crops take longer to grow and by the times they are grown your out of what you already had so now if they dont die. I want each outpost to be able to produce something and have have an easy way to emit that to all other outposts via a supply train. Soon I'm going to move to the lake and do something their. I'm having so much fun! I use discord and my friends are thinking of getting the game and I talk a lot using text chats on my second screen. (, Fixed changing belt direction by dragging when underground part is present. I assure You ALL of these suggestions are read and considered by the dev team! Added auth server bans feature for multiplayer games. We should be able to manage all building of one type, for example water pumps, as the drought comes in we should have one button to pause them all not one by one as that's tedious. It helps while building them. 700 CV compare to the few CV from the new system Wheel seems incredible (compare also to the power needed to cut tree).I used 4 wheels and 2 big mills to reach 80% of the pump power and i see only a small amount of water on top. (, Fixed that changing train stop limit would not set last player. Together with buildings that produce goods on the water, such as "bud farm" or "bark cereal factory" (with waterwheel drive), a good balance would be achieved. (, Fixed heat pipe related drawing only working for boiler type entities. (, Fixed that radar coverage preview wasn't visible when the mouse was above invisible parts of the GUI. (, Fixed a crash when trying to use different weapons in the spider. Upload your plugins into Similar to drought, but instead of losing water, water gets spent faster, work gets slower, debuffs bc of heat. Fixed that ghost fast replacing gates didn't respect the current direction. The current yellow for District one, blue for district 2, green for 3, red for four, purple for 5, etc? (example) if you select "forest" it shows all trees as a green blotch. Click on one water pump anywhere and all are paused. (, Fixed crash when cancelling map loading while connecting to a server. Fixed that entering and exiting a vehicle in the same tick would move you away from the vehicle. I know it's a lot of modelling work, but would add satisfaction.At least system like in Settlers 4 would be nice, which is two models per building (framework and full building), that render from bottom to top.

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