ford-geo:fna/us If your car is not rated for ethanol, only use unleaded gasoline. Some of the most notable changes to the 2020 version include forward collision alert with automatic emergency braking as standard, as well as the availability of Android Auto and Apple CarPlay smartphone integration. However, there may be instances in which TOP TIER gas is not available in your region. Ford company has no will against using reformulated gasoline in 2021 Ford Fusion engines. city/highway. You might see a very slight gain in MPG with 91, but I don't think it would balance out to break even and consider justifiable. If the motor is designed for 89 and you're at or below about 2500 feet above sea level, run 89. Reformulated gasoline is famous for reducing harmful emissions. If after replacing all those items, the cylinder #6 misfire code remains, then there are a few other possibilities. Drivetrain. Ford recommends that you use nothing lower than 87 octane gasoline. Most professional guide services and outdoor . As car enthusiasts, we talk and link to several services in our industry that are helpful, including Amazon. 18 0 obj Integrated storage within the front doors. Call 833-240-8331 for more information. For reference, one hour of cooking time on a canister fuel stove will cost you about $6.00, while an hour of cooking time on white gas is closer to $1.50 and other liquid fuels may be even less. What kind of generic oil can I buy for my car? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Flat rate pricing based on labor time and parts, Hand-picked, community-rated professionals, Trusted mechanics, rated by thousands of happy car To fill up 13.5 gallons, it will cost you around $48.141, and for 18 gallons, it will be about $64.188 in New York. 6-Speed Automatic. Optional enhancements for the cabin include a heated steering wheel, heated and ventilated front seats, partial- and full-leather upholstery, and a leather-wrapped steering wheel. When obtained from solids, the conversion is referred to as gasification and the facility is known as a gasworks. I just looked, Ill be damned. Seeing as you have a turbo car, and modern sensors and fuel maps are pretty good, I probably wouldn't run more than one grade below the recommendation until about 6500 or 7000 feet. In this case, you likely fill up at BP, Amoco, Walmart, or 7-Eleven. Reduced headroom and rear visibility due to its sleek roofline. In the 20th century, natural gas, composed primarily of methane, became the dominant source of fuel gas, as instead of having to be manufactured in various processes, it could be extracted from deposits in the earth. 1130 Auffenberg Avenue. Try to fill up half your tank (5 gallons at the least). 2016 Ford Fusion Technical Specifications A faulty control valve may arise. Car parts will eventually become ineffective. 2020 Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid 4 cyl, 2.0 L, Automatic (variable gear ratios) Elec+Gas. Browse Ford Fusion vehicles in Rock Hill, SC for sale on, with prices under $19,960. 2015-08-11T15:35:33-04:00 MaritzCX moderates public reviews to ensure they contain content that meet Review guidelines, such as: No Profanity or inappropriate defamatory remarks, No Personal Identifying information (e.g., customer phone number or email), No Competitor references (e.g., another brand or dealership), Dangerous behavior (e.g. If you're 5k feet or above, you can usually run 85 and be fine. The engine is designed to run with 87 octane. Front fixed armrest with dual cup holders and a central console. Standard safety equipment in the 2020 Fusion Hybrid includes: The Fusion Hybrid also comes standard with Ford's Co-Pilot360, a suite of safety aids. 2023 Vehicle History Inc. All Rights Reserved. combined. Ford Motor Company does not have a preferred fuel brand recommendation for Ford vehicles. However, not all types of gas are the same. But if you hear a loud knocking or slight knocking gradually increasing and dont stop by changing octane type, contact your dealer right away, or you might end up eradicating your vehicle warranty. Has no leaks at all. . For all model years of the Ford Fusion, its advised you shy away from using metallic/silicon-based additives in your gasoline. Search pre-owned Ford Fusion Energi listings to find the best Montreal, QC deals. Hybrids, Diesels, and Alternative Fuel Cars, Tips for Hybrids, Plug-in Hybrids, and Electric Vehicles, Plug-in and Fuel Cell Vehicles Purchased in 2023 or After, Pre-Owned Plug-in and Fuel Cell Vehicles Purchased in 2023 or After, Plug-in and Fuel Cell Vehicles Purchased Before 2023. endobj 30 0 obj Reg. But I DID hear some knocking with regular gas. 2015-08-12T09:58:00.65-04:00 I have a FF with a 2.0 Ecoboost. Navigation with voice control functionality is also included. A forum community dedicated to Ford Fusion and all Ford vehicle owners and enthusiasts. LATCH (Lower Anchor and Tether Anchors for Children) for child restraint seats in the rear outboard seats and an upper tether anchor in the rear middle seat. Octane ratings do not matter as far as cleanliness of the fuel or anything. Ford EcoBoost engines use 3 types of advanced in-car technology (turbocharging, direct fuel injection & ti-VCT) to boost efficiency & fuel economy. 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, 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, 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Although Premium gasoline is recommended not to be used in your Ford Fusion, but when the Ecoboost engine was introduced in this series of Ford, it was then allowed to use Premium gasoline (with octane number 91 or higher) but only for heavy load works like towing. The oil capacity of the 2016 Ford Fusion is based on the engine size. Search pre-owned 2015 Ford Fusion listings to find the best Montreal, QC deals. Assume those links are affiliate links which means we may earn a commission if you click and buy. 05b54a536297ecbbe3a72789891f9c76d6f25e5e Meghan Cass endobj . If your car is rated as a flex fuel vehicle, you can also use fuel-grade ethanol. $20,495. Free CARFAX Report. After going through every owners manual of Ford Fusion, we have gathered all the information you need to answer your questions more precisely. Make sure that the exhaust will not be too loud for the zoning laws Hello. The trims introduced in 2013 offers 13.5 gallons only, while every other trim offers 14 gallons. Can you put 93 gas in a Ford Fusion? Your gas tank needs to be in the beSTShape. 2 0 obj 26 0 obj Whether you're an eco-friendly car buyer or you just want to save money at the pump, you might be considering hybrid and electric models. Ford recommends using SAE 5W-30 viscosity for 1.6L and 2.0L EcoBoost engines and SAE 5W-20 for 2.5L engine. Manufactured fuel gases are those produced by chemical transformations of solids, liquids, or other gases. Graduating is a milestone, and you want to reward their hard work and show how proud you are. Year Price Transmission Kilometres Body type Condition Fuel type Drivetrain Seller type Exterior colour Number of cylinders Engine size Power Seat count Doors Video/photos Keyword search Extras Dealer updates Free CARFAX Canada report. Posts: 5. Hi! The fusion, focus, 5oo, mustang v-6 and mustang GT are all designed with the use of 87 octane fuel. Drivetrain. This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Body Type: 4dr Car. Some 2010 - 2015 models are also compatible with E-85, which contains 85% ethanol. The milage does go down but for the price diff in gas it does pay to use it when we are by a station that sell it (about 20 miles from were i live) plust the performance is great with the E85. Combined MPG on Gas Only: 42. Unless you're revving out the engine all the time, 87 is fine. Reg. 597 0 obj Premium gives a far better fuel economy, about 15 to 20 percent more kms. <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 2 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/StructParents 2/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> A new turbocharged 2 engine was included on the 2014 Ford Fusion SE and the standard engine on the 2014 Ford Fusion Titanium.There is a 240 horsepower four- cylinder engine available in this car.Even with this powerful engine, the driver can still get 23 city / 33 highway 26 combined fuel efficiencies. Learn how these powertrain vehicles provide a smart option for those who prefer gas-only engines. . Free shipping for many products! The 2018 Ford Fusion Hybrid in all of its trims, the S, the SE, the Platinum and the Titanium, use regular unleaded gasoline. Dual front visor mirrors with illumination. Mile / Year: Move slider to match your driving habits. But the book says its recommended and their engineers know best about the engine they built. A "low oil " light comes on when only 1/2 qt low Hi There, As you may know, there are a multitude of engine oils on the market all claiming to be the "best" and prolonging the life of your car's engine. Combined gas mileage: 6 L/100km Fuel type: Gasoline Interior colour: Brown (Beige) Transmission: Automatic Mileage: 107,987 . Most fuel gases are composed of hydrocarbons (such as methane or propane), hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or mixtures thereof. Do not use fuel-grade ethanol (the standard ethanol mix found at most gas stations is fine). Options: ENGINE: 2.0L ECOBOOST. The fuel recommendations provided by Ford are related to fuel quality and rating requirements, not specific fuel brands. Customers are invited to participate in a survey administered by MaritzCX, an independent, third-party supplier. Discounts $3,078. From my limited knowledge, high octane will reduce the chance of knock when using higher boost but I doubt it makes a big difference with the stock tune and pressure. It may also be used gas heaters, camping stoves, and even to power vehicles, they have high calorific value. Here's what the 2013 Ford Fusion owner's manual suggests. The most common type of fuel gas in current use is natural gas. That said, those altitudes I gave are for naturally aspirated cars. Also read: Ford Fusion Transmissions: Overview, Problems, Fluids. Is this normal? All models have four doors and feature the same 2.0-liter four-cylinder gas/electric hybrid engine. 245 hp @ 5500 rpm. Vehicles produce about half of the greenhouse gases from a typical U.S. household. Go to to find one in your region. 43,884 km GOOD DEAL . The standard engine Ford Fusion in the S and SE, also use regular unleaded gasoline. Different Types of Gas, Explained. MMT is methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl, which boosts the octane of gasoline. The thermostat and temperature gauge will only give you Hi there - if your engine is using less than 1 quart every 2500-3000 miles, this is considered normal ( by most technicians, even if in stop-and-go environments. Suppose you are not sure whether your vehicle is Flex-Fuel capable or not. Microsoft Word 2013 That said, there are almost always knock sensors on modern motors that can adjust fuel delivery, valve timing, throttle valve positioning, etc to stop it from happening. 275 lb-ft @ 3000 rpm. My name is Stefan; Im the owner and lead writer at Ford recommends that you use nothing lower than 87 octane gasoline. I guess my question is, is it worth it and will there be a big difference? Lets explore each aspect and discuss the cost to fill up the tank and mileage of different versions of Ford Fusion through different generations. All generations of the Ford Fusion use regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87. . 231 hp @ 5500 rpm. According to U.S. News, Edmunds, MotorTrend, and, the answer is yes, thanks to its sporty features and intuitive infotainment package. Products like Seafoam Hey there. I recommend always getting the highest octane fuel that You can afFord to run. Combined gas mileage: 9 L/100km Fuel type: Gasoline Transmission: Automatic Mileage: 190,535 . Biodiesel is a kind of diesel related to organisms, as the name suggests. Engine: Intercooled Turbo Premium Unleaded I-4 2.0 L/122. <> All these brands arent TOP TIER retailers and you need to add a detergent to your gasoline to keep your engine clean or deposits will build-up, reducing MPG and the lifespan of your fuel system. 2.0L Turbo Inline-4 Gas.

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