Let me say, when we come to Him, never to remember them again. Hallelujah indeed! 2. God sees the righteousness of Jesus on us as we believe in Jesus efforts for us on the cross. Satan is the ruler of this earth and he has the power to control our lives. The Bible tells us that there is a cost to sin. What a high standard. It had to be done again and again. Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my life now. So yes we are to be telious, but that does not mean perfect like Christ is perfect. And I will thank You for it forever. Does the Bible Say Jesus is God and Where are Those Bible Verses? Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. Understanding the Gospel. This writer wrote that, Jesus did not enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place [a part of the Temple] every year with blood that is not his own. In the chapter called, Why did Jesus die? Nicky wrote about the problem of sin. She also has tremendous empathy for people who are recovering from substance use disorder. Thank you also that you offer me the gift of the Holy Spirit. Its important to talk a little more about the seriousness of sin. You must continuously resist the devil with words of this scripture and believe its declaration in your heart. Because God knew and knows the impossibility of our being righteous people on our own, Jesus came. I am sorry for my indifference to you. First and foremost, the enemy is often difficult to identify correctly, coming in different forms and sizes. For the seasoned Christian, now, more than ever, your voice is needed. And, if the Bible is foreign to you, find a beginners class or book, or buy a Bible that has excellent notes. PRAYER POINT : Father, please completely destroy the works of the devil in my life and in Your Church in the Name of Jesus. Thank You Lord for giving me victory through the blood of Jesus! What Does the Bible Say are Signs of a Hardened Heart? We often make light of our sin. Verse 57. A few days back as i was on my knees Praying, I was led by The Holy Spirit to write this Prayer..Do Pray along with me.. Do Share and Comment. You wont regret it. Let us praise and worship the Almighty God who has granted us victory through the Blood of Jesus. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. Finally, Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! Learn how your comment data is processed. She believes in sincere worship as a weapon of warfare and an act of love in reverence to the Father. Let us praise and worship the Almighty God who has granted us victory through the Blood of Jesus. Seeing everything in life as an opportunity to worship God! You cannot confront the devil and his agents with human wisdom, scientific inventions, philosophy, or ethical principles; rather, confront them with the Blood of Jesus Christ, which signifies the seal of our victory in the Lord. Finally, here is a prayer you can pray if you need to make the decision to follow Jesus. I am forgiven and freed from the power and penalty of sin because of Your sacrifice, Jesus! And, we wont be able to grasp the overwhelming goodness of what Jesus did for us. Thank you that you died on the cross for me. This is the high standpoint of the Christian faith. The enemy also comes as natural occurrences which one would expect to naturally fade away with time, but down the line, such occurrences metamorphose into serious problems. The element of our victory is the Blood of Jesus, and the weapon of our warfare is the word of God. We cannot stop sinning. Victory through the blood "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless! I am forgiven and freed from the power and penalty of sin because of Your sacrifice, Jesus! Please forgive me, set me free, and help me to lead a life that honors you. Victory Through Praise ~ Pastor E.A Adeboye, [Music + Video] Lion Of Judah Hemsy Ft. Afy Douglas, TREM Devotional The Devil Has No Power To Stop You, Seeds Of Destiny Devotional Made To Praise And Worship, [Music + Video] Good God Neni & Rev. You must continuously resist the devil with words of this scripture and believe its declaration in your heart. You want to stop sinning which is great, but the Spirit that dwells within you does not want to be inactive (sit around not sinning may keep you from hurting others, but it does not help others). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ADEBOYE Also, your comments are so valued! [], PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE PROPHECY FOR YEAR 2020, 2020 Crossover Anointing Service with Pastor J T Kalejaiye, Obedience to Covenant: The Secret To Dominion, Pastor E A Adeboye Sermon Excerpts - Day 3- Evening Session || Dominion, Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpts Sermon || Holy Ghost Service, Pastor E A Adeboye Sermon Excerpts - Day 6 - Evening Session || Dominion, Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon At December 2020 Holy Ghost service, Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon at December 2020 Holy Ghost Service #ItIsTimeToFly, Pastor E A Adeboye Excerpt Sermon at December 2020 Holy Ghost Congress Day 2. Ephesians 6:12says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.. Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, Ephesians 1:6-7 - He made us accepted in the Beloved. What is True Repentance? And, I get energized by the content in these songs as well! As you learn to use it and apply it correctly you will start to see miracles. If we sin is an attitude that makes no allowance for sin and says I am not this way, nor do I always have to be. is the LambWorthy! Please understand, I am not talking about sinless perfectionism. Bible in One Year:2 Kings 21-22; Ezekiel 27:10-25, Hymn: Sing hymn 2: What A Friend We Have In Jesus. The emphasis needs to be on doing good stuff (helping others with the Spirit) we are on the offensive (we are going up against the gates of hell and it is not the gates attacking us). It might be better translated: complete, made one, mature, fully grown, and all together. This is a huge subject, it is neglected from the pulpit but not from scripture. Peter sinned in front of Paul and Paul publically rebuked him, but that does not mean Peter even at that moment was hell bound. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. You cannot stop doing stuff, but you can spend all your time doing good stuff. They overcame by the blood of The Lamb. Yes, our spirit should be energized by that sort of truth! At the beginning of this conflict with devil in the Garden of Eden, it was prophesied that the seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent. Reply to discussions and create your own threads. So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Jesus gives us healing, power, authority, and deliverance from . MESSAGE :For various reasons, the battle of life has proved to be of tremendous difficulty to mankind in every generation. It . The Holy Spirit has come to teach us all that it means and to lead us into personal experience of its powers, so that in every conflict with evil it is the weapon with which we meet the enemy and find victory and perfect peace. It is very easy to use the computer concordance and find where each word is used and where they are used throughout the bible. A Biblical. I'm just a little fuzzy on the logic. 'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!' Truly, our lives are washed clean. 12:23 For theLordwill pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, theLordwill pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. xii. I apply the blood of Jesus to every stubborn problem in my life. The enemy also comes as natural occurrences which one would expect to naturally fade away with time, but down the line, such occurrences metamorphose into serious problems. Jesus is that seed of the woman! In fact, it floods our thoughts and other actions. The element of our victory is the blood of Jesus, and the weapon of our warfare is the word of God. What does the right hand symbolize? Always remember that the battle is not ours but the Lords. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR : 2 Kings 21-22; Ezekiel 27:10-25 AUTHOR: PASTOR E.A. Four Things to Do on the Days You are Discouraged, At the Center of the Universe is a Broken Heart. But when we come to believe in Jesus Christ, that He died also for us, we receive every benefit He offers. The battle cry in our conflict with the devil should always be the words of todays memory verse. I know that by rising from the dead, it was proven that you are Christ and Lord. No add-ons or extensions required, just login and start chatting! Truly, it is so powerful because Jesus was God incarnate. Discussion in 'Salvation (Soteriology)' started by masmpg, Jan 24, 2017. 23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. 22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. God Bless having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). The element of our victory is the Blood of Jesus, and the weapon of our warfare is the word of God. Or, are you saying that someone who sins was never in Christ in the first place? What is a stronghold? Chidiebere Okey, The Global Worship Experience The Encounter 2022 Is Here Again. If you would like to receive highlighted posts, other faith building materials, and occasional free resources straight to your inbox, please scroll down and sign up for our email list! Therefore, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. (2 Corinthians 5:19 NIV). Yet many Christians do not fully comprehend the power of the blood. He brought millions to Christ along with the people in his ministry. But the writer of the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament explains that the death of Jesus stopped the old system and brought something brand new and forever effective. We are holding our 2022 Angel Ministry Drive now.

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