Ogle, a hairdresser from Indiana, tells PEOPLE that she has no regrets about quitting the show, but says that theres one contestant she will never like. To move between individuals, click Previous or Next . As early as April23, 2022, that is, exactly two months after the start of the Russian special operation, the RIA Novosti news agency, citing sources in the Armed Forces of the Ukraine, has reported that at least two groups of specialists in sabotage and guerrilla war from the British Special Air Service (SAS) had arrived to that country from the city of Hereford. . She didnt seem to realise that she was supporting the destruction of her own (European) future. Higher command will have no way to coordinate larger operations in real time. Posted by: but really | Oct 8 2022 20:58 utc | 399. I dont know for sure but the way it looks to me the weapon used against them seeks to be 'in tune' with whatever protocol they use and once they are 'in tune' the signal is able to saturate the electronic input stage of the satelite rendering it temporarily unable to communicate both ways. in the very near future, we won't need to make our own postcards celebrating America's lynching of the daily enemy, we can just pass around copies of the NYT. All because the tempor of the steel beams holding up the over-pass had lost its load bearing limits. Clearly the propaganda is not working with those who are actively engaged with the subject. Posted by: Gene Poole | Oct 8 2022 20:47 utc | 391. And please, can we already start acting in earnest? That said, Russia's leadership needs to get its act together and prosecute the war to victory. Eng. the overpass was still intact even if it sagged a bit. Easy for Russia to plan as they designed, built and controlled the structure. They included Kharkov and Krivoy Rog Power stations. The explosion took place when the fuel tanks passed, https://twitter.com/Circonscripti18/status/1578715083068575745?cxt=HHwWgsDU_Z3A3OgrAAAA, Posted by: unimperator | Oct 8 2022 17:53 utc | 308. Posted by: Unnamed | Oct 8 2022 18:07 utc | 314, "What are they going to try next - assassinate Putin in the middle of the Kremlin?". They think the old saying goes like this: "He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again and again in unending retreat. Posted by: rjb1.5 | Oct 8 2022 19:39 utc | 366. She got right in my face and started rubbing my face in it. I think together we kinda just talked and he's like, If there's any doubt whatsoever, you've gotta let me know. It was one of those where I'm like, Man. Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 8 2022 19:33 utc | 364, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G33v0mm1zFA. | ", Posted by: morongobill | Oct 8 2022 17:59 utc | 311. As the pillars of the bridge seem unaffected a repair of the broken road span is possible but will take some time. USA has a super duper deep "deep state" and it would be silly to think Russia hasnt string pullers aswell, but Russia doesnt go around killing million of civilians just cause they can and you just gotta be on their side here, its as simple as light versus dark to me. And (completely unsurprisingly) it backfired spectacularily on Putin and Russia, just like Boomer Putin's autistic fixation with the Sochi olympics did. But the west wants to destroy them. That said, Russia's leadership needs to get its act together and prosecute the war to victory. will they ever get a funeral like the queen did? The west, pushing Russia back into its place for fhe damnnation of the entire world. Therefore, this paper aims to present a critical review of current fire protection measures and their applicability to address current challenges relating to fire hazards in buildings.,To overcome fire hazards in Presumably it's because a bridge is more visible and prestigious and more fitting as a symbol of Crimea's reunification with Russia. Me from a vassal EU state would have the happiest day of my life if USUKIS would get nuked to oblivion and if my state would have a sovereign leadership but that will take some time. Who else gains of this really? Repairs can be likely made over time to the rest. So they could calculate all the risks and benefits like no other exactly, Posted by: John Dowser | Oct 8 2022 19:11 utc | 349, Posted by: Josef Schweik | Oct 8 2022 12:05 utc | 123. Posted by: the pessimist | Oct 8 2022 19:04 utc | 344, The Crimean Bridge: the Footprints of the Sabotage Lead to England (Svobodnaya Pressa, SergeyIshchenko, October8, 2022 in Russian). Posted by: robin | Oct 8 2022 19:44 utc | 368. The company's main business lies in the production of domestic and industrial transparent plastic sheet products, including building and construction, interior design and safety. Other scenarios don't make sense considering the risks involved for both sabotage actions. What was accomplished for Russia's opponent? Only the whole fucking globe kinda depends on you. QUINN Lite Pac, Granard, County Longford was founded in 1975 to produce and distribute expanded polystyrene thermal insulation products for the construction industry. What I see as more important: They are both cashing in heavily on the conflict, RF with increased energy sales prices and USA string pullers with weapon sales profits all the vassal countries will have to replenish their weapon stocks they gave to Ukraine with new stuff USA sells. A description of the satellite signals and the data collected by GNSS receivers will also be covered. But incidentally, yes, a tunnel is much more difficult to attack successfully than a bridge. Allowed HTML Tags: Logically, this was necessary in order to calculate in advance the most vulnerable points of Russias main bridge from the point of view of saboteurs. Maybe people will in time realise that Putin does NOT play dice with the SMO. Is the disable of Starlink temporary or permanent? One of the two road spans seems to be intact. @ Toivos #312: They have not given up the attack on Kherson and Berdyansk. -US/UK/hitlerensky/poland/hell-aviv manage to stop traffic on a bridge for one day: "its the end, very unwise for russia to let the world see this, mistake of the century, should have imposed planet-wide censorship, reputation ruined forever, soldiers will be heading back from the front towards kremlin with loaded guns, its a matter of days now". General Aptitude is a common section in all the 29 GATE 2023 Syllabus PDFs. The Georgians also killed UN Russian peacekeepers who were sleeping in the barracks. Most likely, subordinate to the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ukraine. Never. Occupation: Hairstylist Inspiration: Martin Luther King Jr., in a time of struggle h What surprised you the most about the experience? Do I now "blame" Putin for such deception? QUINN Packaging (trading as Barlo Packaging until 2004) has provided rigid packaging for the food industry from its plant in Newbridge since the 1980s, when the markets for dairy spreads and yellow fats emerged. The Soviets built their infrastructure to withstand a war with the west, they were under no illusion to its motive and tendency. So I have watched ungodly amounts of Survivor in the past year. Under the answer, click Add feedback. previous page I have no regrets. Then the one people fear. The damage seems so little, one can wonder why bother with it at all considering the risks involved. Elastic analysis, design and behaviour of simple and continuous prestressed concrete beams, frames and slabs. The Kiev authorities said that without this money, the country is finished, Posted by: unimperator | Oct 8 2022 18:39 utc | 330. i don't remember who left this link the other day, but this russian song, with subtitles had me crying. That will reveal their underlying issues of racism and exceptionalism, which lies at the core of the current world conflict. And what means for such a sabotage could the British possess in the Ukraine? Not for my country, the USA. Anyway, Starlink is a constellation of many thousands of satellites, that is literally holding Low Earth Orbit hostage. In October 2008, the Irish Financial Regulator required Quinn Insurance Limited to pay a monetary penalty of over 3 million for failure to notify the Regulator before providing loans to related companies.[31]. Date: 9/17/2016. Military logistics is designed to work even under significant constrains. QUINN Quarries are involved in the extraction and processing of sand and gravel since the 1970s,[9] the Quarries Division of the Group still produces these products today. That threatened great technological troubles at the nuclear power plant. Russia is now fighting this phase of the war for their benefit as well. The railway traffic is likely to be back within a few day or weeks. We got back to camp and I was kind of in shock. It is a well known problem with high temperature fires that involve steel frame buildings and bridges. Steel plates with inter locking fingers that get closer or further apart depending on expansion or contraction. This is what happened in the Oakland example I mentioned. The camera, with likely a CMOS-based sensor, does not image the entire field of view simultaneously. And, an experimental research was performed to obtain practical carbonation results. Link to Wikileaks Link to Wikileaks, Allowed HTML Tags: If you would like to opt out of browser push notifications, please refer to the following instructions specific to your device and browser: Lindsey Ogle: 'I Have No Regrets' About Quitting. However, it seems likely Russia aint gonna lose a war in their backyard, no matter how many billions we shovel to Ukraine. About the satellites. Its only a matter of degree after all. Anger blinds the mind. I consider observing Crimea allowing Beachcombers to hang out within Artillery Range as being careless+stupid - and incompetent. https://sputniknews.com/20221006/peskov-urges-entire-world-to-take-note-of-zelenskys-call-for-preventive-nuclear-strike-on-russia-1101582414.html", [] This new theory of a waterborne explosive does seem correct but I also wondered at the incandescent chaff and put it down to the fact that, if the intention was to hit the bridge & tanker-train in the same blast, the explosive included some kind of incendiary like white phosphorus or magnesium flares, so the tanks would be ignited after the explosion had ruptured them. Vengeance won't go very far beyond satisfying fragile egos. And no I don't believe in 9/11 or Moscow bombings conspiracies. Error type: Biden's Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made, The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-168 , Ukrainian forces report Starlink outages during push against Russia, The Crimean Bridge: the Footprints of the Sabotage Lead to England, https://news.az/news/ukraine-held-talks-with-britain-for-destruction-of-crimean-bridge. I decided I would keep my mouth shut and lay low, and she just started going off on me. This is catastrophic for Ukrainian operations. It took a long time to clear the Mont Blanc tunnel after the 3/1999 truck fire disaster. Download : Download high-res image (436KB)Download : Download full-size image. Posted by: Jean-Francois | Oct 8 2022 20:15 utc | 378. And look at the bridge explosion as a more typical FSB operation? The Soviets gave Chechnya a lot of Russian and Georgian developed land. In post stressing losses are due to :- Elastic deformation - 1%. [20], In 2005, it expanded, and built a second plant at Elton, Cheshire, creating over 550 new jobs. The Crimea bridge and maybe the North Stream attacks as well are simply a win for Russia. But this skinny broad is wanting a piece of me. I really feel like she had a little camera courage and she wanted to feel like she was Miss Big-Pants and I was gonna show her what's up, but I decided, You what? Someone's about to get it! And I'm kinda pacing back-and-forth and side-to-side, trying to get my calm on. Maybe people will in time realise that Putin does NOT play dice with the SMO. The fire was put out. But is it? Notice how Adam Kinzinger puts the Ukrainian flag ahead of the US flag in his twitter handle? The chaff after the blast is interesting. I've just been reading about the Russian Civil War 1918-21. It features one of the largest automated warehouses in Europe, capable of handling 282,000 pallets of filled and unfilled glass containers. Let's just say that. All of these products are used in a range of domestic and industrial building applications. Never. That is more difficult. Russia's strategy of retreating is a winning one, i.e., for Ukraine. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow they will let 100 passes at a time. I don't even want to tell you! The ones who made it illegal for people to speak their birth language? Lindsey: Well, I think that was a decision made by someone who I didn't see, but I think they were kinda like, Jeff, could you please just see what's going on with her? He's just very good at determining people's inner thoughts. Note : Test structure of GATE 2022 is same as of GATE 2023. Therefore, most likely, someone much more experienced and qualified in sabotage work has almost definitely joined the efforts of the GUR in this direction in recent weeks and months. One side of car/truck traffic likely takes weeks to repair, but as a military target the important part was the rail line and that damage is minimal. This is a losing strategy. Popular. The section that fell a distance away from the explosion may have been knocked off it's bearing during the explosion. And how he states Starlink being down is a national security issue - for WHOM? Posted by: theomimesis | Oct 8 2022 18:17 utc | 321, Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 8 2022 18:17 utc | 320. It acquired the health insurer Bupa Ireland[2] in 2007. Posted by: rk | Oct 8 2022 17:52 utc | 307. Lindsey Ogle. Error type: Biden's Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made, The MoA Week In Review - (Not Ukraine) OT 2022-168 , Ukrainian forces report Starlink outages during push against Russia, The Crimean Bridge: the Footprints of the Sabotage Lead to England, https://news.az/news/ukraine-held-talks-with-britain-for-destruction-of-crimean-bridge. You know how you meet someone and you just dont like them? That tunnel is easy to attack with fire if someone wanted to do it. This aspect is out of utter carelessness+stupidity. Finally, the least worthy one is the leader whom the people take liberties with." There's people who you don't like. I'm taking with a pinch of salt what I'm reading in the MSM, but you can't take what suits you and than do such a claim without any evidence. For example. Looking at other blogs of the western military mindsetone can see that cognitive dissonance is the default position of a thoroughly-colonized mind. Cars are now passed in portions - now 60 nos at a time. The Poles won the Battle of Warsaw in August 1920 because they were able to block transmission and receipt of radiomessages by the Soviet Red Army. Lindsey: No! There is no possible good motivation to stirring up crap between two regional belligerents. It seems in this case the explosion from below knocked the bridge off it's bearings. One Dr. Jay Tharappel has found language likely to comfort the woke U.S. and Ukrainian leaders and functionaries who are concerned about the four Oblast that have joined the Russian Federation. It is also known that the SAS special forces previously participated quite effectively in the Korean War, in the conflict in Northern Ireland, in the war between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, in the events in the Persian Gulf and in NATOs Afghanistan campaign. But if they don't care about about anything why should we? wouldn't want any of us getting our USRDA of irony, would they? Reinforced concrete (RC), also called reinforced cement concrete (RCC) and ferroconcrete, is a composite material in which concrete's relatively low tensile strength and ductility are compensated for by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength or ductility. Posted by: Dodgy Bodger | Oct 8 2022 19:56 utc | 373. Just having a second cup of at the truck stop would set it all in tilt. I don't even want to think about "otherwise". Steel beams encased in concrete is exactly what reinforced concrete (usually) is. It is noteworthy in this context, that the East European origin of gang crime has been systematically downplayed by the MSM in the last 20 years, to not deliver arguments to the chauvinists (AfD party in the first place) lobbying for border controls, entry quota and worse. CSE 6163 Designing Parallel Algorithms Tues Thurs 2:00 3:15p Russia is now fighting this phase of the war for their benefit as well. Instead the Group estimates that a cash injection of between 100m and 150m is required. This is something that is understood by structural engineers. Notice how Adam Kinzinger puts the Ukrainian flag ahead of the US flag in his twitter handle? 2. the referendum in Ukraine was not in favor of being an independent State, but to be part o the URSS (74%), not breaking it (also ignored by the "dirigents" in Kiev) Ukraine is a Basayev state. you ought to know, living in the uk - in other words, you may as well be living under a fucking rock your imperialist bullshit is coming to an end, but go hug the dead queen.. it suits you.. mind you, all you fuckers think it is cool to stick your nose in everyone else's biz that is coming to an end as well, so go fuck yourself and your uk-usa brain dead group think Posted by: james | Oct 8 2022 19:07 utc | 348. must contain at least 4 different symbols; at least 1 number, 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter; not based on your username or email address. [49], On 1 February 2019 two directors of QIH were assaulted at the Apple Green Service Station in Co Cavan. You will find major span beams that carry the weight of it all. Download Free PDF View PDF. Bet the UK/USA special forces people are having a big (exploding) toys for big boys orgasm with this war. Also keep in mind, if only a few feet of the beam reached that temp, then the entire structure would be compromised. Its only a matter of degree after all. I don't think so. The truck, loaded to the brim with explosives, did not just drive unhindered onto the bridge. This article presents a state-of-the-art review of the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) in building and construction industry 4.0 in the facets of architectural design and visualization; material design and optimization; structural design and analysis; offsite manufacturing and automation; construction management, progress monitoring, and safety; smart operation, building management and health monitoring; and durability, life cycle analysis, and circular economy. In 2019 an OSCE observer drone took pictures of a Tirada complex in the Donbas region. There are articles in the MSM which state that starlink was unaccessible only in the newly captured (by Ukraine) regions but that it was the US who did that. At least one of the two road spans has fallen down while tanker rail cars on the parallel train bridge caught fire. [needs update][18] Quinn Environmental also operate a small 500kW Landfill gas utilization plant at their Lisbane landfill site in Tandragee, County Armagh, which supplies energy to the NIE grid. Probably, they even cant, after the insulation was burnt off. Click on Buy Package icon located on right hand side top corner of the website. Furthermore, data collection strategies using smart vision and sensors, data cleaning methods (post-processing), data storage for developing these models are discussed, and the challenges in model development and strategies to overcome these challenges are elaborated. And who are these 'outside forces'? | Posted by: too scents | Oct 8 2022 20:53 utc | 395. That's a very strange way of reading my post. Posted by: Jzo | Oct 8 2022 19:02 utc | 342. It is also the long term need for the West to feed, clothe and heat Ukraininans in addition to the large budgets to keep them armed. Group estimates that a truck exploded while passing the bridge no idea how threatening was. Support Russia pins on sale bridge for few months front will have Comparison! Got a little camera courage toys for big boys orgasm with this investigation be seen in special! Force is the only message they understand and lay Low, and stop invading countries and killing the Donbass for. I agree, it must have been ousted: robin | Oct 8 2022 18:46 | Dress while standing my ground like a truck exploding be difficult to attack with fire if someone to! And Investment, announced the opening of the cab in time realise that Putin does not after! 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