Name: Rubidium Symbol: Rb Atomic Number: 37 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). "width": "800" 78. Tb = [Xe] 6s24f9 Y. Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Uun Uuu Uub Uuq Uuh Uuo * Lanthanides. "description": "10. PtCl2(NH3)2 is used to treat some forms of cancer. Curium is a silvery white metallic radioactive element. Harmful to human tissue in a liquid state, the vapor irritates eyes and throat. First identified by Albert Ghiorso and associates in the debris of the first hydrogen-bomb explosion in", This experimental data gives evidence for: 1) effect of increasing nuclear charge. earth metals. Germanium. Least abundant of all natural elements. Os. 11. ", V. 23. Pt. 29. "@context": "", 34. Hard blue-white metallic transition element. O. One of the more reactive rare-earth metals, quickly reacts with air. Ar. Electron Configuration. "@type": "ImageObject", Ho. Ir. "contentUrl": "", Mn. Sr. Electron Filling in Periodic Tables s p 1 2 d 3 K 4s1 Ca 4s2 Sc 3d1 Ti 3d2 V 3d3 Cr 3d5 Cr 3d4 Cu 3d9 Mn 3d5 Fe 3d6 Co 3d7 Ni 3d8 Cu 3d10 Zn 3d10 Ga 4p1 Ge 4p2 As 4p3 Se 4p4 Br 4p5 Kr 4p6 4 Cr 4s13d5 Cu 4s13d10 4f 4d n = 4 4p 3d Cr 4s13d5 4s n = 3 3p Energy 3s 4s 3d 2p n = 2 2s Cu 4s13d10 n = 1 1s 4s 3d ", Discovered by G.G. Neon was discovered in 1898 by Sir William Ramsey and M.W. It commonly comes in the form of Oxygen, but is found as Ozone in the upper atmosphere. Physicist Timmothy Stowe's periodic table places elements in discrete levels. Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt W. W. f. La. Hg. Ca. They are awarded every year in physics, chemistry, psychology or medicine, literature and peace. 72. { Name: Indium Symbol: In Atomic Number: 49 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). 11. Ionization energy decreases. 48. "@context": "", Less reactive than silver, chemically. n = 2. 46. N. Name: Argon Symbol: Ar Atomic Number: 18 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: \u00b0C (83.85 \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C (87.15 \u00b0K, \u00b0F) pslawinski, Electron Configuration Ni = 1s22s22p63s23p6 4s23d8 62. N. Name: Phosphorus Symbol: P Atomic Number: 15 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: 44.1 \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Phosphorus Non-metallic element belonging to group 15 of the periodic table. First Ionization Energy. { Es. 28. 25. Yb. N.", Xe Cs. 77. Chemically reactive. "description": "Name: Francium Symbol: Fr Atomic Number: 87 Atomic Mass: (223.0) amu Melting Point: 27.0 \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, 80.6 \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Francium Radioactive element, belongs to group 1 of the periodic table. "name": "Ionization Energies Period H He Mg Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S", Good resistance to corrosion by alkalis, sulphuric and hydrochloric acid. 7A. "description": "He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P. 1.82w. { Cf-252 is an intense neutron source, which makes it an intense neutron source and gives it a use in neutron activation analysis and a possible use as a radiation source in medicine. 89. Forms a protective oxide in air and can be oxidized at high temperature. Used in building construction, lead-place accumulators, bullets and shot, and is part of solder, pewter, bearing metals, type metals and fusible alloys. 64. 6d2. Name: Chromium Symbol: Cr Atomic Number: 24 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). }, 96 3d8. Holmium is used in some metal alloys, it is also said to stimulate the metabolism. Sb. Its symbol, Au, comes from the Latin word aurum, which means gold. 3d2. Cu = 1s22s22p63s23p6. 77. 18. "@context": "", "@context": "", Db. a radioactive metallic element, called uranium. 72. ", 30. Soft grey metallic element belonging to group 2 of the periodic table. ", Zn. "contentUrl": "", Ti. Mt The Noble Gases. Trace elements. Krypton. "@context": "", }, 5 { 3. Sodium. Electron Configuration3 Li Lithium Lithium N Name: Lithium Symbol: Li Atomic Number: 3 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F) What is Lithium? 6d2. Yellow and black antimony are unstable non-metals. In 1961 the first microgram quantities of Es-232 were separated. Np. Helmenstine, Todd. Mosander. Five natural isotopes, and five radioactive isotopes. The oxidized form is used in the glass industry. Absorbed by plants from the soil as sulfate ion. }, 131 There are eight known radioisotopes, the most stable being Lr-262 with a half-life of 3.6 hours. Fr. Ru. 18. { As. { "@context": "", It oxidizes in moist air and at high temperatures. Used in strong, light corrosion-resistant alloys. These radioactive elements are produced in nuclear reactors and accelerators. { Radium is found. H. 1. The name comes from the latin word caesius, which means sky blue. Twelve artificial isotopes are known. "description": "Ne. 4B. Electron Configuration19 K Potassium Potassium N Name: Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Number: 19 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C (336.8 K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F) Link What is Potassium? Rn * * Fr. These elements react very strongly with water. "description": "H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar Metals have low ionization energy; nonmetals have high ionization energy. "contentUrl": "", Soft silvery-white metallic element belonging to group 1 of the periodic table. Discovered by Francois Lecoq de Boisbaudran in Sm = [Xe] 6s24f6. 65. 3. Ar. Sc = 1s22s22p63s23p6. It also makes up 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere. Fe = 1s22s22p63s23p6. "contentUrl": "", 80. 62. "contentUrl": "", For example, copper is considered to be a tramp element in ferrous scrap because it makes the metal difficult to work cold; therefore, the price of ferrous scrap decreases with increased copper content. Atomic Mass 24 amu. Tl. Chemically inactive, reactive generally only at high temperatures or in electrical discharges. "width": "800" 3s 3p. Pr. 83. 63. Its found with almost all rare-earth metals, but is very difficult to separate from other elements. "@context": "", 40. Know another solution for crossword clues containing radioactive metallic element? "name": "Electron Configuration", ", Soft bright silvery metallic element, belongs to the lanthanoids. Hydrogen. Kr = 1s22s22p63s23p6. Neon occurs in the atmosphere, and comprises % of the volume of the atmosphere. Lawrencium is a synthetic rare-earth metal. Name: Bismuth Symbol: Bi Atomic Number: 83 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). It was first isolated by Humphrey Davy in Electron Configuration. Ho. There are 22 other artificial isotopes, all radioactive and having very short half-lives. It was named after the nation of Poland, home of Marie Curie, the scientist who discovered it. Te. 43. Generally not isolated, but used with other inert gases in fluorescent lamps. "contentUrl": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "800" Periodic Table of the ElementsImages from: Data from: Periodic Table of the Elements Written by: Bill Byles - & Jeff Christopherson 69. Occurs naturally from uranium and thorium decay. 62. 65. Used in rare-earth alloys. Uranium-235 is used as the fuel for nuclear reactors and weapons. Fm Md No Lr W.", 13, , , , th. Name: Lutetium Symbol: Lu Atomic Number: 71 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). "width": "800" Name: Gold Symbol: Au Atomic Number: 79 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La * Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At. 7A. Md. 55. 28. "width": "800" nobelium is a radioactive element produced artificially from Discovered in 1885 by C.A. There are two natural, stable isotopes, and seven radioisotopes, the most stable being Lu-174 with a half-life of 3.3 years. "contentUrl": "", "width": "800" 83. The most stable isotope, Pa-231 has a half-life of 2.43x104 years. Sm. 95. It is used in high temperature welding, and in breathing. Silvery-white metallic transition element. 66. "name": "Electron Configuration", Corroded by halogens, cyandies, sulphur and alkalis. Titanium. "description": "Shielding is constant. "@context": "", Nuclear charge increases. Ag. There are six stable isotopes and three radioisotopes, the most stable being Pt-193 with a half-life of 60 years. As. Essential element for living organisms. Nine natural isotopes and seven radioactive isotopes are known. "description": "1. The elements in period 2 are metal (lithium,beryllium)and non metal (boron,carbon,oxygen,fluorine.neon). "width": "800" Silvery white metallic transition element. Bk. They attempted this by fractional distillation of large quantities of liquid air and argon. 73. Harmful to human tissue in a liquid state, the vapor irritates eyes and throat. Periodic Table 8A 1A He H 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 2A B C N O F Ne Li Be Si P SAlkali metals Alkaline earth metals He 2 H 1 1 1 Transition metals 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 2A Boron group B 5 C 6 N 7 O 8 F 9 Ne 10 Li 3 Be 4 Nonmetals 2 2 Noble gases Si 14 P 15 S 16 Cl 17 Ar 18 Na 11 Mg 12 Al 13 3 3 8B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 1B 2B As 33 Se 34 Br 35 Kr 36 K 19 Ca 20 Sc 21 Ti 22 V 23 Cr 24 Mn 25 Fe 26 Co 27 Ni 28 Cu 29 Zn 30 Ga 31 Ge 32 4 4 Te 52 I 53 Xe 54 Rb 37 Sr 38 Y 39 Zr 40 Nb 41 Mo 42 Tc 43 Ru 44 Rh 45 Pd 46 Ag 47 Cd 48 In 49 Sn 50 Sb 51 5 5 At 85 Rn 86 Cs 55 Ba 56 Hf 72 Ta 73 W 74 Re 75 Os 76 Ir 77 Pt 78 Au 79 Hg 80 Tl 81 Pb 82 Bi 83 Po 84 6 6 Fr 87 Ra 88 Rf 104 Db 105 Sg 106 Bh 107 Hs 108 Mt 109 7 7 Lanthanoid Series 6 La 57 Ce 58 Pr 59 Nd 60 Pm 61 Sm 62 Eu 63 Gd 64 Tb 65 Dy 66 Ho 67 Er 68 Tm 69 Yb 70 Lu 71 C Solid Actinoid Series Br Liquid 7 Ac 89 Th 90 Pa 91 U 92 Np 93 Pu 94 Am 95 Cm 96 Bk 97 Cf 98 Es 99 Fm 100 Md 101 No 102 Lr 103 H Gas Radioactive metallic transuranic element. 5 10.811 Yellow or brown non-metal, very hard element, not very reactive, but will form B2O3, and BCl3. It was discovered in 1808 by Sir Humphry Davy and by J.L. 83. In fact, uranium was the element that made the discovery of radioactivity possible. 3A. Alfred Bernhard Nobel ( ) was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 31, When he was 9 years old, his family moved to St. Petersburg. Holmium is used in some metal alloys, it is also said to stimulate the metabolism. Tc. 87. 2. 2s1. Used in tungsten alloys in filaments and electrodes, also acts as a neutron absorber. Vanadium has nuclear applications, the foil is used in cladding titanium to steel, and vanadium-gallium tape is used to produce a superconductive magnet. Ca. Electronegativity increases. Be. 2) stability of octet. No practical applications are known. What is Copper Red-brown transition element. Practically inert, though known to form compounds with fluorine. "width": "800" Cm. 2p. Nb = [Kr]5s14d5 Orbital Diagrams for Nickel 28 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 1s Excited State 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 1s Pauli Exclusion 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 1s Hunds Rule Actinoid elements are radioactive. There are two naturally occurring isotopes of vanadium, and 5 radioisotopes, V-49 having the longest half-life at 337 days. K. 19. Name: Platinum Symbol: Pt Atomic Number: 78 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). a radioactive element. ", "@context": "", N.", "width": "800" Am. Xe. Used in decorative electroplating. Elements listed Alphabetically. (4-4) with 8 letters, Radioactive isotope having mass 230 with 6 letters, Radioactive decay emission with 8 letters, One drunkard starts (or drinks like this) - they could be radioactive (8) with 8 letters, Mr. ___, radioactive enemy of Captain Marvel with 4 letters, Sajak, after a radioactive run-in gives him superhuman abilities? What is Vanadium? Sr = [Kr]5s2. Zr. Relatively soft and malleable silvery-white metallic element, which is stable in dry air at room temperature. F. 9. Orbitals Being Filled Groups 1 8 2 1s 1 3 4 5 6 7 1s 2s 2 2p 3 3s 3p 1s 2s 2 2p 3 3s 3p Periods 4s 3d 4p 4 4d 5p 5 5s La 5d 6p 6 6s Ac 6d 7 7s 4f Lanthanide series 5f Actinide series Zumdahl, Zumdahl, DeCoste, World of Chemistry 2002, page 345 34. Xe. Discovered by Martin .H. Mn. Trace elements are minerals with dietary daily requirements of 100 mg or less. }, 163 Name: Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic Number: 8 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C (54.75 K, F) Boiling Point: C (90.15 K, F). 99. 99. 59. { 13. 82. 44. Gold is not particularly toxic, however it is known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys in some. Discovered by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807. Also used as a neutron absorber. "name": "47 Ag. "width": "800" ", "@type": "ImageObject", 10. "@context": "", 3d. 41. It is being investigated for other possible uses. 6d W. W. f. f. La. Name: Tungsten Symbol: W Atomic Number: 74 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). Impure metal was prepared in 1782 by Peter Jacob Hjelm. C. 6. Vanadium is essential to ascidians. Tl. 2A. Neptunium Nickel Niobium Nitrogen Nobelium Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Plutonium Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Promethium Protactinium Radium Radon Rhenium. *Aufbau is German for building up", 8. nonmetals. 50. Lanthanum. Pa. 91. 35. 90. "width": "800" { "name": "Radium (Ra) Radium was used as a fluorescent paint on watch dials. { "width": "800" Ag. Radioactive Metals are considered the corrupted version of Metals. 20. Bi. "@type": "ImageObject", Ca. It was produced by bombarding californium with boron ions. Ag. "width": "800" Mg. 12. Platinum is used in jewelry, laboratory equipment, electrical contacts, dentistry, and anti-pollution devices in cars. 73. In. Cd. Merchant of Death", 25. Electron Configuration Mn = 1s22s22p63s23p6 4s23d5 "@context": "", "contentUrl": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "name": "Ionization Energies (kJ\/mol)", Good resistance to corrosion by alkalis, sulphuric and hydrochloric acid. S. P. Si. Over 30 known isotopes exist, the most of all elements. Colorless, odorless. "@context": "", Some short-lived radioactive isotopes (e.g. 3d. There are two stable isotopes, and four radioisotopes, Tl-204 being the most stable with a half-life of 3.78 years. Re. Nine isotopes are known. B. You got stuck at the clue "A radioactive metallic element", well we have the answer to this clue. }, 33 ", ", Wollaston. Tb. Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt W. La. 99. 97. It is never found free in nature. Dysprosium belongs to the lanthanoids. Lawrencium is a synthetic rare-earth metal. "width": "800" 55. Ag. Se. Periods. 92. Cm. ", The 22 known isotopes are all radioactive, with the most stable being Fr-223. Used in certain steels. What is Potassium Soft silvery metallic element belonging to group 1 of the periodic table (alkali metals). concerned with radioactive waste with 4 letters, Waste produced during a non-radioactive leak with 5 letters, ___ particles (radioactive decay emission) with 5 letters, A letter from Greece (one teachers write about) that's radioactive with 9 letters, Like a "Better active today than radioactive tomorrow" sentiment with 8 letters, Medical picture-taker that uses radioactive tracers with 11 letters, Agcy. Be. What is Lawrencium Appearance unknown, however it is most likely silvery-white or grey and metallic. Ru. To occupy the same orbital, two electrons must spin in opposite. Radioactive metallic transuranic element, belongs to the actinoids. Discovered in 1803 by W.H. Name: Tantalum Symbol: Ta Atomic Number: 73 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). 3B. Ru = [Kr]5s14d7 La. }, 27 "@type": "ImageObject", N.", 67. 8. ", ", Electron Configuration12 Mg Magnesium Magnesium N Name: Magnesium Symbol: Mg Atomic Number: 12 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F) Link What is Magnesium? Its name comes from the Greek word dysprositos, which means hard to obtain. What is Neodymium? Californium. "width": "800" }, 68 One of the three metals which are liquid at room temperature. "name": "Electron Configuration", He traveled to Paris and USA to continue his studies. Ra. Po-209 has a half-life of 103 years. "width": "800" Discovered in 1798 by Klaproth and Hope, isolated in 1808 by Humphry Davy. "description": "20. It is very malleable, and can be cut with a knife. 3d2. Zn2+ Se2- Br Ag1+ Te2- I", { Sr-90 is present in radioactive fallout and has a half-life of 28 years. 51. Mystic words is a free which is available for both Android and iOS devices. > "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "800" Jelle Terpstra - Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Metal / Djent Cover). It forms almost no chemical compounds. First produced by Gleen T. Seaborg, Edwin M. McMillan, J.W. Ne. Is inert and has no true compounds. Expected to have similar chemical properties to those displayed by hafnium. First reported by Tholden in 1450. 45. "@context": "", }, 161 If sufficient amounts of lawrencium were produced, it would pose a radiation hazard. The dust however, presents a fire and explosion hazard. Eight known isotopes, the most common Bk-247, has a half-life of 1.4x103 years. Periodic. Electron Configuration V = 1s22s22p63s23p6 4s23d3 Hg. Na. Holmium. Name: Holmium Symbol: Ho Atomic Number: 67 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). Pa. 91. ", "description": "28. SOURCES OF RADON. There are seven natural isotopes of dysprosium, and eight radioisotopes, Dy-154 being the most stable with a half-life of 3x106 years. "@context": "", At-210, the most stable, has a half-life of 8.3 hours. ", He discovered other explosives, use to mining, constructing highways, railways etc. Zr. "@type": "ImageObject", Used in semiconductors and to a degree in some steels. There is only one stable isotope of gold, and five radioisotopes of gold, Au-195 being the most stable with a half-life of 186 days. ", Known uses include the basis of atomic clocks, catalyst for the hydrogenation of some organic compounds, and in photoelectric cells. 3p K. 4s1. The other twenty-three isotopes are radioactive. K. 19. }, 141 80 Hg Mercury Mercury Name: Mercury Symbol: Hg Atomic Number: 80 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F) What is Mercury? Four natural isotopes exist, and fifteen radioactive isotopes have been identified. "description": "Click on the element symbol to download the PDF file. First isolated by Bussy in 1828. "description": "Name: Antimony Symbol: Sb Atomic Number: 51 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Antimony Element of group 15. "description": "18. 26. Mg. Al. One of its major uses is to reduce nitrogen oxides to nitrogen gas and oxygen gas, it has proven show more advantages over the other platinum metals. Chemically resembles the lanthanoids. 5. First isolated by Jose and Fausto de Elhuyer in 1783. 92. Nd. Name: Dysprosium Symbol: Dy Atomic Number: 66 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). Forms a number of complexes and organomercury compounds. "width": "800" Carbon-14 is commonly used in radioactive dating. 81. 11. 18. Metals have low ionization energy; nonmetals have high ionization energy. 4s23d8. 2. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. }, 26 Nine natural isotopes and seven radioactive isotopes are known. It is relatively stable in air at room temperatures, it will however dissolve in mineral acids, evolving hydrogen. Name: Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Number: 14 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). Lutetium. It was discovered by Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1886 in France. 61. Unit 5 Section 3 Notes Families of Elements. Zinc. Os. "description": "Many people died from the exposure to radium. Iridium is used in high temperature apparatus, electrical contacts, and as a hardening agent for platinum. What is Nitrogen Colorless, gaseous element which belongs to group 15 of the periodic table. 37. Re. Vanadium is essential to ascidians. Li. { 2s2. 83. Pu. "name": "Sublevels 4f 4d 4p 4s n = 4 3d 3p 3s n = 3 Energy 2p 2s n = 2 1s n = 1", "@context": "", Ne A. 83. "name": "Nitrogen N = 1s22s22p3 Energy Level Diagram Bohr Model", 24. Multiple allotropic forms. Os. Cu. Sm. "@type": "ImageObject", { Only natural isotope is Pr-141 which is not radioactive. Multiple allotropic forms exist. }, 46 It is the most malleable and ductile metal known. 3d6. Cs = [Xe]6s1. "name": "Electron Configuration", Yb. Atomic radius increases. SUGGESTION: Emphasize that theories came from experimental evidence! Si = 1s22s22p63s23p2. It is also used in the definition of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode. Pm. }, 12 At. Its existence was confirmed in 1939 by Marguerite Perey. 89. "contentUrl": "", 81. Is toxic and can cause severe lung diseases and dermatitis. "@type": "ImageObject", Has a multiple allotropic forms. Pb. It oxidizes at high temperatures. 39. 4f7. 81. Ba. Radioactive metallic element, belongs to group 2 of the periodic table. At-210, the most stable, has a half-life of 8.3 hours. Unit 3 Part 2 The Periodic Table ICP Mr. Patel SWHS. Th. U. ", Forms a protective oxide in air and can be oxidized at high temperature. Re. Name: Helium Symbol: He Atomic Number: 2 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: \u00b0C (1.15 \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Helium Colorless, odorless gaseous nonmetallic element. { "contentUrl": "", Silvery metallic element belonging to group 2 of the periodic table (alkaline-earth metals). 81. Discovered in 1863 by Reich and Richter. Dubnium. { Reacts with halogens, concentrated oxidizing acids and hot alkalis. Salts of iridium are highly colored. 4. Separated f-block from rest of periodic table, Only living person to have an element named for them, No cause-and-effect relationship exists between, breast enlargement and breast cancer. Ne = 1s22s22p6. (Rn = radon gas) Discovered 5 elements. "description": "Name: Ytterbium Symbol: Yb Atomic Number: 70 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Ytterbium Silvery metallic element of the lanthanoids. Combines with halogens and oxidizes in air at 200 degrees Celsius. He and William Ramsay ( ) both studied atmospheric nitrogen. "contentUrl": "", Electron Configuration4 Be Beryllium Beryllium N Name: Beryllium Symbol: Be Atomic Number: 4 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F) What is Beryllium? Plutonium. 21. Name: Tellurium Symbol: Te Atomic Number: 52 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: C ( K, F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). Ir. "width": "800" It was discovered by Brandt in 1669. "name": "Essential Elements Elements in organic matter H He Major minerals Li", a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor. They are found in foods derived from both plants and animals. Eu = [Xe] 6s24f7. { Discovered by Marie Curie in 1898 in a sample of pitchblende. The dust however, presents a fire and explosion hazard. Eight known isotopes, the most common Bk-247, has a half-life of 1.4x103 years. Soft white ductile transition element. 49. Cesium hydroxide is the strongest base known. { Iridium-192 is an example of a radioisotope prepared in this manner. Ten known isotopes, most stable is Fm-257 with a half-life of 10 days. Werner and I. Perlman in 1947 by bombarding americium-241 with neutrons. He. Db. He began to experiment with nitroglycerine, the manufacture of which developed into a world industry. Sc Sr. Y Zr Hf. Yttrium. 99. Highly reactive chemically. As. Te. Belongs to the actinoid series. Name: Francium Symbol: Fr Atomic Number: 87 Atomic Mass: (223.0) amu Melting Point: 27.0 C ( K, 80.6 F) Boiling Point: C ( K, F). "@context": "", "contentUrl": "", 80. Ho. "description": "Filling-Order of Electrons in an Atom. Discovered by G. Brandt in 1737. First identified by Glenn T. Seaborg, Albert Ghiorso and associates in Alternative name unnilunium has been proposed. "contentUrl": "", 40. Cf. Br. Silvery-white metallic transition element. The third group is the alkali metals. Au. Sb. "@context": "", "@context": "", Occurs in numerous minerals. "description": "Name: Yttrium Symbol: Y Atomic Number: 39 Atomic Mass: amu Melting Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Yttrium Silvery-grey metallic element of group 3 on the periodic table. Natural radioisotopes may remain from nucleosynthesis in stars and supernova explosions. Cd. "description": "He Mg Symbol. Be. Mn. ", Ni. Sb. 39. Discovered in 1797 by Vauquelin. "name": "Metallic Characteristic", Cs-133 is the natural, and only stable, isotope. Re. "@context": "", Link. "description": "Name: Astatine Symbol: At Atomic Number: 85 Atomic Mass: (210.0) amu Melting Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) Boiling Point: \u00b0C ( \u00b0K, \u00b0F) What is Astatine Radioactive halogen element. There are different strategies used to form new elements. ", 4d5. Radon, the heaviest noble gas, was first observed as the gas produced by the radioactive element radium when it decayed. 53. "@type": "ImageObject", 90. Se. "@context": "", Gold is used as a monetary standard, in jewelry, dentistry, electronics. "@type": "ImageObject", Ta-181 is a stable isotope, and Ta-180 is a radioactive isotope, with a half-life in excess of 10^7 years. "@context": "", Best Answers for RADIOACTIVE METALLIC ELEMENT, Crossword Clue: RADIOACTIVE METALLIC ELEMENT, radioactive metallic element with 6 Letters, radioactive metallic element with 7 Letters, radioactive metallic element with 8 Letters, New Suggestion for "radioactive metallic element", A RADIOACTIVE TRANSURANIC METALLIC ELEMENT, ARTIFICIALLY made transuranic radioactive metallic element, A RADIOACTIVE METALLIC ELEMENT THAT IS SIMILAR TO TELLURIUM AND BISMUTH, radioactive metallic element with 2 Letters.

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