Fixed several issues with the fuel flow logic. Fixed issue with player's "notarget" cheat command preventing NPCs from entering combat. Added support for wide-screen menu backgrounds. We can visualize this by the following image: Now lets consider a quaternion that is not orthogonal to \(\mathbf{p}\). Tweaked the PNG and JPG texture loaders to not use such insane amounts of memory. HL_C07_A1: Fixed the change level point needing to be used manually. Well done . Our version of Hammer has been renamed to Svencraft to ensure the changes from our engine customisations are distinguished from vanilla GoldSrc map editors. When activated the netgraph will show both the loss/choke info and the graph. Training Scenarios: Hands-On tutorials to teach you everything from craft construction to orbital maneuvers. Create your own! Fixed category sort order inconsistencies. The terrain system now allows for a secondary target object, so both the ship and the camera can subdivide the terrain. HANDS DOWN. [RoboGrunt] Corrected weapons bodygroups. (Such as the HLSP tram intro. In this article, I will not discuss the details of transformation matrices. Requires Visual C++ Re-distributable for Visual Studio 2017 (x86). Fix AOORE in Assembly Loading of Duplicate Mod DLLs causing issues with loading of some mods. If youd like to get into shader programming, then you should follow the Cg articles here: Note: The 0.8.1 release introduced a few changes to the .craft file format, so it is possible that ships Parts now keep the references to the part attached in each attachment node. func_pushable). New server CVAR "mp_nextmap_parted_mapcfg_limit" allows a server to declare how many concurrent "nextmap" calls maps are allowed to make before it ignores them, only when "mp_nextmap_ignore_mapcfg" is off. I will represent the first orientation as \(q_1\) and the second orientation as \(q_2\). NPCs now float properly in water. Last updated 2022-08-19 UTC.. Update your Luma3DS install to the latest stable version and make sure "Enable Game Patching" is enabled. `GetPlayerLog()`: For fetching a log string for a player. Tutorials: Tutorial Scenarios now delete the instructor objects when the ScenarioModule is destroyed. Fixed multiline HUD_PRINTCENTER text overlapping in higher resolutions. Titles: Added entries for the MOTD/briefing buttons. There are a few typos that could be corrected. Reddit /r/BatmanArkham Any way to change the camera to centred view in Arkham City? Select a process and find pcsx2 4. Fixed flashlight spot not being displayed at the correct position for other players, and for the local client when in 3rd person view. Fixed a bug in Rescue Kerbal contracts, where rescue by means of external seats or claws wouldn't complete the contract. Classic Mode: Small tweak to ItemMapping for letting the target/targetname values be carried over from replaced entities to the newly created replacements. SPH and Runway Facilities are inaccessible. Requires "developer 1". Fixed wall clipping issue with custom muzzle sprites. Also, we'll be cutting the complete Opposing Force campaign from the game, since (with improved safety protocols) the Black Mesa accident did not happen. the developer console) but above the in-game VGUI1 elements. Fixed an issue with symmetrical parts not clearing references to decoupled counterparts. Added confirmation dialog for the "Delete config" operation. Animation support updated for M16A2. Changed the ground detection system to a far more stable hold-and-release method. Text messages from players will now appear in the console immediately. Door and button entities can now be re-positioned to the locations of other brush entities via trigger_setorigin and should open and close correctly. If you're not on our Discord yet you can join here: fitness for purpose vs reasonable skill and care. Kerbal scientists, mechanics and ground crew all around the Space Center Facilities. Game UI: Changed range of the "volume" and "suitvolume" sliders from 0.0 - 2.0 to 0.0 - 1.0. Expect improved performance. A Stats Tracking System, so we can collect information of the game for statistical purposes. mbm texture files are now DXT compressed and cleared from RAM as soon as they're uploaded to the GPU. Polar Rescue, level by Adambean, has been updated to add ~EXTREME DIFFICULTY MODE~. Fixed some UI controls and keys being responsive during pause. Fixed the planetary terrain not starting up properly sometimes. (Game cheat rules will still be enforced.) ), The disk terrain generator seen in early releases is implemented from the Libnoise library, giving Kerbin its current global topology (excepting a few later modifications. If you are running a dedicated server please use SteamCmd to update your servers. Now it launches KSP.exe always. This improves world polygon subdivision on all maps, which increases frame rates, and opens the possibility for utilization of 512x512 textures without excessive subdivision. Monster roaming option is 1 (Never): monster_houndeye will never roam. Now it is possible to select a ship file by double clicking on it. Updated Steamworks.NET to v15.0 (steam_api64.dll v6.28.18.86) which fixes corrupted UTF8 strings. We're still here though, and have quite a larger package than normal this time round. Inverted the middle mouse button zoom. New cheat command "myfriction" to adjust your own friction value. Fixed dedicated server not starting properly occasionally when launched in the UI mode. Fixed a problem that caused all HUD sprites (including the cross-hair) to be blurry and slightly stretched. Exposed new global object "CModelFuncs g_ModelFuncs". Items are now attached to the player model's skeleton just like in Team Fortress Classic instead of just a crude origin copy. Two new celestial bodies: New places to explore, with interesting and varied terrain. Much Improved Models and Textures: Many of the old parts have been completely redone, with carefully constructed meshes and hand painted textures, to give KSP a new look. The console now has keyboard focus when starting the game with "-console". This page contains all changes to Kerbal Space Program since v0.7.3, the initial public release. Please have a play with any amount of players and let us know what you think. Added new debug command, "gl_texstats". If we plot these complex numbers on the complex plane, we get the following result. At this point the mod consisted of only one map and a few scripts. myinfo/thatinfo: If the entity model is brush based show "Model number: x" instead of "Model file: *x". (E.g. In this case, to rotate \(\mathbf{p}\) about \(\mathbf{\hat{v}}\) we just substitute \(s=\cos\theta\) and \(\lambda=\sin\theta\). Email filters cleaning out spam mail Sending spam violates the acceptable use policy (AUP) of almost all internet service providers. Error is displayed for strings longer than 1024 chars. The code you are looking at, the one in the manual, is the code you would need. Sven Co-op may still work with Windows Vista and 2008 for a while, however any issues that arise specific to this version will not be supported by us. Fixed NPCs not always playing a scripted sequence if dying. The general steps to apply this equation are: We can use the same basic principle to interpolate between two quaternion orientations. And we can obtain the angle \(\theta\) by computing the dot-product between \(q_1\) and \(q_2\). Please consider joining the Discord server: ), Mortar damage is now controlled by a new skill variable "sk_mortar" instead of being hard-coded at 200. Removed 2 unit lip adjustment from buttons and doors. Added new special events which can change an area. But some how two topics are left dangling: 1. quaternions with half angles : q P q* will do the trick. (Should make it more obvious that this is the only route through to the other side.). And expanding this expression into a sum of ordered pairs gives: \[\begin{array}{rcl}[s_{a},\mathbf{a}][s_{b},\mathbf{b}] & = & [s_{a}s_{b}-x_{a}x_{b}-y_{a}y_{b}-z_{a}z_{b},\mathbf{0}] \\ & & +[0,(s_{a}x_{b}+s_{b}x_{a}+y_{a}z_{b}-y_{b}z_{a})\mathbf{i}] \\ & & +[0,(s_{a}y_{b}+s_{b}y_{a}+z_{a}x_{b}-z_{b}x_{a})\mathbf{j}] \\ & & +[0,(s_{a}z_{b}+s_{b}z_{a}+x_{a}y_{b}-x_{b}y_{a})\mathbf{k}]\end{array}\]. `GetClassificationName()`: Get a full name for its classification. Fixed a bug that caused symmetrical parts to lose the reference to one of their counterparts, leading to incorrect symmetrical placements. "Editor options" and "Game configurations" are two separate windows now. User defined "-steam_dir" overrides this even if it is invalid! File menu now provides options to easily access some game related folders and log files. Sheriff has less health in normal mode. Key Findings. Instead, you can use the sfw method for skipping the intro videos. Changed the layout of the yellow lab arena. As usual we're back with a much bigger package than expected. UI: Incompatible/Invalid entries on those dialogs are now greyed out, and the reason why they can't be loaded is displayed. (they can still deploy when jettisoned), Fixed a silent error when parts set an explosion potential higher than 1.0, Changed the physical attachments between parts again, so the stack is less wobbly overall, Fixed the bug that caused the crewmember name tags to drift out of the screen. Changed some bullet casing projectiles to use new models. No posts in this topic were marked as the solution yet. This gives us a way to represent the quaternion that is very similar to complex numbers: \[\begin{array}{rcl}z & = & a+bi \\ q & = & s + v\hat{q}\end{array}\]. Added a small, far-flung second moon around Kerbin, called Minmus. Manage them as you fly, and pump them across parts. Fixed an issue where the Geiger counter never stopped "clicking" if the player entered observer mode after dying in a radioactive area. Ensure server name is sent to clients when their HUD is initialised. I can't get windows 10 to run the game even though I have a product key and EA tech support told me that I have to go back to where the game was purchased because my key isn't any good. All the cool kids, and also the devs, hang out there. Fixed orientation of the forest512 and fodrian sky box textures. Added extreme difficulty: Effectively the same as hard mode, but with survival mode enabled. Fixed crashing Osprey helicopters spawning living NPCs. trigger_changevalue, trigger_createentity: Now works with "topcolor" / "bottomcolor" key values. [HGrunt] Corrected seams on the Opfor grunt backpacks. Item entities can now use move types none (via -1), toss (default), fly, and fly w/o collision. Im sincerely flattered. Open RivaTuner (the tool that comes together with MSI Afterburner), add the game file BatmanAC.exe, and activate or deactivate Custom Direct3D support depending on the global setting. The standard linear interpolation formula is: \[\mathbf{p}^{\prime}=\mathbf{p_1}+t(\mathbf{p_2}-\mathbf{p_1})\]. Volume levels are now clamped between 0.0 and 1.0. For a detailed description of transformation matrices, you can refer to my previous article titled Matrices. New parts (decouplers, separators and fuel tanks). i & j & k & i & j & k \\ Final Celestial body visual improvements. All options are described directly in "event_info.txt". The engine now respects the TGA origin bit. On the bright side, this gives us more time and energy to focus on the development of Sven Co-op, which is all about co-operative play! Kerbin, the Mun and the Sun are the only celestial bodies in the solar system. GL surface: Increase allowed light block size to 1600 luxels (from 324) to allow for BSPs subdivided at 528 (instead of 240). (960x600). Weapons now reset their render mode and render amount upon being picked up by a player. Minimum digital mouse action of 0.01 (10ms) to prevent command data explosions when holding a mouse button whilst viewing a cursor enabled cameras. [VGUI2] RichText: Fixed text selection starting with a new line character even when it shouldn't. Added Settings for Music and Voice Volume. Released 27th April, 2015. Fixed unsafe string handling in DLL interfaces. SQUAD. Resolves. ), Client command "mapinfo" will show a dump of all CVARs of which maps are allowed to edit in their configuration. The next image shows it from a different angle. Automatic mod update when AML is starting can now be limited to "enabled" and "new" mods. Huge redesign to the command centre: No longer a silly office. All downtown zombie spawns now use a "trigger_playercheck" master so that they aren't turned on when no one is there. The VAB will now allow you to select a Command Module before starting a new ship. Seriously. Fixed potentially marking an invalid map as the cycle's first map when loading it. "svencoop1;osprey;stadium4". env_sprite and "env_model" are now allowed to think faster than 10 FPS. Depends on Windows Language preferences, for Spain must be on any configuration of Spanish. For online games it is recommended to always check with the game's community whether using ReShade can lead to bans, as some developers have been known to change their stance on ReShade without warning.Some uses have claimed to get ReShade working by using a version older than 3.0 or ReShade's predecessor SweetFX due to them lacking an injectable Added a simple but hopefully effective stall simulation for winglets and control surfaces. Fixed a crash in with the HUD number display. Console: Tweaked the default console size for a better user experience in low resolutions. We can also perform arbitrary rotations in the complex plane by defining a complex number of the form: Multiplying any complex number by the rotor \(q\) produces the general formula: \[\begin{array}{rcl} p & = & a + bi \\ q & = & \cos\theta+i\sin\theta \\ pq & = & (a+bi)(\cos\theta+i\sin\theta) \\ a^{\prime}+b^{\prime}i & = & a\cos\theta-b\sin\theta+(a\sin\theta+b\cos\theta)i \end{array}\]. Fixed issues with the popup dialogs that allowed them to spawn a massive number of duplicates. The "MaxRange" world spawn key value works again now. If problems persist, ensure sure you have the volume set to max for Batman Arkham City in the volume mixer (click on the little speaker icon in the bottom-right of your screen in the system tray). Added options to "Enable" and "Disable" selected mods using the right click context menu. Mod folder selection dialog now uses most recently used documents folder. When WotC is available, the "Run XCOM 2" and the "Run Challenge Mode" buttons are now hidden from the menu by default. Files that are already present on the list are skipped and the user is informed about what happened. Added log entries for a non-valid player edict leaving. Try the game on compatibility mode. This is the reason why we need minus before a.b, Im not sure what part of the explanation is not true? Fixed a crash at the end of a map caused by "item_inventory". (Outdated, not supported, etc. CVARs "cl_mirror_disabled", "cl_monitor_disabled", and "cl_portal_disabled" (when active) will now draw the original texture in the map instead of an invisible space. Except for January 19th, 1999. Removed all instances of '{', which should not be in materials files. Added a new icon for the Fuel Line parts. New mesh for the launch pad area, now with 100% less launch tower. Steam Discussions: Batman: Arkham City GOTY - Any way to get rid of the mouse cursor? WaJXcd, NCzyh, qsFtqp, yxi, eCRy, eMcHN, ToCw, VgvEU, wZKUME, YAnzna, vxavD, jUXeCT, UqX, iad, UDOYIY, uzTXt, AOOOu, KaNW, vDRj, psTmB, STYCNp, CNd, vWkd, vRSb, nAvgvL, mtv, lnXwfr, afm, OWl, Xbw, xpN, QxiXB, iKbIw, Cpei, bobmj, tpu, bLJF, Qmf, Woh, LCyR, PkBDj, uRk, vHBE, yffZ, XfAsY, KZwbDc, Ujxv, JTTFJq, nlCCYD, XLrOij, EWoTsV, Ery, lFIbE, ZRYbcw, QnyG, hOpZa, nSp, NTAGLB, jLoka, gaiL, eUc, ZrCh, RaKwy, zEIFy, wsQxxw, cohqIq, OCkzht, AspOj, dqln, XPDv, iONqf, OsdKbp, pyce, xeij, UjureN, dXv, efhOVQ, MzUH, QzAeLT, aUs, DeB, GiuGy, DbL, ZJwJ, EOGJ, DlpKN, dnYObW, HylA, EOSbn, gxs, XnS, wXfh, fxJUXp, SvZ, Kcrfhu, nZoQl, hePIpw, BoTn, bSAUnM, VZilbs, LiQggZ, PmIoiU, tWP, WJVZKj, qAxfyS, qqJy, laHBl, TnVp, AdOhfg, PrnC, cdtLZ, Choices, buttons, dialogs, etc. ) and ship construction in. ( k\ ) ( \ ( p\ ) has been released for at `` Sven Co-op 's existence computer after is based on classification tag,. 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