The projects are a joke; a couple hours a piece. Quizzes are always at a difficult level because questions are subjective. I heard from a student from the previous semester that this project takes 30-40 hours to finish, but it only takes me 6 hours as they improved the project a little bit with more precise requirements. The tests were tricky with means of 83%, 80%, and 76%. This is my first class and below is my review: Any computer that can play minesweeper can take this course Class is broken up into 7 projects that total 70% of your grade, two honorlock-proctored exams at 10% of your grade each that cover the first and second half of the course content (aka, not cummulative), and a bunch of open book quizzes that total 10% of your grade. The intention is to help you, but it honestly had the opposite effect for me (and some others as well admittedly.) TAs very unresponsive, project documentation is lacking, oh and they revised the project several business days after releasing it after they emphasized starting projects early. This was my first class in the program. Good course overall - definitely recommended. Im enjoying it. They were quick with grades and responding to questions on Piazza and were very helpful. The lectures are the worst aspect, and the professor is completely uninvolved with the class. The exam results are also instantly available, so thats good. Although they were generally interesting and relevant, the programming is all outdated Python 2.7 and some of the other technologies (Pyretic specifically) are also deprecated. Or to then have them request you copy and paste output from a terminal, only to find out that they watned MORE than they explicicity asked for is bad. They are just a bunch of notes taken from the textbooks. They give out an exam guide with summarized questions which are useful in gauging exam preparedness. Time spent ~45 hours, Sounds obvious, right? Inspect the Project Files. A common occurrence in OMSCS where classes are run by TAs who are also students in the program. But since we use raw packet data, (ie byte stream) it should be easy to convert it into python code at a later stage. This includes internet architecture (layers), forwarding, routing, software-defined networking, security, and video/CDNs. Not the most interesting class but useful. Mininet is based on python 2.7, a version which was released 11 years ago, and completely end-of-lifed I believe either before the semester started, or very nearly so. Also buckle up for the BGP Measurements project its LONG and the requirements as laid out in the project handout .pdf are completely ambiguous. Be wary of the BGP measurements project. I found that this warmup was helpful for at least one project later in the course because it gave me some Mininet exposure, so I would recommend doing it. Released 3/14 Projects were split between writing code, and reading papers and running through experiments. You will need to be familiar with Python and understand algorithms to an extent. I also stopped watching them after the first few. For the summer semester, there were 5 projects and 2 tests. The auto testing only comes in the second week, so I manually tested it and that takes a lot of manual work. Grading is very generous. I believe that Dr. Konte cares about this class and will continue to work on improving it in the future. Never once heard from the actual professor. A less cohesive course might be one like KBAI (before its recent revisions), where the Ravens course project had little to do with lectures and maybe left classmates feeling ill prepared for it; it felt like a separation from the rest of the course. Didnt I just get up? There were sometimes errors in the code base since the TAs were updating to python3 and it was worth it to wait a few days for the working code. Overall, this was a good class. Unlike other courses, the ideas in the lectures are not particularly thought provoking. A few were excellent: This course was my second in OMSCS. TAs and Professor were very responsive. The punctuation, the precise grammar, and just the basic things youd need to understand the materials are simply non-existent. Please find below the detailed distribution of marks -, Internet-Wide Events Extra Credit 3% (Total 1 project), Simulating Networks Quizzes are tricky but did re-in force learning. There is up to 1% total extra credit if you participate in the three optional discussion threads which each involve an extra reading. Instead of making projects more challenging or treating the content at any additional depth, the instructors simply made it more difficult to get an A. It is very time consuming as you endup typing up 60-70 rules in a config file, and yes you may make typos and it took some time to debug. There should be more than one SDN project using Pyretic API/OpenFlow and Mininet as well as lectures and projects on cloud networking concepts. Most arent even videos. I found myself on multiple occasions going to wikipedia to look up topics in order to understand them better. The course quizzes are relatively easy, but sometimes have tricky wording. youre expected to already be familiar with the ins and outs of the OSI model, inner workings of TCP, etc.). Had an extra credit task (3%). Dont underestimate them though, I did get cocky on project 2 and didnt bother running the student test suites, which cost me a big chunk of the grade. T-square sucks. Some of the lectures are good, others are insufficient to explain the material with the level of detail appropriate for a course at this level. The research paper assignments give step by step guidance on replicating the work, and do not feel challenging, especially for a graduate level course. Some Python skills and Linux skills are required. I took it as my second course and did not have to spend too much time on it. Projects were okay. Go through piazza Overall if they simply overhauled the lecture videos I would rate this Strongly Liked. Between every lecture being only about 30-60 mins long and a 800-page textbook that is equally dry, I always choose the latter, as the lecture videos are insanely boring. I feel this isnt nearly enough for a class of this scope. The course was interesting with a number of papers required to read. Exams are not challenging, projects are not challenging (exception to extra credit part of Project 7, where discussions about it were forbidden on Piazza). 79 commits. Read the other reviews carefully about the atrocious state of the quizzes. I also had a bit of experience with Python, but not much at all (I probably couldnt write hello world without looking up the syntax). Last assignment was a little weird and in 2 tasks of it weve been asked to do pretty much the same thing with a minor change which made it feel a little unrefined. That was why OMSCS has been migrating to Canvas and Kaltura for, right? Some weeks I barely did anything, but where there was a test or a particularly challenging project that might creep closer to 10 or 15. Took as my first course and would not recommend as such. Content is good. Overall, CS6250 is a very good introductory course to advanced Computer Networks and to how OMSCS works. Like most of the comments here its incredibly easy. Mechanical engineering major undergraduate 2 years out so no formal CS education. On weeks without assignment deadline, I spent about 8 hours and during difficult projects I spent about 3 to 5 days. I took this as my first course and regretted the decision. You could easily pair this with another class. Next semerster should have a new VM which I hear is better. Reading-papers were the toughest part of this course. PRO: Fairly straightforward course but low quality. I learned a lot, and I really enjoyed the experience. It probably would be a better course if it felt a little more connected between parts and also had better materials in connection with the lectures. Some were interesting, like the Google TCP Fast-Open and the Jellyfish Data Center papers. Though I had studied Networking in my Under Graduation, its been more than 10 years. Also, while the TAs and the professor were pretty helpful during the rest of the course, they simply screwed over every student who didnt procrastinate on the project, wrote a half-assed apology, refused to extend the deadline, and went quiet. Mininet is brittle and very twitchy, so you never know if the issues youre having are your own code, or the infrastructure. Transitioned from Software Test Engineer to more Software Development during this phase of taking this course, full time job. Because I am interested in the subject matter and quite familiar with computer networking, I spent time understanding the material and overall I enjoyed the course. I dont think I learned a lot in this course, although it definitely wasnt completely worthless. Head TA, since removed in Fall 2018 I believe, I found to be a challenging personality. Project 6 was the most time consuming and took me about 15 hours to complete. This ambiguity was in part due to the ambiguous descriptions in the project documentation, but even more so because the project TAs were virtually non-existent. I felt like people were asking too many simple programming questions on Ed - about debugging, using python structures, etc. Quizzes were not open note - at least for Summer. Might be possible to double up in spring/fall terms. Personally, I found the topic to be not super exciting but that is not helped by how the course was conducted both with what the projects entailed. Closed notes. Where are the lessons? Completed 1/16, Project 2: Spanning Tree Protocol I learned a fair bit about how the internet worked, and the introduction to software defined networking was fun to play around in. The asignments are easy but frustrating. If you take the course with the expectation that its easy youll be wasting money if you are withdrawing from it. There were 5 projects and were generally pretty easy. Those were not easy for me, either, but this one was harder. Lectures are very interesting. Some of the TAs were helpful while some were not. For those who use these reviews to pick an easy course, please note that this course changes significantly from semester to semester, using student feedback, so only use recent reviews. Good first class to get your feet wet for the OMSCS program especially if you dont have that strong of a CS background. The course is not extremely challenging, but its not totally easy either. points (exclusive score for diehard licking dogs), =======Course improvement suggestions======= In these projects, weve conducted experiments with the Mininet virtual networking software and written Python implementations of network device functionality. You do learn quite a bit if you put the efforts into it in this course. Its a good summer class or a to pair up with another class. I picked the facebook BGP outage from October and spent time investigating it and analysing the pattern of BGP announcements/withdrawals. All projects are good and doable in few hours - but you have to spend a lot more to make sure that you dont make a typo / small mistake. If you want to spend hours reading Wikipedia articles, trying to understand what the professor is trying to teach, take this course. The projects were well organized and engaging, and at the end of the project, it all made sense! Note that I didnt necessarily agree with every answer that was correct, but I figured out what they were looking for. The class is basically run by the head TA, the prof is missing in action. TAs and other students will share everything openly on Piazza. I feel I got a lot more from this class than the other challenging class I took this spring, considering I am getting the same grades in both classes, 95%! So I see where we stand. BGP Measurements - Caught me off guard, difficult given the environment its in, the first semester for this project so hopefully improvements will be made. Took Computer Networks as my first course in OMSCS and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the content and the general interaction between students and faculty (professor and TAs). The lectures do feel like they need a refresher since the professor who made them is no longer there. Also, suppose you found that courses like Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems worked too much with analogies and metaphors. Some people reported spending as long as 20 hours on some assignments, so this will depend on how comfortable you are writing code. I will update this back when I finish the final project. Also, the assignment is due every two weeks. There is an extra credit component for project 7 that can give you an extra 5%, but it is fairly challenging (though that may depend how advanced you want your solution to be). From what I could tell, the TAs did the best they could, given the professors absence. As long as you are up to date with the lecture material and regularly doing the projects, you should be good. On top of that I was accused of using pen and paper while taking the exam, and penalized, which I did not, and cant be seen on video either, while people using headphones were let by, quite unfair, never happened before on any tests. Its a random smattering of things. Also make sure to read up on Djikstra and Bellman-Ford algorithms as you will be implementing them in the assignments. Interesting material. TAs, other than the lead TA, were mostly absent from Piazzaand on the weekends before assignments were due, instructors were for the most part MIA. Overall, good and pretty easy class. I come across these topics in my currently role frequently, and this course helped me understand the software aspects of the systems I manage. I suggest flashcards when preparing for the tests - there were a lot of terms and acronyms. Spanning Tree (P1) and Distance Vector (P2) - Easy to Medium. I felt like I was being penalized not because of my understanding, but because of some weird artificial limitation. Lectures: 1/10. I found the first half of the semester to be more interesting as the concepts were more tangible. Most of them were fairly easy but a couple did take extra time. You signed in with another tab or window. Tests are not worth much so its really just doing well in the labs and decent enough on exams. I came into the class with zero networking knowledge or Python knowledge and I came out with an A. Dont take it expecting to learn Python. They dont go too deep, but thats mainly because there is a lot of ground to cover. You will enjoy the class and if you are comfortable with python and know basics about networking you will learn new things and it will be an easy class for you. Projects: There were 6 projects over the duration of the course, each one given 2 weeks to complete. I got 70/70 in projects, 9/10 in the weekly class quiz, 7/10, and 9/10 in the exam. The TAs made effort for the first half of the course, but by the end, most Piazza questions about the material went unanswered even the ones asking for guidance on errors in the test prep materials. Projects 2, 4 and 5 provided good opportunity to learn new concepts. The exams were multiple choice and T/F with lots of ambiguity. Some fairly complicated networking topics are not explained with an appropriate level of detail. Difficulty 5/5, Distance Vector Routing The tests are moderatly difficult to hard, so make sure you study. Something about the cadence of his speech made following the lectures harder than it should be, and the way the slides were presented was basically him just free drawing diagrams, which for a complicated diagram made it messy to view and necessitated a couple of rewatches (though I had his lectures usually on 1.5x speed to smooth out the cadence of the speech). No answer. The assignments are horribly designed and not well tested before deployment. Professor rarely dropped by but her absence was never felt thanks to the TAs. For me, this type of question is frustrating because I frequently ended up flipping a coin on half-truths due to ambiguous wording. Liver in every level This clas needed the most time in writing the Python assignments. Overall, it is a good course that covers most concepts of computer networking, especially in TCP/IP, network security. I dont think I learn much from it. We should not have to do that. Background: BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering, work as a Data Engineer and have been working in IT for 5 years. They were a mix of multiple choice and short answer. I also felt the Udacity lectures covered so much so fast. This was my first course in OMSCS, coming from a non-CS undergrad (STEM degree). Thank the Lord I dealt with a few personal issues during the term but was still pulled off an A (barely). Dr Konte is nowhere to be found. Imagine a high school, that has no experience teaching online, is suddenly forced to create content within a week for students because of the pandemic. Since I was only reading the lectures before exams, that left a lot of free time. In attending TA Chat sessions and watching videos regarding the projects, I managed to do quite well on the projects. I almost did not sleep for a week. It was purely code based this semester and the script made it easy to verify results. Extremely disorganized class and an embarassment to this program, as documented above. The other TAs were quick to respond and grade the assignments/tests. We only had 2 tests, but were supposed to have many-next semester I think they will do more. I found this class very enjoyable because it didnt include a lot of busy work - most everything we were asked to do led to learning something valuable. The lectures were very interesting, the projects very fun but got some troubles to understand what I had to do on some of them losing some time, also we got some troubles with the virtual machines. TAs were responsive on Piazza and helpful with projects, Professor was absent from the course - never seen or heard from her. This is not an Advanced Networking course. The lectures where theres just text dont improve much. He probably had 5x or more posts than all the other TAs combined. I went to Udacity to look at the old lectures from time to time to help me understand some concepts. Projects 2 and 3 were more algorithm focused (which I preferred as Im more comfortable with algorithms than networks in general) and the rest were more network simulation focused. This course is a disgrace to the entire program. Id say this class should be an easy A, but its very easy to lose points on the assignments due to the vague broken english the questions are written in, and the autograder which will deduct points for ridiculous things such as having extra whitespace in your text file. Are you able to read API documentation and write 10 lines of Python? I took this as my first class in the OMSCS program. The best projects were the hard ones (which were the last 3) you will definitely spend a lot of time on these if you dont know data structures, python APIs, and reading the 30 page documentation for one of the projects. It was a good first course for OMSCS, and I feel like the positives outweigh the negatives, so I would take it again. This course was really hard for me, and I ended up dropping it, because I already had an F after the 2nd project. The class was fun and built upon basic networking concepts. The assignments are relatively easy, while the tests and extra credit are relatively hard. I was able to pair this with another class while I worked full time. Some topics are covered in much detail while others are not. Only thing that bothered me was that theres a lot of reading involved in the lectures and not enough of video material. Nope. Exams are somewhat rote learning and you either know it or you dont. The course is front-loaded in assignment difficulty with two algorithm-based assignments, but back-loaded with papers (4 for the first and second tests, 8 for the third test). If you have a CS background, expect to spend 5-10 hours on a project. It took about 3-4 days for them to get back. Make sure to do to the readings though, as they are also covered in the tests. Projects are of low to moderate complexity, but interesting ones. We wrote a lot of code to solve problems and read a lot of papers. Interesting topics, but the important points were buried in the article (typical techincal paper). They are pretty straightforward and your biggest risk is overcomplicating the question. I dont know why this is a class. It is more about the course contexts rather than some language gimmicks. Lectures are literally just a wall of text. The structure is slightly unorganized, probably due to the instrutor leaving gatech. Lectures are informative, interesting, and well constructed. You will see some people complain about the material being dry, but I didnt find that to be true at all. Im giving this one a hearty meh. The project SDN Firewall requires you to implement several firewall rules using POX. Probably a good class to pair with a hard class. The tests I had a mixed experience with. For the projects its important to note that the way you submit them to canvas was different for every project. The class lectures are great! For me, I dont think this is as easy as people here mentioned, but I think this is very depend on my background. With 8 projects, 17 papers and 3 exams this course can be a little hectic at times. They were generally short (<30 questions) with the majority of questions as multi-choice, multi-answer type. Adds up! Despite there being hundreds of students enrolled in this course, the TAs have been fairly quick to respond to any inquiries or grievances in Slack and Piazza. This class is not difficult. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I needed to do, once I got started it took around 2-3 hours. The projects 2,3 and to a lesser extent project 7 were the big ones that required 2-3 days (for a total of 10-15 hours) to finish for me (not a professional SWE), and at the time, somewhat new to Python (just did a Codecademy course on Python). I hope they update the documentation a little to clarify a few simple yet crucial items required for the project that SHOULD be clarified. The professor did a great job of diluting the books into small chunks that we could grasp within a few minutes. In my opinion, the projects did a fine job of testing us on information we covered in the lessons and demanded we put forth an actual effort. If not, youll have a bit of a learning curve and using the VM means your performance is going to be annoyingly slow. The security aspect of this course is very interesting. You have up to 10 tries which helps (although you dont know which questions you got right/wrong). THAT IS IT. But, this was more because of my limited knowledge going into the course about networking. Allocating a day right before the project is due is generally sufficient. Professor Konte and all TAs were really helpful throughout the course! The test questions are all from the course content which is great. There isnt much coding involved but I consider this project to be time consuming due to following reasons: Instructions are too short and poorly worded, starting from part3 you need to either look up the detailed explanations on explicit RTBH events posted on Ed or attend office hours to figure out what exactly are they asking you to do. I felt like the majority of the learning and how-to do stuff came from using Google. Otherwise, the focus lies on how these protocols have evolved into making the network more efficient, ranging from looking at the Border Gateway Protocol to software-defined networks. definitely used to guide exam questions. This was by far the hardest project of the semester, many people put in massive hours due to new clarifications, thankfully I didnt have that issue but still put in probably 30-40 hours total. For most of the topics, you will have to spend quite some time doing research on your own, which is still manageable. She deserves a lot of credit and her notes will make great references in the future. Also on the negative side, the quizes were poorly written, not particularly challenging and often contained errors. I do not understand how some students flew through the weekly lectures, as I found them to be fairly dense. I had some panic moments due to a lack of auto grader though. Project 2 and 3 which were in Python took the longest but I enjoyed the most. This was my first semester in the program. 10 line changes, could do it in a day. To be honest, I felt like they were too easy (though I did learn something from most of them). 1) The content is poorly organized. students started duplicating questions and the instructors quickly became overwhelmed. Grading-wise, there were 8 projects and 3 tests. The simulation was done in c++ because we encountered some errors while working with python and DPI. I was very neutral to disappointed on the (3) exams. This is probably the worst project I have ever experienced in OMSCS. There are 6 compulsory and 1 optional assignment total course score is 103 % and A grade for 90%. Kudos to Kelly Parks (head TA) and other TAs with her. The course now requires you to watch the lectures to do well on the quizzes. Personally, I would have also liked some more practical problems as part of the class content, like using Wireshark to sniff packets, writing our own protocols, etc. Yes you can finish up all projects without watching the videos at all. It was difficult to navigate the course assignments & quizzes. My background and Takeaway: This is my first OMSCS course. With much discipline and the help of the super understanding instructor and TAs, I pulled through. It was definitely satisfying to learn more about how the internet works and get more familiar with HTTP status codes and things I had seen in passing. I have a BS in a (non-CS) STEM field and am not currently working in a capacity of or related to a SWE. Id say this class is relatively tractable in the sense that if you can put in the time to memorize all the papers you read, and put in enough time on the individual projects, you have a very good chance of earning an A. All the material you need for the assignments and exams is covered in the class. Lecture videos are appropriate, but assignments are only very loosely related, and are very easy. A thorough understanding of lectures and reading material was sufficient and needed to score full on the tests. I am mostly satisfied, though, because these issues have not gotten in the way of my learning, and I have a pretty decent understanding of Python so the assignments are not that challenging. Good summer class. Theres an optional textbook which I found really helpful in supplementing my overall understanding. Whether you are brand new to or a long-time user this session will get you up to speed on putting the latest features by the PowerShell team into action to solve the challenges you face today in operations. It is definitely worth it if you are rusty in networking or have never taken an undergrad version of the course before. The course was going really well up until that point and the final project just sank it. There are some grammatical errors in the Canvas modules, sure. There are quizzes after each class (12 classes, 10 quizzes) and two exams(mid and final, not cumulative). You need to spend time on the projects as they are not straightforward. First few projects are the most difficult and the rest is much easier. There was no leadership from the TAs; not something entirely expected but it really hurt the course. TAs held lots of office hours so that helped. 3rd course in OMSCS. Very easy class. In retrospect, if I put in slightly more effort (flash cards, full re-read of my notes), I know I wouldve scored at least 95%. 0 hours Course staff was helpful and prompt; they did a great job answering questions promptly on Piazza, and I found office hours to be vital, especially for the projects. Please start working on this project very early as you might have a lot of clarifications to be made on the requirements. Its easy but not organized well. Honestly, I dont think that this was worth the money. In short, take the class if you need an easy ride while still learning a good bit. TAs: 10/10. Only good thing is that the professor cares and tries her best when it is needed but overall dont look like the CN team dont care. This is by far the worst OMSCS course Ive taken so far and the only one I regret taking after 9 courses. I dont mind the open ended nature, but was frustrated with the lack of simple clarifications that should be specified in the documentation. However, the lectures are so unengaging and the material so dry that it becomes hard to keep up with it. Overall, great intro course to how networks work in general, and its a good jumping off point to dive into topics more deeply on my own. The rest are relatively easy. This is hardly accurate. The course became so ridiculous with the TA drama that the professor stepped in (who hadnt been seen in months) and showered us with extra credit assignments, which I didnt mind. The second I thought deviated quite a bit from the homeworks. The head TA at the time was exceptionally helpful when it came to getting personalized attention. Not having programmed for a while or unfamiliarity with Python could easily take your overall grade under 90%. The quizzes are easy. I feel compelled to say that while there were issues with this project, it wasnt the end of the world that some people made it out to be, and it was still manageable. Projects and environment were well prepared and presented. Regret taking this class and didnt learn anything. Even if you dont know Python, youll probably be fine (you dont really need to know anything fancy for the projects). One does not need to take 10 classes on par with the difficulty of ML/RL/DL, GA, Compilers, etc. Interesting course content - you walk away with a much finer sense of how the internet actually works, all the protocols and complexities involves. This is the most disorganized course I have taken in the OMSCS program. Make sure to test using the zip files provided on Piazza. I chose this class since I needed to bring my GPA up. Obscure! lectures, instead using the content transcript provided to make notes. There are no hands, no pointer, no arrows so is very easy to get lost in what she is referring to.

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