International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Prior studies have shown how knowledge diffusion occurs in classrooms and structured small groups around assigned tasks yet have not begun to account for widespread knowledge sharing in more native, unstructured group settings found in online games and virtual worlds. Through connective ethnography, the forces of influence and flow form a progression which moves from the complete separation of off-line and on-line realms toward a complete meshing (i.e., one ness) of the on/off-line realm. In order to extend my assessment of the list as a reflection of disciplinary concerns, I deployed the list itself, posting a message asking for assistance in finding out what the list meant to its users. The report provided an opportunity to stress progress in the favored direction, portraying existing initiatives as appropriate and carefully designed, rather than over-cautious or lacking in vision. At the same time, grounded theory has gained favor both within Sociology and in other areas, such as Nursing and . Education Human-Computer Interaction. View 3 excerpts, references background and results, In Play Between Worlds, T. L. Taylor examines multiplayer gaming life as it is lived on the borders, in the gaps -- as players slip in and out of complex social networks that cross online and offline, View 2 excerpts, references methods and background, Abstract: While research on group learning has focused almost exclusively on interactions among individuals within groups, there has been little research on phenomena occurring between groups of. The ethnographic approach described above was highly specific to the cultural context in question. As signatories to the convention, nation states are the site of formal reporting and assessment under the convention. Int. In this sense, the ethnography habitually moved between online and offline. Interviewees confirmed the report as an expression of a policy climate of which they were aware and which they had to some extent helped to shape, and which in turn informed their assessment of desirable actions to take. This focus tends to separate the spatial characteristics of these, AcknowledgmentsIntroduction: Anthropology on the Move3Pt. eBook ISBN 9781315621814 ABSTRACT In many ways, the new media encounter is a challenge to rethink the study of young people's texts. Again, moving from online to offline and back was a habitual, routine practice rather than a consciously adopted ethnographic strategy. Employing connective ethnography to trace the movements in learning and teaching this practice, we coordinated data records from videos, tracking data, field notes, and interviews. A Connective Ethnography of Adolescent Communication Practices Across Online and Offline Contexts. Methods Map. Gender stratification and e-science: Can the Internet circumvent patrifocality? Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2015 . Everyday practices need to be understood as made possible by and also appropriated and made meaningful by an institutional environment. TouchGraph Google browser representation of a related sites network centered on the Natural History Museum, London. The Taxacom list began as a bulletin board in 1987, and while originally it was a list for discussion of issues related to computing in systematics, over the years it became a more general purpose forum hosting announcements and job advertisements, appeals for materials and for advice, and discussions on hot topics in the discipline. Despite being hosted on the museums website, as a flagship project for the museum, the LepIndex project appeared in a quite different Web landscape. I was also able to use the list archive to pinpoint the early acceptance of images as a way of identifying unknown specimens at a distance. of Design, my group of 15 directs was responsible for the industrial design and controls interaction (UX/ ID) of all products in the Cooking, Refrigeration, Laundry . Building on this openness to multi-sited science, and to structures of meaning-making which do not conform to laboratory boundaries, science studies would appear to be well placed to pursue ethnographic understandings of e-science. The Connective Ethnography of E?Science. This essay concludes with a reflection on the multiple relationships between games and education, highlighting the potential for such technologies to transform not only the means of education but also perhaps the goals. Laboratory ethnographies have offered an iconic exemplar for science studies in their close attention to scientific practice as a site of social action, but they far from monopolize the theoretically-interesting ways to define the field. Oct. 26, 2022. The routine movement between online and offline that my practice of recruiting interviewees entailed also gave me an experiential understanding of online communication as an embedded part of everyday life within systematics. This situation is highly specific to systematics, but has a broader methodological significance. Esta tesis llamada "Etnografa conectada de una prctica de intercambio de archivos: El caso blgaro", tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprensin acerca de las actividades de intercambio de archivos, teniendo en cuenta el contexto local de un pas especfico Recent efforts by, Much has been made of the spacetransforming and spacedefying characteristics of information and communications technologies. Some connections that I followed were literally hyperlinks, where one website enabled me to move straight to another in a strategy similar to the snowballing that happens when one interviewee suggests another. Nonetheless, a report of this kind does provide some kind of map of the territory and the concerns that populate it. Becoming aware that the list was viewed as a public forum, and that postings were viewed as consequential for reputation, I asked permission to use materials that I wished to quote, particularly where this involved archival materials and I might be inappropriately resurrecting pasts that those involved would prefer to forget. Breadcrumbs Section. E-science comprises diverse sites, connected in complex and heterogeneous ways. These institutions could, however, be observed quite readily on the web as individual sites which tended to figure prominently in search engine results. The ethnography visited a diverse array of online and offline sites. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2022 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. To select the papers for the review, we first examined prior meta-review papers that identified new ethnographic methods appropriate for digital contexts (e.g., network ethnography, trace ethnography, rapid ethnography, connective ethnography, focused ethnography, etc. This form of ethnography moves between online and offline as users of computer-mediated communication do (Leander & McKim, 2003), looking at the construction of boundaries and the ways in which different forms of communication are used to contextualize one another. In the concept of connective ethnography presented in this article, the sensitivity to 'the making of con. The TouchGraph Google browser takes a seed URL and finds the top 30 related sites, then finds the top 30 related sites for each of those, and presents a visual representation of the resulting network of related sites. To trace youth participation in online and offline social . The conclusion then examines the extent to which these strategies transform the ethnographic project, and discusses their applicability to other domains both within e-science and beyond. The idea that the list was the discipline, albeit a warped version of it, also informed decisions of list members about active participation. The ethnography combined observation and interviews within systematics institutions with mailing list participation, exploration of web landscapes, and analysis of expectations around information and communications technologies as portrayed in policy documents. Connective pedagogy and problem-based pedagogy created the teaching philosophy, which guided us in planning the multisensory ethnography course with the third sector partner. This article explores the notion of connective ethnography as a modern form of ethnography that includes both the sense of a local physical context as well as the increasing connections between information resources in the form of people, systems and texts. This form of ethnography is simultaneously old and new, being grounded in a tradition of emergence and adaptation. This investigation was oriented towards an issue with particular significance for the systematics community: geographic inequalities. Upon this basis contemporary studies range more widely (Heath, 1998; Heath, Koch, Ley, & Montoya, 1999; Hess, 2001; Martin, 1994, 1998), inspired in part by the renewed focus within anthropology on ethnography as a multi-sited endeavor and a means to explore global connections suffusing local sites (Amit, 2000; Burawoy, 2000; Gupta & Ferguson, 1997; Marcus, 1995, 1998). Prezi survey reveals larger video meetings are the most productive; Oct. 24, 2022. Alongside new technologies has come a host of emergent, This article argues for a revised importance of distance, besides the much emphasized closeness, in the debate on and use of ethnographic methods in online environments. 'Piling on layers of understanding': the use of connective ethnography for the study of (online) work practices - Vanessa Dirksen, Ard Huizing, Bas Smit, 2010 The methodological approach of virtual ethnography has been broadened and reformulated through new proposals such as digital ethnography, ethnography on/of/through the Internet, connective ethnography, networked ethnography, cyberethnography, etc. Access full book title Asian American Connective Action In The Age Of Social Media by James S. Lai, the book also available in format PDF, . The precise algorithm is not public, but it is generally understood that related sites in Google are those that not only share keywords, but are also co-linked by third party sites. The researcher observes events and talks to participants, either in a more formal way like a scheduled interview,. While ethnography is well established as a way of exploring the detail of the knowledge production process, some strategic adaptations are prompted by this spatial complexity of e-science. I will focus instead on three aspects that have a particular methodological significance in illustrating connective ethnographic strategies to pursue e-science. A connective ethnography of peer knowledge sharing and diffusion in a tween virtual world International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning . The point is made in the executive summary of the report: We highlight the importance of digitising the systematic biology collections, which will both increase accessibility of these data and help to update the archaic image of systematic biology. Systematists use the specimens within these collections as a resource for undertaking work on classification, and virtual resources are increasingly being developed in conjunction with specimen collections in order to give wider access to information about specimens. Ethnography Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott1 Introduction Several cross-currents flow today within ethnographic practices. The list organizer supplied me with the membership list broken down by country of origin. Their assessment of appropriate courses of action was suffused by disquiet about the reputation of the discipline and concerns to sustain its fundability. In the approach proposed here different sites emerge as important and inform one another in various ways, and while sometimes the online/offline distinction will be apparent, in other cases it will seamlessly be crossed. This suggests that individual initiatives may have a visibility quite different from that of their host institutions, and that outsiders may orient to the initiative rather than the institution that houses it. In doing so, it is possible to find out more about the characteristics of the phenomenon and the motivations of those who are . romania traditional dance. Landscaping climate change: A mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the World Wide Web, Link Analysis: An Information Science Approach, The mysterious morphology of immiscible liquids: A study of scientific practice, 2007 International Communication Association, Information processing on smartphones in public versus private, Disconnectivity synced with identity cultivation: adolescent narratives of digital disconnection, Come on fer, just load! Powerlessness, waiting, and life without broadband, Valuing digital possessions: the role of affordances, Confronting whiteness through virtual humans: a review of 20 years of research in prejudice and racial bias using virtual environments, About Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, About International Communication Association, Conclusion: e-Science and Ethnographic Evolution,, Palackal, Anderson, Miller, & Shrum, 2006,, Beccaloni, Scoble, Robinson, Downton, & Lucas, 2003,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Information and Communication Technologies, Copyright 2022 International Communication Association. August 21, 2017. An overview of following papers in the special issue that cover players avatar designs, representation of race, cheating practices, learning how to throw virtual mudballs, and participation in virtual epidemic are overviewed. Nonetheless, the overall approach of exploring the ways in which diverse forms of activity are connected to and mutually inform one another could be a fruitful one to generalize to other situations. In exploring the institutional landscape of contemporary systematics, it became clear that there was an over-riding commitment to digitization as something the community had to engage in. 2008 . This paper discusses the complexities of investigating the experiences of participants in hybrid (online/offline) learning communities through educational ethnography. example of ethnography of communication; maybank mobile banking; windy city ninja camp; Select Page. The next section illustrates this point by looking at a different kind of online/offline connection and highlighting again the ethnographic purchase offered by moving between the two. E-science offers the opportunity to build on existing understanding of the significance of communicative structures for the practice of science (Latour & Woolgar, 1986), appreciation of the multi-dimensional practices which solidify new communication regimes (Hilgartner, 1995; Hilgartner & Brandt Rauf, 1994), and awareness of the importance of examining classificatory schemes as they become embedded in new infrastructures (Bowker, 2000). Korgen (Ed.) The study described here focuses on the discipline of systematics, the branch of biology concerned with the classification and naming of organisms and the exploration of relationships between them. Exploring the landscape of the Web can be organized in many ways. However, the systematics institutions play a key role in informing their governments responses to the convention and accepting responsibility for meeting its requirements. Within the United Kingdom, the capacity to meet requirements under the Convention on Biological Diversity was examined by a House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology report published in 2002. Building on this ethnographic understanding of Google, I found a particular visualization tool to be a useful component of the strategy for exploring the web landscape in this study. Tracing insider knowledge across time and spaces: a connective ethnography in a teen online game world Click here to navigate to parent product. This web-based service is a Java applet that piggybacks on the related facility in Google. The ethical commitment thus began as a duty and turned into an interesting and useful engagement. My approach to the ethics of quoting material from the list throughout my research was informed by this understanding of what the list meant. Throughout the responses, there was a sense of participation in the list as consequential for the discipline and for the reputation of members within the discipline, which was shared among many lurkers and active contributors. pp. In an era when anthropologists are, In this follow-up to the highly successful "Ethnography Unbound", Michael Burawoy and nine colleagues break the bounds of conventional sociology, to explore the mutual shaping of local struggles and, This essay explores how the distinctively anthropological concept of culture provides uniquely valuable insights into the workings of science in its cultural context. Commentaries on the e-science phenomenon have effects both on what people find it meaningful to do with information and communication technologies, and on what is in turn done with those activities. The research design, in effect, emerged in the process of the ethnography, and to a large extent was its product rather than its precursor. The article examines the challenges university teachers face when adopting connective pedagogy in organizing teaching. We found that club members took advantage of the different spaces, people, and times available to them across Whyville, the club, and even home and classroom . exceeding the formal boundaries of the core organisation. 1999 - 20012 years. Multidisciplinary. E-science has been a site of intense policy interest and funding intervention, and it proves important to explore the particular ways in which these concerns shape e-science as a cultural artifact (Hine, 2000) with specific connotations for those involved. Esta tesis llamada "Etnografia conectada de una practica de intercambio de archivos: El caso bulgaro", tiene como objetivo proporcionar una comprension acerca de las actividades de intercambio de archivos, teniendo en cuenta el contexto local de un pais especifico. eBook ISBN 9781003085348 ABSTRACT This chapter describes a connective and multi-faceted ethnographic strategy developed to explore a phenomenon that was enacted in diverse sites connected in multiple and complex ways. These included recognition that various vocal participants had particular issues that they championed, and that these positions were therefore over-represented. Connective ethnography has been used primarily to create detailed tracings of people and their traveling practices, often using small numbers of participants (Lam, 2000;Leander & Lovvorn, 2006). The Sociology of Consumption. In this formulation, virtual ethnography (Hine, 2000) takes an interest in varied forms of computer-mediated communication as providing for cultural activities amenable to ethnographic exploration in their own right. The framework is used to describe and analyze the special features of how people communicate in different cultural settings. Click here to navigate to parent product. E-science comprises diverse sites, connected in complex and heterogeneous ways. While systematics institutions publicly aligned themselves with the move towards digital solutions, they used the platform of the report to reject this radical solution and promote existing initiatives. While massive online communities have drawn the attention of researchers and educators on their potential to support active collaborative work, knowledge sharing, and user-generated content, few, This study explores learning and instruction within a technology-rich, collaborative, participatory learning environment by tracking the emergence of shared understanding and products through student, Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, Background Existing research suggests that one of the challenges for teachers in persisting with innovative inquiry curricula is their difficulty scaffolding students transitions into. Search for other works by this author on: Constructing the Field: Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Contemporary World, From the analogue divide to the hybrid divide: The Internet does not ensure equality of access to information in science, New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production: Understanding e-Science, Mediating ethnography: Objectivity and the making of ethnographies of the Internet, Sociable hyperlinks: An ethnographic approach to connectivity, Virtual Methods: Issues in Social Research on the Internet, Textured connectivity: An ethnographic approach to understanding the timescape of hyperlinks, Computerising unit-level data in natural history card archives, ENHSIN: The European Natural History Specimen Information Network, The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine, Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections and Imaginations in a Postmodern World, Gravitys Shadow: The Search for Gravitational Waves, The seven sexes: A study in the sociology of a phenomenon, or the replication of experiments in physics, Changing Order: Replication and Induction in Scientific Practice, Romance on a Global Stage: Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnography and Mail Order Marriages, Towards Institutional Infrastructures for e-Science: The Scope of the Challenge, Impure Science: AIDS, Activism and the Politics of Science, Image and Logic: Material Culture of Microphysics, Towards taxonomys glorious revolution., Scales of place and networksAn ethnography of the imperative to connect through information and communications technologies, Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science, Locating genetic knowledge: Picturing Marfan syndrome and its traveling constituencies, Nodes and queriesLinking locations in networked fields of inquiry, Making a place for science: The field trial, Ethnography and the development of science and technology studies, The UK e-Science core programme and the Grid, Biomolecular databases: New communication regimes for biology, Data access, ownership, and controlToward empirical studies of access practices, Embedded media: Who we know, what we know, and society online, Epilogue: Methodological concerns and innovations in Internet research, The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science, Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge, Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, Tracing the everyday sitings of adolescents on the Internet: A strategic adaptation of ethnography across online and offline spaces, Art and Artifact in Laboratory Science: A Study of Shop Work and Shop Talk in a Research Laboratory, Ethnography in/of the world system: The emergence of multi-sited ethnography, Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture from the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS, Anthropology and the cultural study of science, The sounds of science: Listening to laboratory practice, From online to offline and back: Moving from online to offline research relationships with informants. Systematics has been distinctive in its development of distributed databases that are openly accessible on the Internet. It is debatable whether the methodological approaches described here are particularly novel in themselves, beyond a willingness to be agile in the face of the challenges of new phenomena. Shifting the frame can help to bring into focus new connections to explore, and highlight issues that might otherwise be taken for granted. She is the author of Virtual Ethnography (Sage, 2000) and editor of Virtual Methods (Berg, 2005) and New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production (Idea Group, 2006). other and members of the virtual world at large. Employing connective ethnography to trace the movements in learning and teaching this practice, we coordinated data records from videos, tracking data, field notes, and interviews.

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