Rest in Peace, Bart Allen. Bart revealed himself as the Flash in order to fight the Rogues. [11], Bart during the battle with the Legion of Zoom, Impulse later helped the other speedsters fight the Legion of Zoom, which included alternate versions of his dad and aunt to whom he managed to talk some sense into before they disappeared from the timeline. His father, Don, is one of the Tornado Twins and his paternal grandfather is Barry Allen, the second Flash. There was a brief period when he became The Flash after Infinite Crisis, but he was killed by the Rogues during Full Throttle. Zoom revealed that he wanted Inertia to become the new Kid Flash. A future where Arrowette, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, and Robin are dead. The gun sent Impulse to another dimension, where his physical form began to disintegrate. Inertia was put on display in a new area of the Flash Museum, dedicated to Bart's life. [14], During the Infinite Crisis, Superboy-Prime attacked Conner Kent (Superboy) and injured or killed several Teen Titans, thus prompting Bart to stop his rampage. He can be reached by email at and on Twitter at @cnraymond91. Luckily for the young speedster, Barry Allen, Johnny Quick, and Max Mercury, all of whom had been previously absorbed into the Speed Force, appeared and aided him.[15]. It is revealed that Bart has a lot of knowledge that he picked up while in the 31st century and is desperately attempting to jot it all down before it fleets his memory for good. Over time, Bart and Jaime became good friends, keeping him in the dark about his future. Young Justice memberThis character is or was a member of Young Justice, a team of younger super-heroes and side-kicks who fight crime together separately from their adult counterparts, in any of its various incarnations. Following Blackest Night and his return to the 21st century, Bart has permanently re-taken the mantle of Kid Flash. Realizing that their mutual connection to the Speed Force can save Bart, Barry used his powers to break the ring's connection, freeing his grandson. $16.99. However he is really a spy working on the behalf of Titans East, a resistance group led by the future Cyborg. After this, Bart realized that said person couldn't be Barry and attacked him, he later met two new speedsters and reunited with his grandma Iris as well as with Jay Garrick. Max moved Bart to Manchester, Alabama, where he taught Bart about the Speed Force and how to use his powers in a responsible way. He then realises he was given this power so he could become the first White Flash. Character Phone: 541-846-0550 Email: [email protected] Address: 11341 Williams Hwy, Grants Pass, OR 97527 Hours: M-F: 9-5pm Sat. During their mission, Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) tortured Bart by forcing him to run on a treadmill without stopping. In 2056, he wore a gray shirt with a green jacket over it, black gloves, blue pants, and black shoes. Kid Flash first appeared in (as Impulse): Flash Vol. This prompted Bar to turn himself in. Brainiac sought to study Bart because he was a time anomaly, but Bart managed to escape and ran into the Speed Force to try to get back home. Harley explains that Bart Allen mysteriously disappeared years earlier, and that "it was the Bermuda Triangle of superheroes." However, they knew that not even the fastest men alive could get there before the insane Boy of Steel. Carol began studying the Speed Force to use it for the benefit of humanity. Bart escaped from the cave and found his way to Central City. Because Bart spent most of his childhood in the VR (virtual reality) Bart had no concept of danger and would often act on impulse (before thinking), this ended up with Batman (Bruce Wayne) giving him the nick name, Impulse. Bart was shown to not be from the 31st century as he was in the comics but instead from 40 years in the future, while Iris was pregnant with both Dawn and Don before Barry's "death". He was trapped in the Speed Force and forgotten by all until the Force Barrier was broken by Barry and Wally West, which finally allowed him to escape.[3]. 12 comments sorted by . Then they started out stron for the new series as part of One Year Later. [1] Barry Allen is a reinvention of the original Flash, Jay Garrick . Bart Allen appears in the television series Smallville. Well, to be honest it sells most comics these days. It was Don Allen, son of Barry, who was Bart's father. Being a speed force conduit conveys some core powers as demonstrated by, 568 Appearances of Bart Allen (New Earth), 267 Images featuring Bart Allen (New Earth), 112 Quotations by or about Bart Allen (New Earth), Character Gallery: Bart Allen (New Earth), Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century, Bart can move so fast that he can operate in. As depicted in a Legion of Super-Heroes story, Barry Allen's childrenthe Tornado Twinswere arrested in A.D. 2995 by the government of Earth, which had fallen under the covert control of the Dominators. See Allen Family for extended family line. . However, Bart realized that he did not have a chance with her either and ended up knocking Ray out and leaving him, not knowing that hitmen were on their way. Bart allows himself to be recaptured by Brainiac and is placed into a stasis pod, destroying Brainiac's security program from the inside. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Young Justice members" category. Bart has no recollection of his past, but he took up the name of Kid Flash and started helping people. Sunshine Unfortunately it seems that death, or at least some sort of disapearance that can seem like death, sells this comic book. KFC: Crisis of Infinite Colonels #1(July, 2016). He later assembled an army of reactionaries and began a full-scale rebellion against the Functionary which lasted many years, until members of his rebellion seriously injured an older Shira, who grew up on the side of the Functionary. [13] When Robin reminded him that by becoming Kid Flash, he would be forced to live in the Flash's shadow, Bart said firmly, "No, he'll be living in mine. [33] After a lengthy battle, Bart deals the finishing blow to the villain by running around him fast enough to open a vacuum which sucks him into the Earth's inner core. Bart and XS make mention that they feel a new strength emanating from the Speed Force, suggesting they can feel Barry Allen's return, although Bart believes it to be Max Mercury instead. The feat took its toll on Garrick, who reached his limit before entering the Speed Force, and West, who turned into energy and vanished, leaving Bart alone in the fight against a vastly more powerful Superboy-Prime. When he came back, did he ever see Val again. But these four did the most with the title for the longest time. During Flash Rebirth Barry Allen returned. Bart began the ninth grade at Manchester Junior High. In 2042, Death Row-bound Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanaugh . Bart leaves and tells Clark he is going to search the world for others like Clark and himself. Imprisoned for his future crimes, he remains stuck in the future. Bart is sentenced to life on the prison planet Takron-Galtos. He bests Bart with ease and is about to stab him with his staff, when Max Mercury suddenly returns from the Speed Force. [2] In addition to the Teen Titans and Young Justice, Bart was a core character in 10 issues of Justice League of America under the mantle of the Flash. Such a visually powerful scene with the panels fading into the background. This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of The Flash, and a member of the Flash Family of speedsters. Impulse Koko He later helped the heroes against the army of escaped super villains in the Battle of Metropolis. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Monkey While recovering, Bart read every single book in the San Francisco Public Library and reinvented himself as the new Kid Flash. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. His resurrection is brought about by the activation of the "living lightning rod" first seen in The Lightning Saga. [19], Following the supposed death of the Justice League, Bart and the original members of Young Justice reunited at their memorial. Not long after defeating the Griffin, the latest Flash moved to Los Angeles to start a new chapter in his life. 2) #91 in 1994 before his full debut in issue #92. [49] Virgil Hawkins, a brilliant intern from S.T.A.R. During their fight, Professor Zoom criticizes Bart for being a pollutant in the Thawne line due to being a descendant of both an Allen and a Thawne. Bart Allen made his first comic book appearance in the pages of The Flash #92. Bart would later go on to take the prolific mantle of the Flash in Infinite Crisis #5. With Bart, Clark found that it was nice to have a friend with powers similar to his. It is later revealed in a meeting between Bart and the Flash that his powers have nothing to do with the Speed Force in any way, nor is he the grandson of Barry Allen. on 12/07/20 While at first he refused to don the costume, he finally gave in and became the fourth Flash. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Flash Family members" category. -- Call no. --Barry was able to outrun the Black Racer, who is faster then Darkseid. And one day when Barry chooses to spend time on the murder of the Elongated Kid instead of going to a family picnic, Bart takes offense and goes to the Crime Lab to confront him. Bart, Flash and Kid Flash are able to stop the MFD, but Kid Flash does not survive. "Jailbreak On Venus"* (Gale Allen) / art: Saul Rosen. He wishes that Wally was still the primary Flash and he would still be his sidekick. Bart returned as a teenager again and he received his Kid Flash costume ring from Brainiac 5. Bart tries to convince XS to return to the past with him, but she instead decides to stay in the future, getting to know their new Earth. Bart regained control of his body with no idea what had happened, and assumed G.B. Bart later arrived at Coast City with Wally and scattered members of the Justice League and Teen Titans to take a stand against Nekron, who was responsible for the Black Lanterns. At that time, Clark wasnt expecting to meet someone whose powers had nothing to do with Kryptonite or the meteor shower, especially since most of Smallvilles super-powered characters were connected with Clark in one way or another. [3] This timeline was wiped out by the events of Zero Hour: Crisis in Time miniseries. The machine was successful in removing his powers, but in doing so, it threatened to detonate with the energy of several atomic bombs. Bart finds out he is in the year 3011, one thousand years after Flashpoint, and that Brainiac had taken over Earth five centuries ago and placed everybody in pods where they experience virtual reality. Bart Allen was born in the 30th century to Don Allen, son of Barry Allen. Bart would continue his training with Jay and Wally and prove himself as an excellent hero. [22], In The Flash: Rebirth storyline, Bart quickly discovers that things had changed significantly since he had been away. According to a Daily Planet news report, Don Allen is survived by his wife Carmen Johnson (whose real name was Meloni Thawne), his mother Iris West Allen, and his two-year-old son: Barry Allen II. Bart is shocked and overjoyed by his mentor's return. Barry chases after but Bart gets attacked by Hot Pursuit. During this time, Bart served a brief stint with the New Titans before becoming one of the founding members of Young Justice. Imp [28] Bart, along with Wally, races across the globe to warn every hero of the Black Lantern Corps' invasion. Young Justice memberThis character is or was a member of Young Justice, a team of younger super-heroes and side-kicks who fight crime together separately from their adult counterparts, in any of its various incarnations. He is seen later in the episode "Justice" working with Green Arrow, this time wearing a proper costume. abdullah5122 Bart can create vortexes by running and moving his limbs in a circular motion at high speeds. Despite being resurrected, Bart's previous status as a deceased still allows one of the undead lord's black rings to transform him into a Black Lantern. Bart and Conner then commented that it was time for them to come out of "retirement" and rejoin the Teen Titans. Bart gives chase and when he catches up he sees Hot Pursuit reveal his identity to be Barry Allen from a parallel Earth, who came to Barry's earth chasing a time anomaly. After Infinite Crisis, Bart's connection to the Speed Force is more difficult to control because he now contains the Speed Force and, in essence, is the Speed Force. [55] A feared reactionary from a dystopian alien world Altros Prime in the far future, Bar Torr was the son of a religious couple who were murdered by the Purifiers, agents of the oppressive regime of the Functionary. After taking Superboy-Prime into the Speed Force, Barry told Bart that "Wally is waiting for you." During his trial, Kid Flash admits being guilty and the rest of his future resistance come and attack. They break into Brainiac's skull ship and fight off Brainiac but in the ensuing battle Brainiac impales Patty but in her last act she releases the power contained in the speed force power cell. [9] After the rest of the team united, they were all confronted by Lord Opal.

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